An Emison Christmas

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My version of the Christmas ep in season 5🌚❣️

No ones pov
It was Christmas season in rosewood and no one in town was happier than Emily fields. It was completely obvious that this time of year was the brunettes favorite time of year. But that wasn't the only reason why she was happy, this year Emily finally has Alison back. Not to mention they've been dating for three months and it's their first Christmas as a couple. "Babe come on let's go, we're gonna meet the girls to go buy a tree!" Emily said to her girlfriend who was watching tv and Ali groaned, "Do I have to?" The blonde asked whining almost like a child would. Ali didn't really like Christmas, as a child her family would always celebrate it but they were never happy about it. Her das was always bitter, ever since Jason was fifteen he'd never show, and her mother was the only one who's heart would be into it. But now that her mothers dead Ali really sees no point in enjoying Christmas or even the season. Truth be told the blonde was only celebrating for her girlfriend. The way Emily's face lit up when she spoke about finally getting to spend Christmas with her made Ali's heart melt. So if celebrating Christmas made Emily happy Ali would suck it up, because Ali's a sucker for Emily just as much as Emily's a sucker for Christmas. "Babe you promised you'd come." Emily said flashing Ali those big brown eyes, (which were Ali's weakness by the way and the brunette absolutely knew that) Ali groaned as she turned off the tv and stood up. "Fine I'll go, but only because you're cute." Ali said making Emily's face flush, "Just let me grab my jacket." The blonde said as she rushed upstairs to grab her jacket. She went downstairs to find Spencer, Hanna, and aria standing by the door with Emily. "Did you guys teleport here or?" Ali asked as Hanna rolled her eyes, "You guys were taking forever so we decided to come over and see what was taking so long." She said as Ali walked up to all of them. "Ms. Dilaurentis isn't in a very Christmas-y mood." Emily teased and Ali rolled her eyes, "What? Ali you don't like Christmas?" Aria asked shocked. "Guys its really not a big deal." Ali said as they all walked out of Emily's house and into Spencer's car. "It so is a big deal!" Hanna said putting on her seatbelt. She sat shot gun, Spencer was driving, Ali got a window seat, aria got the other window seat, and Emily sat in the middle. "Yeah I mean how can you hate Christmas?" Spencer asked as she started driving, "I do not hate Christmas, I just don't like it." Ali said bluntly. "But Christmas is like the best holiday ever." Hanna said and Emily nodded in agreement, "Yeah ali you're not the grinch, so just enjoy Christmas." Aria said and Spencer chuckled. "Didn't the grinch eventually like Christmas?" Hanna asked curiously, "I'm sorry if you guys think of me as the grinch for this but growing up I never really got that "big happy Christmas" thing. And not to mention I didn't really get to celebrate it on the run." Ali explained as Emily stared at her girlfriend and frowned. "Well that changes now Ali, you're not a little kid anymore and you're not on the run anymore." Spencer said looking at the blonde through the rear view mirror, "Yeah this years gonna be different, you have us." Hanna said as aria nodded and smiled. "And Christmas is my favorite time of year. Which means I'm happy as all hell, and you know what happens when I'm happy." Emily said teasingly, "Oh trust me I know baby." Ali said smirking as she kissed her girlfriends lips. "Porn!" Aria said covering her eyes, "Yeah no sex talk or PDA in my car!" Spencer said half jokingly. "Don't you and Toby have sex in here like all the time?" Ali asked as Spencer's face flushed, "Ewww." Aria said as she nose scrunched in disgust as they all laughed. After about two hours of tree hunting the group finally picked a tree. They had drove back to Emily's house and all enjoyed a nice glass of cocoa, "I totally can't wait till Christmas!" Aria said happily as they all sat around Emily's living room. "Me either! I mean it's gonna feel weird not spending Christmas with our parents, but I think it'll be nice." Spencer said as they all smiled, "The guys are all coming over right? We're still all gonna sleep here the night before so we can spend the entire day together?" Emily asked as Spencer, aria, and Hanna nodded. "Yup we got everything planned out." Aria said and they all smiled.
Christmas Eve
Still no ones pov
After everyone had finally put their gifts under the tree they all sat around Emily's living room drinking eggnog and laughing. "Okay wait, so you're telling me you don't like Christmas?" Caleb asked Ali as she nodded and each of the guys eyes widened in shock. "Oh c'mon i know I'm not the only one that doesn't like Christmas!" The blonde said staring at everyone, "The grinch doesn't like Christmas." Ezra said jokingly and Ali gasped as everyone laughed. "I'm telling you guys eventually he liked Christmas remember??" Hanna asked and everyone laughed again, "It's okay babe you're my grinch." Emily said kissing her girlfriends cheek as Ali smiled widely. "Awww Ali's in love." Spencer teased as Ali's face turned red, "I think it's cute." Emily said smiling. "Oh please Em, you think everything Ali does is cute." Hanna said as everyone nodded and the couple rolled their eyes. After awhile everyone had fallen asleep scattered around the room. The next morning they all woke up to aria making pancakes, "After breakfast we can open presents." Aria said sternly as they all sat at the table and rolled their eyes. "Okay mom." Hanna said and everyone laughed as aria rolled her eyes and served everyone. After eating breakfast they all sat around the tree opening presents. It was Ali's turn and she opened the one Emily gave her, "Its not much but I thought I would give you something from the heart." Emily said nervously and Ali smiled at her. The blonde tore open the present and after all the wrapping paper was off it revealed a scrapbook. Ali opened it and she saw a whole bunch of pictures of her and Emily, it was from freshman year till now. Ali started tearing up as she looked at her girlfriend, she turned to the end of the page where there was something written. "I've been in love with you since the day I've laid my eyes on you, I'm willing to be your pip if you'll be my Estella. - Love Emily." Ali read out loud as she let tears of joy fall. "I-I love you so much Em." The blonde said as she passionately kissed the brunette, a flash suddenly made them pull away. "Another to add to the scrap book." Hanna said smiling as everyone smiled. "Okay maybe Christmas isn't that bad after all." Ali admitted with a smile on her face as Emily kissed her cheek. "God you really are the grinch." Hanna said and everyone bursted into fits of laughter.

This was so fluffy I can't even

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