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Hollie's pov:

"hey Matt, can you book a ticket to go home please?" I asked as i sat on the edge of the bed.

"Why whats happened Hollie? If its Dan you can stay with us?" Asked George worried.

"No it's not that, can you just get me a ticket please?" i asked becoming impatient.

"Okay, i'll book them but can you please tell us why and only if me and the lads can come with you." Matt said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Okay but only the 1975 and erm, my mother died last night..." I said trying to hold back the tears. Before i could do anymore, Matt pulled me into a strong hug.

"i'm so sorry Hollie, we'll book the tickets right away. You're a strong girl, you really are, now let me book them." George spoke. i just nodded and looked back at the floor.


"Okay so our flights in 2 hours, Hollie i can come with you to your room if you want, we need to leave as soon as possible." Matt spoke putting on his jacket then bending down to zip up his suitcase. I nodded once again and we left to face dan and pack my bags to go home.

I walked down the corridor, matt by my side. I finally reached mine and dans old room. i still had a key from when me and dan were staying together. I took a deep breathe and opened the door.

Dan was sat there on the bed, alchol bottles surrounding him, the stench of beer in the room. I walked in and looked at dan he smiled. I didn't return the smile. He got up and tried to hug me. I pushed him off and walked over to the wardrobe. Grabbed all of my possessions as dan was muttering away to Matt behind me.

"Why is she packing? Where is she going? Why are you with her? You're not her boyfriend, I am!" Dan said raising his tone at the end, I heard Matt sigh.

"We're going back to England. Me, Hollie, George, Ross and Adam. I know I'm not her boyfriend, but maybe you should start acting like one mate. At least I care about her!" Matt shouted.


"NO I'M GOING TO LOOK AFTER, WHICH YOU OBVIOUSLY CANT DO!" Matt screamed. I couldn't deal with the shouting anymore. I zipped up my suitcase and stood up.

"BOTH OF YOU! SHUT UP! Come on Matt don't bother wasting your breathe on him, he's not worth it." I looked at dan and sneered. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

When we made it back to matts room. All the 1975 were there giving me sympathetic looks. I just smiled as Matt spoke.

"Let's get to the airport!" He said the boys all agreed and we left the room.


"Boys, long time no see!" Shouted a blonde girl. Adam ran up to her and spun her around, she squealed in delight. He put her down and I studied her fully. She was beautiful. She had piercing blue eyes which were surrounded by dark smokey eye make up. She was wearing shorts and a floral crop top.

"Who's that?" I whispered to George.

"Oh Adams friend, she's a lovely girl, come on let's go say hello." He replied grabbing my hand.

"Jordan, I haven't seen you in ages, how are you?" George asked hugging her.

"George! Hey, oooo, who's this then? George has a girlfriend!" She squealed. George blushed furiously.

"She's not my girlfriend, Jordan, she's dan's, we'l she was..." George trailed off looking slightly ashamed.

"Oh Hun, never trusted that guy, these lot are ten times better! Anyway, where you lot heading to?" Jordan asked, I was starting to like her.

"London, how about you?" Ross asked.

"Same here! So guys your stuck with me for another nine hours! We better go, the plane leaves on ten!" She shouted. We all nodded and followed her.

This was it, I was leaving America.

Leaving Lauren.

Leaving bastille.

Leaving dan.

I was still in love with him.

But I have to move on.

Move on to someone else.

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