preference #4 when he (low key-not really- high key) gets jealous

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Natsuki- MOST likely Natsuki would probably tell his partner of all the cute things around them to get their attention directed back toward him. He's probably never dealt with jealousy as much so this would be a rather new feeling. However, Natsuki is also more of the "control your emotions" type so he'd try to settle the thing with cuteness and peace.

Tokiya- Tokiya will become very touchy all of a sudden. The cool headed idol would usually keep the PDA to a minimum but if he really sees another man (or woman) as a threat, he wouldn't mind placing his arm tightly around your waist/shoulders or kissing your cheek to show the other person that you're already taken.

Cecil- Cecil will make it known that your his princess. Hell, he'd probably show you off to the whole world if he was given the chance. Jealousy? Definitely. This prince is terrified of losing you everywhere you two go. You look at that guy across the street? He'll immediately get insecure and try to show off to you. He's like a big baby but he loves you nonetheless.

Ren- Ren and jealousy? Pffft. What could another guy have what he doesn't? Money? Got tons. Looks? Better than 99% of all the people out there. Talent? Please, he's an idol for crying out loud. Ren usually doesn't get jealous, however if he DOES see someone as a threat, he has no problem with public make out sessions and or flirting with you nonstop which... Both of those things leave you a blushing mess and the other guy completely forgotten.

Ittoki- Otoya doesn't know how to handle jealousy much. He immediately feels like the other guy has something that he doesn't and he'll be glooming about it all day; he really is a lost puppy. He will walk up to you, take your hand, and talk to you about it because he wants to know how he can be better and make you forget that guy, which results in little kisses here and there because the redhead can be so insecure and its adorable.

Syo-  syo is the master of jealousy lololololol. He's VERY possessive over his partner and does not mess around with them. If he sees anyone as his "opponent", better be prepared for some PDA and sassy remarks because this chibi will not let anyone touch His woman under any circumstances.

Masato- masato believes that relationships are all about trust. He would trust his partner completely and never question anything they do. However, if he  does feel that another man (or woman) is getting too close, he'll sit down with his partner and talk about it in a calmly manner. Try not to betray his trust.


Reiji- Reiji, much like Cecil, will show his girl off to the world. He'll spoil you to no end and make sure that your eyes are always on him. If he does get jealous though, he can be quite scary and might snap at the other guy (or girl) for even thinking of HIS girl before dragging you away and acting like nothing ever happened. If its really bad though, he will have a hot make out session in front of the guy until he's sure that the guy left because he was grossed out and or really uncomfortable. Which always leaves you wanting more.

Ranmaru- Much like syo, ranmaru is a master of jealousy. His lady is his to look at (or even think about) only and if looks could kill, the other guy would be dead by now. Not only will he throw a killer stare and a low growl, but he's not afraid to throw some fists in there too. These things always leave him tensed up though so you bet  it'll lead to rough sex once you unlock the door to your bedroom.

Camus- Camus has pride and a lot of it at that. He might not always show his soft side but he isn't worried about his lady leaving, either. Why would she? He can not only support her physically but also financially. If another man does get too close though, he'll make sure he feels the coldness of not just himself but also all of permafrost.

Ai- Ai is still pretty confused about emotions and feels very insecure about the fact that he's "just a robot" so when he feels something like jealousy, he talks to his girl about it and asks her not to make him feel that way again because "its an unpleasant feeling". In the following days after the incident he'll make sure to do research about this jealousy and then act accordingly and spoil you lots.

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