When we didn't hear anything we all looked at each other. There was still one left all of a sudden you could hear the hard footsteps against dirt.

I got up to see the guy with a balck hoodie and dark jeans running. Without giving it any thought I threw my bag down and began running after him.

"He's making a run for it!" I yelled over my shoulder.

"Lexi!" "Damnit wait!" "Lexi" Three different voices were yelling from behind me. I didn't stop though I kept going forward. It probably wasnt smart that I went ahead but I didn't care.

Finally closing in on him I threw myself forward tackling him behind to the ground. Landing a punch on the back of his head. He turned over so that he was on top of me landing a punch on my cheek.

Just as he was going to swing back his arm again I kicked him off with all the force my legs had. Scrambling I got up and kicked him in the side of the ribs as he was getting up.

He grabbed my leg out from under me causing me land on my back with a loud thump. We're both getting up when Matt had the guy in a headlock from behind.

Arms were around my waist helping me up, I automatically knew they were Abel's. He was breathing hard in my ear, holding me close my back pressed to his chest.

The guy Matt was hold began squirming trying to get out of his hold. When Jace gave him a good punch to the jaw. He locked his eyes on me before saying "That's for hitting a girl."

I couldn't help the blush that wanted to make its way to my face. Had he been worried about me? My thoughts were all jumbled right now this is that last thing that I should be worrying about.

Matt tied his hands together while he layed on the dirt floor out cold. That must of been one hell of a punch he's going to feel that later on.

"Are you okay?" Abel whispered in my ear. Turning around in his arms I looked straight at him. "Yeah, a little shaken up but thats it." I said rubbing his arm slightly.

"You sure?" he asked concern clearly in his eyes. I kissed his cheek "Yeah I'm fine just a little banged up." I said smiling.

I felt some what dizzy but I figured it was the adrenaline leaving my body.

"Is that blood on you?" Jace asked pointing at my forehead.

Following his finger I felt a slight wetness looking there were stained with red. Seeing it make me want to throw up when all of a sudden my legs gave out.

"Lexi!" they all yelled

Before I could hit the ground I was wrapped in a pair of strong arms.

"So much for being okay." Abel said holding me close to his chest.

I struggled against his chest "Abel put me down I'm fine." I huffed out "You almost hit the floor I don't think your fine." he said sternly.

"I'm fine it was just for a second I feel fine. Come on put me down" pouting my lip out I said

"Don't give me that look Lexi." Abel groaned. "Then put me down" I said. "Fine but only if you kiss me" he said smirking.

Of course he would find a way to benefit from this. He let me onto my feet but my he held me against his chest. I leaned in to kiss him when the sight of my car took me out of thought.

Pushing him off me "FUCK!!" Fuck Man!!" I yelled grabbing my hair into my hands. They were looking at me like I was crazy because of my sudden outburst.

"What's wrong?" they all asked in unison

"Look at my fucking car!!! Fuck my life it's shot to hell!!" I yelled at them pointing to the car.

"Lexi don't worry well get it fixed up" Matt spoke calmly as if it were no big deal.

"Don't worry!! Dad comes home tomorrow how am I supposed to explain to him why both my cars aren't there!?!" I yelled frustrated

"Lexi you have your mustang so long as one of your cars is there it won't be a problem." he said shaking his head.

"Theres a problem there you idiot!! My mustang is still in the shop from the last Fucken time I got shot at!!!" I yelled at him.

He was about to speak when his lips formed a big O as if he barely got it. "Why is it that I'm the one always getting shot at I swear!!" I huffed out.

"Lexi calm down I'll talk to Derran I'm sure he can get it fixed by tomorrow." he said wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Shit I completely forgot tomorrows the club party! I haven't even gotten anything ready!" I said frantically.

"Don't worry Princess it will all be okay" Tiggy said roughing my hair up. I laughed hitting his arm. "Oh yeah I forgot to ask Tiggy what are you doing here?" I asked curiously

"Well it's cause I just missed you!" he said with such a serious face. I laughed "Real funny no seriously though?" I said.

"What can't I miss you? I'm kidding I came to spend some quality time with Abel catch up." he said shrugging his shoulders.

"So what are we going to do with him?" I asked Abel. "Well I'm going to have a little chat with him see what I can get out him." he said it seriously the anger clear in his eyes.

----------------------------------------------------A Couple Of Hours Later-----------------------------------------------------

Back at the club house I was getting the place ready for tomorrow. Making sure there was enough beer just to be safe I brought three big kegs.

These guys all like to get shit-faced drunk and for that they needed plenty of beer. Some of the girls from VidBit were being invited for the male entertainment of course.

My car was in the shop we had a prospect pick it up and tow it back here. Derran laughed when he saw my car seeing that this was the second time my car had been shot at.

In between his laughs he said this "They really don't like you!" he looked so stupid it was funny. I had a tiny scratch on my forehead you couldn't really see it.

Derran said my mustang would be in early tomorrow morning so I could have it before my dad came home.

Rosie was going to be sleeping over for the weekend to keep me company and to help with all the crap we had to do.

Speaking of Rosie I hadn't even shown her the pictures yet. Maybe I should wait till after the party? Yeah that's what I would do.

After finally setting everything up for tomorrow it was almost 12. Matt decided it was best we stay tonight that way I could drive my car back home in the morning.

Me and Rosie bunked together in the guest room. Why you ask, because my brother felt it was better then him knowing I was in my boyfriends room. Huh oh well.

When it came time to fall asleep I couldn't there was this nasty feeling in my stomach. Something in my gut was telling that something bad was going to happen.

As to what it might be I didnt know and that worried me to no end.

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