preference #2 ~when he realizes he loves you~

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Natsuki- Natsuki realized that he loves you after spending more time with you. Sure you were cute and adorable from day one but everyone was that,  right? To him anyways. But after a while of talking to you and realizing how much you had in common yet how different you were, he started to realize that there was more to you than just the cuteness. You were something special...

Tokiya-. It wasn't until half a year later when you were sitting in the common room, reading one of your favorite books, that he realized you had something beautiful on you. He studied you, noticing every single detail on you. The way you held your book, how your eyes scanned those pages with pure interest in them. How your hair kept falling in your face the more you leaned closer into the book and how you desperately tried to get it out of your face, kind of cute, really...

Cecil-. Cecil obviously knew from the moment you met that you were different.  You took responsibility, you were courages and brave and didn't mind throwing in your opinion, at all. He admired you for that and though he'd sometimes call it reckless and stupid of you, he didn't stop you but rather encourage you to be yourself...

Ren- Ren had always fancied you. since he grew up with you around, you always held a special place in his heart and at first he thought he loved you as nothing more than a little sister but he sooner or later realized you were much more. You never reacted to his flirting, but rather brushed it off. You never took the mask he put up in front of everybody for real and you always knew how to beat his walls down. He admired you for that...

Otoya- otoya had always loved you. Ever since that day you came to the orphanage, he just KNEW that you were the one and he'd always promised himself that he'd do anything to keep you smiling, to keep you happy, to make you his...

Syo- ah chibi...  it took him a while but he eventually figured it out. You were bold, reckless, yet you were so fragile and shy and he always felt the need to protect you and look out for you. You were his princess and though he wouldn't openly admit it just yet, he always hated it when someone took your attention away, one might say he was very over protective...

Masato- Masato took his time in getting to know you but he soon realized you were special. You were calm and collected, just like him, but you had your way in getting his adventurous side out in him and making sure that no day ends boring between you two and he appreciated that. He loved it when you got him out of his comfort zone and he loved having you by his side at all times. He'd do anything for you... 

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