Greg House: A Glimmer of Hope

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I groaned and started to rub my temples. House hasn’t taken his Vicodin in over a week and he was really getting on my nerves… more then usual that is. I sat alone in the conference room trying to figure out what this kid had. I mean we did have a few theories on what he might have but seeing as they don’t match up perfectly, or seem to be working out I might as well brainstorm. I was actual tempted to look into my old medical books that I had when I was in Meds school, but I was just as good as a Doctor as House, and I don’t wanna toot my own horn but maybe I was better but lets not let my Ego grow any bigger.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing? Shouldn’t you be helping the other morons? Or are you hiding from Cuddy too?” rang a voice I knew all too well. I glanced at him not in the greatest mood, “they didn’t need me, so I decided to do some research of my own” I replied monotone. I guess he didn’t care or whatever because he just stayed quiet and sat down at his chair. It was silent for a while, except for the scratching of my pencil against the paper. I heard him get up and stand over me looking at my results. “Hm…” he said, and then he grabbed the pencil from my hand and started editing my paper. And when I say, “editing” I mean crossing out everything he didn’t think was right. “You have a great mind but such stupid answers,” he mumbled, “hmph” I huffed as I drummed my fingers against the table. When he was done there was one diagnostic left, which was Hep-C. “You think its Hep C?” I asked, “it’s the only thing that seems possible, too bad there’s no treatment for it…” he trailed off walking over to the window and resting his head on it, he sighed painfully.

I turned around to face him, “you know its not worth it to give up your Vicodin just to impress Cuddy” “no… I want to prove to her I can do it… and to get out of Clinic duties for a month…” “Its not like you do your Clinic duties anyway, besides what would you do if you won anyway?” “Gloat?” he thought aloud lifting his head off the window and staring at me. I shook my head at him; I folded the piece of paper up and slipped it into my back jeans pocket then got up. I slipped my hands in my pocket and was ready to walk out the door when he stopped me. “And where do you think your going?” he asked sounding like a peeved parent. “What’s it to yah?” “Oooh feisty are we?” I rolled my eyes and walked out.

I discussed Hep-C with everybody and they all seemed to agree. We told the Father, he finally seemed to cave in and let us do what we had to do. But at that moment the boy started to hallucinate, and when we just got him stabilized we were going to move him because he said he had wet the bed when really he started to bleed uncontrollably out of his arse, he went into shock soon enough we quickly moved him to the ICU. But as we were moving House seemed to catch up with us, “its not Hep-C, he needs a new kidney stat” he just barley spoke he looked horrible. The boy’s Father who was greatly stressed started to argue with House, which wasn’t smart because House just became a bigger ass. “Cut the crap you two, Chase, Foreman, and Cameron get him to the ICU and put him on the list for a transplant” I ordered as they all nodded and left. I slowly turned to House who was laying his head against the wall. “What the hell is wrong with you? I know you’re all pissy without your Vicodin but you can’t get all mad at the Father. He’s more stressed then ever, and you just blow up on him because your pain. It’s a stupid reason, you need to deal with your pain in a new way…” I trailed of glaring at him, he sighed and leaned on his cane looking down, “your right…” he said giving up and looking at me. My gaze softened, I can’t be mad at him when he’s so vulnerable right now. I sighed and squeezed that piece of skin between my eyes and on my nose, “just go back to your office and rest, and try not to think about the pain” I said softy with a slight smile, he gave me a weak smile and made a slight nod and limped off.

Well we finally solved the case and it was time to leave. I went back to the conference room for a couple of books I had left behind. When I walked in House was inspecting his broken hand. “What’s with your hand?” I asked nonchalantly, “It got caught in a draw” I rolled my eyes that was a bad lie. “No you didn’t… wait lemme guess… when I told you that you needed to deal with your pain in a new way you severely hurt yourself to deliberately get rid of the pain in your leg so it was directed at your hand… did I diagnose this wrong?” I elaborated; he turned around and looked at me slightly narrowing his eyes. “No…” “Well did you at least learn something from this?” I asked gathering my things, “yeah… I’m an addict” I stopped for a moment “you seriously just figured that out?” “Yes but I’m not like other addicts, I can still function and do daily things” I leaned against the table and looked at House, “then tell me this… why do you still take them because you obviously don’t need them if you can do daily tasks. I mean you’ll still live even without them” “because…” I waited and shrugged “because why?” “Because they get rid of my pain!” he yelled at me, his narrowing eyes turning into a glare, I glared back taking a few steps forward crossing my arms “you’ve been saying that for years! And I highly doubt you have any pain left in that leg of yours!” I yelled back, “you think I take these pills just for that! You don’t even know how much pain I am going through!” he yelled louder shuffling towards me, “oh please what pain can you possibly be feeling when you take some much Vicodin?” I yelled back, “You… me… we… oh just shut up!” he yelled slamming his hands on the desk then running one hand through his hair.

I just groaned and rubbed my temples; I feel another migraine coming on. Then I just remembered about Stacy, could that be the pain he was still suffering. “The other pain you’re feeling…” I began after I stopped rubbing my temples and slowly looked at House who was still looking at me, “is it from Stacy?” I asked more above a whisper. He just let go of his glare and frowned looking down “yeah… that’s part of it” “oh sorry bout that… but there’s different parts to your misery?” I asked sitting in the chair across from the desk he was still standing behind. “Yeah it’s complicated to explain… except for the Stacy thing. I am over her, but the pain she left behind is still killing me on the inside” he limped over to me and rested both arms on the arms of the chair his face only inches from mine. “But… I-I’m not completely miserable. I seek joy in certain things like… making fun of patients, playing the piano, and uh…” “And…?” I asked he was averting his eyes before but now he looked into mine. “Just being with you. That probably makes me the… happiest…” he spoke quietly, it felt weird to hear that come from him, but his eyes didn’t lie. I cursed myself mentally; my feelings for him were starting to come back. Yeah that’s right, I like House well you know… more then like. But I tried to suppress those feelings while we were working together; he’s not making this very easy. I smirked, “that’s very nice to say… but I’m nothing special” he smirked back, “that’s not true, well not to me that is. You’re like that light that people proclaim to see when they die, that’s how I see you” he spoke seeming to enjoy just being able to talk about it.

I thought about it for few minutes, could he just be in denial or crazy from lack of meds? “House… are you sure your not just a little stir crazy from lack of meds?” “I may be a crazy, neurotic asshole but I know what I’m saying right now. I… I… love you” he said breathless, I started to blush and my stomach did flips. “House” I began but I was quickly cut off by his lips crashing onto mine roughly. I just gave up and let my feelings for him get the best of me. I kissed back but not as rough as he had. When he pulled away, his eyes bore into mine and I swear I saw the slightest glimmer of hope in them.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 26, 2012 ⏰

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