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Prompt; Pigskin makes Ali stay away from Emily but emison always wins😻❣️fetus emison💗 takes place when Ali goes back to school.

Alison's pov
I was sitting on the table at a courtyard sunbathing when suddenly something was blocking the sun. I opened my eyes and saw Paige standing over me.

"What?" I asked as she stood there and I sat up as I took off my sunglasses. "Stay away from Emily." She said as I furrowed my eyebrows, "What?" I asked in disbelief as I stood up, "I said stay away from Emily." She said again, "What the hell, why?" I asked as she rolled her eyes.

"Emily is MY girlfriend and your little "sad and needy" act is getting old." She said as I rolled my eyes, "Is that what you think? That I'm acting sad and needy so Emily spends more time with me?" I asked as she nodded, "That's exactly what you're doing." She said as I sighed, "Paige, Emily checks on me every day, I don't ask her to. She does it out of love Paige, she is my friend." I said as the last word stung my heart a bit.

"Oh don't be dumb Alison I see the way you get around Emily, she's practically wrapped around your finger." She said as I sighed, "Paige you have Emily, the greatest girl in the world, enjoy it." I said as she stared at me dumb founded. "Just tell me one thing, do you have feelings for Emily?" She asked as I looked down, "That doesn't matter anymore Paige, you won." I said in defeat as she stood there, "Just stay away from her okay? Or else." She said as I stood there and she walked away.

Wait was that a threat? I decided to go home early instead, maybe I should stay away from Emily, I mean she's happy with Paige anyways.
My dad was out of town and Jason is nowhere to be found anymore, so I decided to just watch tv in the living room. My phone started ringing and I saw it was Hanna, I answered. "Hello?" I asked, "Where Are you?" She asked as I sighed, "At home I'm sick." I said. I know she's the one who doesn't believe anything I say, and that's understandable.

"Why? Are you sick?" She asked, "No I just wasn't feeling it." I said as she sighed, "Open the door I'm outside." She said as she hung up and I furrowed my eyebrows. I stood up and opened my door to see a smirking Hanna. "What are you doing here?" I asked as she walked in.

"Well when you weren't at school Emily was worried so I volunteered to make sure you're still alive." She said as I smiled at the fact that Emily was worried but it fell quickly as I remembered what Paige said. "Uh yeah I'm fine, but you couldn't have just called?" I asked as I shut the door and she sat on the couch, "I really didn't feel like being at school today, three tests." She said as I sat next to her.

"Oh." I said as she nodded, "Hey can I ask you something?" She asked as I looked at her. "Sure." I said looking at her hesitantly, "You gotta be honest okay?" She asked as I nodded, "Do you and Emily have something going on?" She asked as I furrowed my eyebrows, "What do you mean?" I asked as she sighed, "Are you and Emily like a thing?" She asked. "No. Why would you think that?" I asked as she sighed,

"Well it's just she's always worried about you, and you two are always together." She said as I looked down, "Yeah that's not going to be happening anymore." I said as she looked at me confused, "What do you mean?" She asked, "Paige confronted me this morning." I said as she sighed, "What? Why?" She asked, "She said to leave Emily alone. Or else." I said as she furrowed her eyebrows, "Well what did you say?" She asked.

"Nothing, but I think I'm gonna stay away from Emily for awhile." I said as she looked at me for awhile. "What?" I asked, "What did you say to her Alison?" She asked as I sighed, "I told her that she has Emily, she should enjoy it and that she won." I said as she furrowed her eyebrows, "that's it? No threats or remarks?" She asked as I sighed, "Well what was I supposed to say Hanna? I mean she makes Emily happy." I said as Hanna stared at me, "Ali, do you have feelings for Emily?" She asked as I stare at her shocked, "Y-you called me Ali." I said smiling lightly at her.

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