Chapter Twenty-Two: It Took A Turn

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"How can I peek if you tied the thing so tight?" I ask, shrugging my shoulders.

"Sorry. Okay, come on." Vick says excitedly, grabbing my left hand.

Vick laughs and leads me carefully down the stairs.
"Left, right, left, right, left." She instructs me all the way the stairs.

She leads me down the stairs until she sits me down and lets go of my hand.

Vick squeals with excitement and instructs me to take the blindfold off.
I do as I was told and what I see shocks me. A entire breakfast was laid out in front of me.
There was pancakes, eggs, bacon and anything I could think of.

Vick smiles as she watches me eye my food excitedly.
"What do you think?" Vick says, picking up a strawberry and taking a bite.
"I don't know what to say. It looks amazing." I say.

"Well quit gawking and start eating, babe." Vick says as she shoves a strawberry in my mouth.

"You stole my idea, baby." I say as I sip my juice.

"Of a picnic? Oh, I knew." Vick says, taking a bite of her pancake.

"Really? What gave it away?" I say, staring at my girlfriend's green eyes.

"You are always mischievous. So I wanted to beat you to the punch." Vick says, downing her drink.

I laugh and finish eating. Vick decided to play and dab whipped cream on my nose. I mimic her and do the same. We begin to tickle each other and joke around. We were playing so much that we were rolling around on the floor.

As soon as we stopped rolling, I was underneath her and she was on top of me. We stared into each other's eyes, falling deep. In the heat of the moment, Vick and I start to make out. As we kiss, we hear Gideon's footsteps and quickly stop.

"Oh, no. Please continue. Who wouldn't want to see you two suck face in the middle of my living room?" Gideon says, with clear sarcasm.

Vick gets off of me and helps me off the floor. Gideon stands in front of us with crossed arms and an irritated look on his face. Vick and I could tell this wasn't the right time or place to do this. It was real embarrassing.

"Gideon, don't be like that. We were just kissing." I say defensively.

"It was disgusting. Great, more housework. Now I have to clean up the syrup and the slobber. Thanks a lot, Victoria!" Gideon mutters angrily.

"Dude, what's your problem? You've been acting very strange since I got here. What's up?" I say, pushing Chris aside.

"None of your business!" Gideon starts to move closer towards me.

"You need to back up off my girl, man! Before you get hurt!" Chris defends me.

"HEY! You're not getting into any more trouble, Chris. You've already been to jail. Not again." I silence Chris and he steps back.

"Your girl has caused some trouble for some people! You need to watch her! And yourself." Gideon ends the confrontation and exits the house through the back door, slamming it in the process.

"He needs to check himself." Chris says sternly and heads upstairs.

I sigh heavily and rub my temples. I pace back and forth in the living room until I hear shouting from the back patio.

I walk over to the back door and peek through the blinds. Gideon was yelling through his phone. I couldn't make out but a few words. It seemed urgent and being the nosy little gem that I am, I began to investigate.

I slowly open the back door as quietly as I could, but the hinges began to squeak, and Gideon turned quickly towards my direction.

"I'll call you back." Gideon says on the phone and hangs up abruptly.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"What are you talking about?" Gideon asks, clearly knowing what I'm talking about.

"The person on the phone." I say, pointing to his phone.

"No one. I told you, none of your business." Gideon sternly says, clenching his jaw. He faces away from me.

"Gideon, you're my best friend. We tell each other everything. Why won't you talk to me?" I say with sorrow.

"I just can't. I need to keep quiet." Gideon says hesitantly.

"Talk to me. Look at me, Gideon." I say, touching his shoulder.

He doesn't face me and I sigh.
"Gid, look. It's just that....everything has been so crazy lately. I just haven't gotten used to it yet. I'm sorry." I apologize.

"Not as sorry as I'll be." Gideon says quickly.

"What?" I didn't even have time to finish my reaction when Gideon covers my mouth with a rag.

I try to scream for Chris but the rag muffled my voice. Gideon begins to shush me and rubs my head.

"It's okay. It's okay. Just close your eyes. It'll be over soon, I promise." Gideon lulls me into darkness.

I could feel my world spin and go black as my eyes roll into the back of my head.

A single tear rolls down my cheek as my heavy breathing slows to a small breeze.

He betrayed me. He hurt me. He lied to me. This took a sharp and dark turn down a terrible path.

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