Chp. 3 "Attraction"

Start from the beginning

Why was I being such a pussy? I needed to talk to this girl. She was my science partner for the rest of the year, I needed to do something.

But what?

I leaned closer, acting as if I hadn’t gotten one of the answers and glancing over her petite shoulder. I whispered close to her ear but not to close, “I missed the answer for number 8, did you get it?”

Her eyes watched me from her peripheral vision, and I swear I saw a tiny smile play on her lips as I pulled away. She nodded, scooting her paper over to me, “Yea, here.”

It was the first time I had spoken first, and I was pretty sure that was why she smiled in the first place. I copied the answer down that I already knew and continued to sit there silently. I wanted to talk to her but it was silent in the class, with the occasional whisper coming from Carl and Max who were in the back.

I leaned on my left hand, propping it up and resting my head giving me a better look at Avery. Her eyes wanted to look at me but she was watching the movie, and she wanted to get this easy hundred on this assignment.

Me, I just didn’t care.

I whispered, “So when do you want to work on this project? I’m free after third hour every day.”

She looked at me, a slight playful smile on those full pink lips, “Are you trying to distract me?”

For some reason the comment sounded really flirtatious and I smirked, not really realizing where this sudden boost of confidence was coming from. I shrugged, “Is that what it feels like to you?”

She pulled her lips behind her teeth attempting to hide the smile but I saw it. She shook her head and continued to watch the movie in silence, giving me the hint that we would talk after class.

So she and I sat in silence, our arms occasionally touching when we went to write and fill in the blanks on our papers. I would glance at her from under my long dirty blonde hair only to see her still focused on the movie.

Then finally the movie ended and I looked at her, speaking, “Here, I’ll bring your paper up.”

She handed me the paper and I moved my way around the desk and towards the teachers. I set the papers in the basket and turned around, seeing Avery’s eyes locked on me. I couldn’t help the feelings anymore, I knew there was something going on I just didn’t know if it was good or bad.

I didn’t want to assume anything because that only meant a bigger opening for a let down, which was something I didn’t want to face. I had to admit though, I fell easily, and I was guilty of suffering from heartbreaks because of it. I couldn’t help it though, I had a soft heart and I let myself open up to people who didn’t deserve it.

Which bit me in the ass.

I sat next to Avery once again and she slipped me a piece of paper with a number written on it, “Here’s my number, call me and we can set up the project.”

Then the bell rang and she waved as she walked out the class, leaving me with this little slip of paper in my hand.  Max walked up to me and took the paper in his hand, reading her number that was written on it.

He looked at me and smiled, “Ohhhh Andy’s got a girlfriend!”

I shoved him, snatching the paper out of his hand and rolling my eyes, “Shut up Max.”

~ ~ ~ ~

I was staring at the little slip of paper in my hand that had Avery’s number on it. It was already saved in my phone but I just couldn’t bring myself to call her. I mean, sure we were science partners but was calling her too much? Should I just wait till later? Or send her a text?

I rolled my eyes at my incompetence and typed on my phone, “Hey it’s Andy, just wondering if you wanted to get together to discuss the project?”

I slipped my phone in my pocket and lay back in my bed, wondering exactly how we were going to pursue this project. I mean it sounded simple just to simply build an electric current.

It was pretty ironic wasn’t it?

I held my hands in front of me, flashing electricity from one hand to the other while I tried to find entertainment in this. This power was so bizarre but I could turn it off and on whenever I needed… like a light bulb.

I wanted to brainstorm how exactly we could make this project creative but I wasn’t having any luck. Then all of a sudden I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I slid it open and read the text, “Yea, I’m busy tonight but tomorrow night we can get together.”

I smiled, realizing I would be hanging out with Avery tomorrow after hours, alone.

I typed a quick response, “Sounds good, see you tomorrow then.”

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