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Dans POV:

That was amazing! The last night of the tour and it was one of the best nights of my life!

 I'm so gutted it's over but, every good thing has to come to an end and don't i know it.

Me and the boys had just left our dressing room and was now heading out to meet Matt and some girls he had met at the gig. To be honest, i wasn't too keen on the idea of the girls coming too, i was hoping to have some time alone with the lads. I know i spend alot of time with the boys anyway but i...i find it hard talking to girls.

I know, i know, i'm a guy, it should come naturally! Yes they are only girls but i find it hard, too hard to interact with them and damn, i miss out on so much.

I don't know why I'm like this.

I think its a self conscious thing to be honest.

I show my flaws and there's a lot of them.

I've always hated the way i look and i have no idea why, but i hope one day i can like me for who i am.

We had reached the back of the building but Matt was no where to be found.

i glanced round one last time until Matt and two girls came into view.

"Oi Mate!" Kyle shouted at Matt, Matt and Kyle were like brothers, more than me and Matt had ever been.

"Kyle! God, i haven't seen you in ages, hows it going?" Matt said giving Kyle a firm handshake.

"Good thanks mate, so who are these two?" asked Kyle scanning the two girls stood before us.

"Oh i met them at the gig, i thought they were pretty cool so i invited them out with us!" Said Matt smiling uncontrollably, he obviously liked one of them.

I decided to study the girls closer, one of them who was very tall had vibrant green eyes and light long straight blonde hair. She looked like the type of girl that could be a model. Way out of my league. She was dressed up in a skin tight dress with a pair of heels. She seemed like Matt's type.

The other girl however was quite short, she was up to my shoulder. She had auburn hair that laid just above her chest, her brown chocolate eyes were so easy to fall into. She was wearing a Arctic Monkeys t-shirt, grey skinny jeans, converse and a burgundy beanie. 

She looked up at me with the cutest little smile, she was the most delicate and cutest thing i have ever seen.

No she was more than that she was perfect.

Too perfect for me.

No stop Dan, you cant keep putting yourself down like this!

"Hey Guys i'm Hannah! You were amazing omg i cant believe I'm meeting you!" Shouted out the girl who Matt was gazing at in complete desire.

"Hello!" said Kyle, Will and Woody in unison each giving her a hug.

However, i remained silent.

She was so quite and shy, i just wanted to boost her confidence but even i was shy myself so there was no use in that.

The other boys were too busy talking to Hannah to even realise the quiet words that came out of the girls mouth.

"H-Hey, i'm H-Hollie..." she said looking down at the floor.


A pretty name.

Come on Dan, introduce yourself to her even though she probably knows your name, don't be rude.

"H-Hello..." My voice cracked ever so slightly, i cursed myself under my breathe for being so nervous.

"I'm Dan!" I said my confidence showing ever so slightly.

"I know!" Hollie said giggling finally looking up at me.

"Oh okay Hollie, no need to get cocky!" I said jokingly.

"Im sorry!" She said putting on a fake sad face.

I laughed at how cute she was being and put my arm round her.

"So did you enjoy the gig?" i said looking into her eyes as she did the same with me.

"You and the guys were amazing as always! Dan, i know you probably hate me asking this but can i get a photo? like i get it if you don't want too but-"

"Of course you can have a photo! I'm not that mean!" i said squeezing her tightly.

"Thanks Dan!" Hollie taking her iPhone out of her back pocket, She raised her phone and took a photo of us two smiling.


the first photo of me I've liked for years.

Maybe Hollie was changing me.

"Let's take a few more!" I said, grabbing my phone.

"Oh okay!" Hollie said raising her phone again.

"No not with your phone, we'll use mine!" i said smiling like an idiot.

We took multiple photos, some funny and some cute. I put my phone away and smiled once again at Hollie this time she caught me smiling and pulled a funny face causing me too laugh.

Before me and Hollie could say anymore, Kyle shouted back at us "Come on you two, we have a pub to get too!"

Hollie walked off in front with Hannah, leaving me alone at the back and guess what?

All i could think about was how i just met a girl who was perfect for me.







Oblivion (bastille/dan smith)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon