Ronnie Radke: To Trust A Heartbreaker

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“Ronnie…” I warned as we walked backstage at a gig he was playing at, “what?” he smirked, “I know your ways so stop trying to get me to sleep with you, I’m not one of your little groupies” “who said I wanted to get in your pants?” “Nobody, but I can tell Ronnie, you’ll say and do anything just to get a girl to sleep with you” “that’s not true” I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him, my arms folded across my chest, “have you ever told a girl you loved her and would never leave her, but left her before dawn?” he opened his mouth to object but closed it and looked away sheepishly. “Exactly” I smirked as I began to walk away he quickly caught up with me, “but I really mean it Ann, I really do love you!” “I’ve heard that one before…” I mumbled, just as he was about to say something he was forced on stage.

I watched him and the guys play with a blank expression. I love Ronnie with all my heart but I can never fully trust him when he says ‘I love you’ he’s a player, a heartthrob, and a heartbreaker how exactly can I trust a guy like that? Especially one that knows what to say to girls just to get in their pants. Ronnie kept glancing at me and winking at me, I just kept rolling my eyes, and even though we have been friends since high school I know when he’s just teasing me. Max is really the only one I can trust in the band, he really isn’t a player and doesn’t use his fame just to get laid.

The guys had finished up and they were walking back stage I grinned at Max who gave me this crazed smirk, Ronnie gives me his famous smirk and walks past me to the break room, I walk in and all the guys are lounging on the couches possibly half asleep. “So are you guys gonna sleep or are we gonna go?” I asked giving them a sly smile. Max jumps up, suddenly hyper and starts bouncing around going “LETS GO PARTY!!” all the guys groaned, this was a first, since when did Escape the Fate groan about partying?

“Ha, ha Max it seems they don’t want too” I chuckled, Max stops bouncing around and looks at the guys collapsed everywhere. “Psh forget them, you and me can go have fun!” he dissed as he grabbed my arm and we started to walk down the hall, “HEY!” we heard Ronnie yell, “TOUCH HER AND DIE!” Ronnie yelled again, Max laughed, “I love making him mad” he smirked, “I can see that” I answered. As we walked to the Max’s Ferrari, “so we really gonna go party, or just say we did but really go somewhere else?” “You know me so well” we both laughed as he started the engine and we left.

We ended up going to a nearby carnival, it wasn’t really my idea, and Max being the child he is at heart begged, whined, and pleaded me to go with him. Besides, who doesn’t like a good carnival now and then? Max went on the teacup ride; he was the only one screaming at the top of his lungs “YEAAH! WOO! HA, HA!!” I never liked rides that spun you really fast; it made me very nauseous and paranoid. When he got off the ride we stopped and got cotton candy and went on the Ferris wheel. When we reached the top it was an amazing site. “So tell me Ann” Max asked as he lounged back coolly on the seat, “tell you what” I responded not taking my eyes off the sun setting making the sky purple and pink. “Your in love with Ronnie aren’t you?” I knew that was coming. I sighed, “Yeah… it really sucks sometimes though…” “Really now how so?” “He’s a heartbreaker and I can’t fool around with those types, because I end up getting lied to and hurt” “you think Ronnie would do that?” “Eventually, the minute he gets bored of me, its out with me and in with the next groupie” Max snickered, “what are you snickering about?” “Because… Ronnie really does like you, and he means it, like he is dead ass about being in love with you, he just doesn’t know how to show it you know?” “And you know this how?” “Dude… I’m his best friend” he got me there.

When we reached the bottom, “so you gonna let him into your life?” I looked at the pavement as we walked, “I… don’t know yet” we got back into his Ferrari and left for the Suite they had rented out for this week while they toured. We had been quiet the way home and when we walked in, “so how was partying?” Monte asked, Max got all happy again, “we didn’t get to party but we totally went to a carnival!!” he exclaimed, the guys all laughed, I looked around noticed that Ronnie wasn’t there. I looked up and realized he was standing on the balcony. “What exactly did you do at the carnival?” Robert asked, Max smirked, “stuff… had some fun on the Ferris wheel” the guys bugged “WHAT!!” they both yelled in unison, Ronnie turned and looked his face was blank and serious, it looked at though he was thinking about something. I made myself look as if I didn’t notice him. “MAX GREENE YOU BETTER TELL US WHAT YOU TWO DID!” Monte shouted, “oh you know… what anybody would do if they were stuck on top of the Ferris wheel” his smirk got wider and he was hiding his laugh, “ANN!! MAX!! YOU BOTH DID IT!! WHAT!?!” Robert shouted also, Ronnie glared at Max. I slapped Max in the arm, “stop fucking around with them, your gonna give them heart attacks” Max got an evil smirk “good” “wait… so you guys were just joking?” Robert asked, “of course, I can’t believe you would believe Max of all people” Max then let out all of the laughter he had, “you guys fell for it!” he said between laughing fits, I saw Ronnie sigh in relief and turn his head back to the night sky. I dropped my belongings on the nearest couch and walked out and over to Ronnie.

“Hey you” I grinned as I closed the balcony door so nobody would hear us. He stayed silent and kept looking out over the vast city. I stood next to him and looked also, a small smile played its way onto my lips. I felt Ronnie’s stare as a breeze blew my hair slightly. “God your beautiful” he murmured, I turned my gaze to meet his and grinned. He had this serious look on his face still. “Why so serious?” I asked, not even meaning to quote Batman, he smiled, “I don’t know… just been thinking” “a penny for your thoughts?” he grinned again. “Nah, you won’t be able to trust a heartbreaker like me, remember?” I giggled, “Well I’ve been thinking about that, and Max helped expand on that thought” “really now? Do tell” he grinned obviously liking where this was going, “I’ve realized that you really aren’t trying to get into my pants if your still chasing after me. I mean if you really wanted to get it on you would’ve gotten some groupie by now instead of me” “that’s exactly what I wanted you to get. I love you for you, not for your looks… well you are pretty hot but that’s besides the point” he chuckled; I have him a smirk and rolled my eyes playfully. He then entwined our hands together, “be my girl?” he asked looking me dead in the eyes. I grinned and replied, “yes” his face then lit up and he kissed me roughly but passionately. He then pulled away and leaned his forehead on mine, “you will always be my first and only love. I love you Ann” I grinned again, “I love you too Ronnie” he kissed me again, then Max runs in “ITS ABOUT TIME!!” “Go away” Ronnie mumbled as he kissed me. Max just grinned sweetly, “congrats” he said and walked away.

To trust a heartbreaker takes a lot, but if the heartbreaker cooperates and is fully committed, doesn’t take much to trust. You just got to trust that he is the right guy for you.

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