Chapter 25-Ruly

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Chapter 25-Ruly
Iago Lamento

June 19, 2016
12:00 P.M.

It's nice to quietly formulate something in my head without consulting Google translate. Why quietly? Uhm. It's because I saw a cat?

We're in Caffeine, the—what do they call it again? Ah. Saint Endessa's sanctuary.

It's really great to be able to talk straight in English and Filipino now. I feel...normal? Is it the right word to say? Why do I ask? Well, the floor is shiny.

That was a random thought. Yeah. A random thought.

I don't know why all my thoughts now are italicized. Maybe, there's a flying dutchman swimming while walking.

That was a random thought again. History repeats itself. That's what they say. So, is History the father of Redundancy? Who's Redundancy? Is he or she a character in Wonder Pets? Or in Spongebob Squarepants?

Nickelodeon? Disney? Cartoon Network? Hero? Animax? Animal planet?

Animal planet. Is Earth an animal planet because Azarel Lamento's always referring creatures as monkeys? Maybe . There's a possibility that a crow is a duckling.


I looked at Tigris because he's saying something to me, an absurd thought. He says I should go home so I just patted Tigris's head and gave him a glare. I'm now telepathically talking to my tiger.

Home? Do I have one? Oh, yes. I think someone told me I have but I don't believe him. Who would believe Saint Endessa? Another person also told me that home is where my heart is. That person was Azarel. I didn't believe him because he might take me to the jungle and make me a whole dish for his family of gorillas, monkeys, and chimpanzees.

Now, there's only one person in my head who told me I'm home with them. Where is he? He's in Japan, the home of kangaroos and donkeys and sunfowers and the moon. I'm not really sure. He's my sensei. Sensei told me the opposite though but I won't believe him.

I hope he's dead now. I won't really mind if he's been killed by somebody else and not me. As long as he's killed, it's fine by me. Dragons don't have wings anyway.

"Napakasarap ng maanghang at malamig na kape."

Yeah. That's the mad Saint Endessa. Drinking cold spicy coffee is just one of the oddest things about him.

He calls us using our initials except Chro Condell because he calls him P.C. or Prince Chro. He also says that he's a psychic and he has floccinaucinihilipilification.

Such a mad boy especially with his ballpen.

"There's something going on in the rooftop of the main building. Let's discuss about it."

Minus Rokua is always serious with things, including him being a philanderer. He literally fucks whoever he wants to fuck. One can say he's irresponsible but he's still our leader so... There's nothing we can do about it. He also calls us with weird nicknames like Pusa, Adik, Sapak, Uwak, and Santo. He bosses us around. And ah. He's an inborn assassin and I just wanna repeat that.

"Putangina! Mga tagris na gago! Ang sarap ng Cappuccino rito! Sinong nagtimpla?!"

"Hmm P.C. Nakalimutan kong sabihin na part-timer si Nil dito. Siya ang nagtimpla niyan."


And Chro Condell ran to the nearest C.R. to vomit.

Pity from floating Styrofoams on the sea.

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