Chapter 1

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(Y/N) p.o.v

"I can't believe what

They're gone.

Everyone is gone.

But I have to survive...I can't go down like this."

I scan my body to see that I have a few scratches on my arms and legs. Now that everything has calmed down, what was that thing that I saw? Only thing I can remember was black and white...

3 person p.o.v

(Y/N) was from the Okami clan. Known as the most powerful clan in the shinobi world. This clan was kept a secret because of their abilities. They had very sharp eyes, a strong nose and very good ears.

But everything changed when the host of the Yin Yang wolf died. The wolf went rampage and distroyed the whole village. Everyone was slaughtered mercilessly, exept for the young Okami.

With her mom and dad being the Alpha and Luna of her clan, they did everything in their power so that their young one could live to see the light of another day. They had to sacrafice their lifes for the sake of their daughter.

They didn't have a choice because (Y/N) was special and everyone in the clan knew that. Being born on the beautiful full moon with something a little bit extra than her fellow clan mates. She was destined to be the next Jinjuriki of the Yin Yang wolf. The young Okami did not know what was to become of her life. Having lost everything and everyone she ever knew, she managed to remove herself from the horrific scene and find somewhere safe for the time being. 

(Y/N) p.o.v

I've been walking for a few days, looking for some place to stay. Everything hurts, my stomach rumbles, my head is pounding, my body feels heavy. I'm covered in blisters and burns marks from head to toe. Looking at the wounds I try to remember what exactly happened. I miss my dad. I can't remember a thing!

Wait, what's that?

3person p.o.v

(Y/N) was standing in front of two huge gates. She scanned the area and her eyes fell on a symbol. The Hidden Leaf symbol.

"What kind of village is this?" she asked to no one.

(Y/N) p.o.v.

What's up with this village. I never heard of it.

"Oi! Girly what are you doing there?!" A voice interrupted my train of thoughts.

I saw two men standing in the entrance of those gates.

"I'm kinda looking for a place to stay. Can ya help me out?"
I asked  while leaning against one of the trees. The pain was starting to get to me. The two guys looked at each other first before one of them answered.

"Umhh..w-we could take you t-to the Hokage?.." One of them stammered.

"Great, that's your leader I assume, let's go then!" I said optimistically.

The two guys looked at each other and then looked at me.

"Let's go then..." They said still suspicious of me.

We walked towards...the Hokage? What a strange name to give their leader. It was pretty silent. So I decided to break it.

"I never asked. What are your names?"

The two men stopped in their tracks and looked at me.

"I am Izumo and this is Kotetsu."  the one called Izumo said.

"Hiya! I'm (Y/N) nice to meet ya!!" I smiled.

They nodded and scanned my bruised figure. Without exchanging words they knew something horrible happened. We walked to our destination in silence. We stopped walking when we were in front of the huge building. I 'wowed' at how big that building was. A lot of people were going in and out. Everyone seemed busy.

The Hokage's office.

I looked at the two men, waiting for their next move.

"You're about to meet the Hokage." Kotetsu said looking down at me.

I nodded and readied myself for whatever. Kotetsu knocked on the door, only to get a reply.

"You may enter."

The door opened to reveil an old man sitting on a chair with a desk full of paperwork.

"Kotetsu, Izumo, who is this child?" He said with his wrinkely voice, still not looking up from his paperwork.

His voice was...nice...and warm...kind of reminds me of my parents. I was interrupted by my train of thoughts when I heard my name being called.

Hokage's p.o.v

Who is this mysterious girl with an immense chakra level?

"Hello child, what's your name?" I asked trying to get information out of her.

"My name is (Y/N)!! Nice to meet ya old man!"

She sure is a cute one.

"What is your last name?"

"Right...about that."

I have to find out what her last name is.

"My name is Hiruzen Sarutobi, the leader of this village. Also known as the Hokage. But you can call me gramps."

(Y/N) p.o.v

He sounds nice. Hope he's nice too. Okay here goes nothing.

"My name is (Y/N) Okami. Pleased ta meet ya!"

Next thing I knew:
-Kotetsu passed out
-Izumo was trying to bring him back to life
-And gramps looked at me wide eyed.

For some reason I knew that this would happen.

"Isn't that clan just a myth?!" Izumo asked.

"No, idiot I just told you my name." Is everyone in this village so dense?

" (Y/N) why are you alone? Where are your parents?" gramps asked still trying to process what he just heard.

That's where I felt an arrow go through my heart, it hurts so much thinking about it. How can I even say it?

"Well...they're ..dead.." The words came as poison out of my mouth.

I suddenly had this bitter taste in my mouth, this knot in my stomach, dryness in my throat, tears in my eyes and pain in my heart.

Everyone was in silence.

"And everyone else in my clan.." I continued not caring about anything anymore. I've been holding it in for too long.

"So gramps can you please give me a place to stay." I begged trying to hide my tears.

I was crying right now. Warm tears cascading down my broken features. I know crying is a sign of weakness, but I can't stop.

Not this time.

Suddenly I felt two warm arms around me, and a warm hand resting on my head. It was felt like home. I looked up to whom those arms belonged to and it was gramps. He smiled and said:

"Welcome to Konoha, the Village Hidden in the Leafes. From today onwards, you are a ninja of the Hidden Leaf village. Welcome to your new home kid."

That smile of him reminds me of my dad.

That smile reminds me of hope.

"Thanks, gramps." I was still crying clinging on to the old man, but now for a different reason.

Izumo and Kotetsu both smiled at the scene, glad that they decided to welcome the girl into the village.

(Y/N) p.o.v

This might not be so bad.

This is my first story and I hope you guys like it

Peace out peepz
Jowi out!!!

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