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Dan's pov:

I watched as Hollie ran away into the distance, he figure slowly fading.

"So you think you can take me on then? Oh please look at you, you're nothing!" the vile human said.

I turned to face him.

"I will 'take you on' you hurt Hollie, how could you? She's your daughter! You're supposed to care for her, love her! Not abuse her!" I said rage building up inside me.

This man made me sick, he didn't deserve a daughter, he didn't deserve to be living.

"come on then boy,let's see what you've got!" I prepare myself, standing infront of him with my hands out infront of me

What was I doing? He was 10 times bigger than be, I was no match for him,I would be dead in a minute or two. But I had to do this, for Hollie.

I've only known her for three hours but no girl should be put through this!

All of a sudden, the man lunged at me, wrapping his arms around me. We both fell to the ground, I groaned in pain as my back hit the cold hard ground. The man was now laying on top of with his arms on my wrists.

If I Stayed in this position he would sure batter me to death. I tried to move out of his grip with enormous amounts of strength but he didn't move. He didn't even budge.

What was I going to do? I had to get out, see if Hollie was safe, the boys and Hannah were outside in the tour bus, I just hope she found it.

I looked up to the mans face who now looked like he was struggling to keep me down on the floor, I had to get out of his grasp.

I had to.

I struggled, trying to get his hands loose, but it didn't work.

Come on Dan there must be another way to get him off of you!

I tried various techniques to get him off, until one worked! One actually worked, I looked at him and smiled a devious smile. Then all of a sudden I raised my knee slightly and kneed him in the balls, there's no decent way to put it.

He screamed in pain and rolled off onto the ground next to me.

Come on Dan now is  your chance to leave! I got to my feet quicker than the speed of lightening and ran! I didn't even bother injuring him again, I just had to get out.

I just ran, ran to find the girl I may one day love.


Were was she? I continued to run through the park until I reached the entrance.

Please say Hollie was here, I walked out the park and turned to looked to the right.

There she was, head in her hands, soft whimpers escaping from her lips.

I couldn't bare seeing her like this, it killed me, I've never felt this much pain for someone before.

I bent down in front of Hollie, who looked up at me her eyes bloodshot and he mascara running down her face. I didn't say a word i just grabbed her tightly, i wanted to let her know that she was safe with me. I was going to be there for her as well as the other boys, i felt her relax as i wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm so scared," she whispered, her words barely audible.

"Shhh, you don't have to be anymore, I'm here, so is Hannah and so are the boys, i wont let him hurt you again, okay? Trust me with this!" i said stroking her hair to try and calm her down.

"Can we go back to the bus, I'm really cold," she said shivering.

I pulled away and replied, "Of course we can, but take my jacket first."

i pulled off my jacket and wrapped it around Hollie's shoulders,I stood up first offering my hand to her to take. She accepted and i pulled her up.

We walked in silence back to the tour bus, with a few occasional sniffles from Hollie.

We reached the van and i pulled the door open and i clambered in with Hollie behind me.

"Hollie are you okay?"

"What happened, you're bleeding!"


a swarm of questions hit me and Hollie as hard as a brick, i didn't know what one to answer first.

Hannah ran up to her handing her a wet towel to dab off the blood that was now dry on ther face. She asked her multiple questions about what had happened and she replied with the whole story which everyone seemed to hear.

Hollie earnt a few gasps as she went through the nights events.

She finally finished the story that made my heart shatter.

"Hollie can i talk to you please?" Asked Kyle.

He took her into the other room and i was left alone with Matt, woody, will and Hannah.


Kyles POV:

"Take a seat Hollie, i need to talk to you about something." I said calmly. 

She accepted my offer and lent forward to signal she was ready to hear what i had to say.

"I just wanted you to know that I'm here for you, Me and Dan have a place together and i was just wondering maybe you wanted to stay with us, you know so you're safe? I know what you-re going through, my dad was the same. So i guess we have something in common!" i said laughing a little half-hearted laugh at the end.

"you mean it? Only if its okay with you two? Thank you so much Kyle, i mean it. I'm sorry Kyle i didn't know and hey its not the only thing we have in common! I love cats too!" she said laughing at her own comment.

I had finally found someone who truly gets me.

For the first time in years i feel overjoyed.

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