Chapter 33

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Jowi's p.o.v.

It has been a week or two since the encounter with her sensei and friend on that exact day, and since then the young (Y/N) dedicated herself to her words. Sitting at home sulking all day wouldn't fix her problems. She figured that if all her friends are getting up everyday, training and getting stronger, she should as well. If she had the opportunity she would go train with the other squads and if lucky, go on D and C-ranked missions with them. With permission of Kakashi-sensei and the Hokage herself. Ever since she's returned to the village, they have been keeping a close eye on the young Okami for multiple reasons. One of them being to see if there were any changes in her behaviour. But according to the squad leaders who she went on missions with they didn't suspect anything strange in (Y/N)'s behaviour. And of course she didn't notice that her every move was being monitered because she was having a blast with her fellow peers. Being able to train and to go on missions with the other squads gave the young Okami the chance to get to know her fellow peers better together with their senseis.

Today was like no other. She was at the training ground with team Guy that consisted of Rock Lee, Ten Ten and Neji. We can't forget their sensei, Might Guy. The genins were sparring in pairs, Ten ten with (Y/N) and Lee with Neji. As the pairs were battling one another, Guy-sensei paid close attention to their skills, advising and correcting them were they were lacking. (Y/N) found this man weird when she actually first laid eyes on him, thinking that he was some jokester and that he was funny looking. But when it came to training, he was serious yet playful in a kind of way.

"Use the power of youth to prevail!" Guy-sensei cheered with his one fist in the air and the Will of Fire in his eyes.

'This man really tweeking' (Y/N) thought, but chuckled at his remark.

She directed her focus back on her opponent, who had a specialty with scrolls. The (H/C) colored girl thought that it was really out of the box to fight like that but effective since she was having a hard time to lay a proper hit on her opponent, Ten Ten. Other than the scrolls that were giving the young Okami a hard time, there was also something else hindering the girl. Ten Ten smirked at the struggling Okami.

"Having trouble keeping up (Y/N)?" Ten Ten asked while opening another scroll, launching yet another attack in the young Okami's direction which she barely dodged.

"Just kill the pest."

"Just shut up will you!" (Y/N) yelled to the voice, her opponent thinking that the shout was directed to her.

Yeah so (Y/N) has been hearing the Wolf's voice from time to time, and right now it was actually getting on her nerves. It would say things like 'you're useless' or 'why are you so clumsy' or 'you insolent overgrown parasite', 'why do you chew like that',. Basically insulting her whole life existence, but she tried not to pay it any mind. But right now, it was distracting her from actually laying a proper hit on her opponent.

"Okay guys, that's enough! You all have shown how the power of youth shone through your attacks and defenses! Though some seemed more distracted than others, nonetheless, good job my pupils!" Guy-sensei finished, with his signature bling-smile and thumbs up.

(Y/N) stood there catching her breath, not quite satisfied with her performance.

"You really suck ass."

This was the final straw. The genin didn't even think twice before she yelled out in frustration.

"Don't think that I won't stab myself and end the both of us!"

She huffed and sat on the grass while team Guy looked at her like some sort of crazy person. She looked at them realizing what she just did a few seconds ago and chuckled nervously.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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