The Nightshade.

717 54 31

Mount Justice

Clark stared at the monitors, watching as Lex was left in daze by Vanessa.

'Do you think we should check on-' Flash stared.

Superman got up suddenly. 'Someone has gained an unauthorized access into Mount Justice!'

Then he was gone.

The speedster frowned, crossing his arms as his teammates rushed after the boy scout.

'Hey Flash, do you think Batman can handle this fight on his own?' The speedster asked himself.

'Yeah, we should all stay put and wait for him.' he said, sarcasm spilling through his words.

After maintaining dialogue with himself, he got up and trudged towards the mission room.


Vanessa stared at The Dark Knight in apprehension.

Everett excitedly scanned the place with his electronic specs, seeing things like he had never before.

The electric wires of The Cave had been laid bare to him, and at this moment he was hacking into the system.

He was a certified nerd, and if not for the fact that medicine seemed more appealing at the time, he would have gone for engineering.

Being part of The Nightshade had been like turning him into an hyperactive toddler, Everett had almost forgotten the reason he decided to join, he really felt like he. . .belonged.

Apart from those two, there were three others, the giant of a man that had been with Vanessa in the restaurant where Everett was abducted, a teenage girl with chocolate brown skin and light pink hair, and a dark haired boy that seemed to not want to be here. His eyes were fixed to the floor.

Bruce looked at Eight. 'Everett?'

The young doctor turned hacker waved, but the teenage boy by his side pulled down his hand, his voice emotionless. 'We do not wave at heroes.'

'Five, it's fine,' The pink haired girl's hand touched the pistol on her hip. 'We're supposed to be friendly.'

She turned to her other teammate. 'Right, One?'

The giant stared at her, then wearily eyed the increasing number of heroes. 'I'm not sure we have been friendly enough."

Superman, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter and The Flash had just arrived, their expressions not pleased.

'You are?' Dinah asked, prepared to fight.

'Incomplete.' Five huffed unhappily.

'Personal Guards.' One laughed, pushing the moody teen behind him.

'Shadow's.' Everett said at the same time.

'Shadow's incomplete personal guards,' The pink haired girl laughed, muttering to herself. 'So much for first impressions.'

'Three,' Vanessa frowned, throwing the girl a stern look and sighed. 'We didn't come here to fight, we—'

At this moment a red and yellow blur almost barreled into Vanessa but she instinctively shifted to the side.

A gunshot rang out, and a groaning ginger haired speedster clutching his arm was the sight on the floor.

'I. . .I didn't mean to do that.' Three trembled in fear, the gun almost falling from her hands as Vanessa glared at her.

The woman's eyes shifted to the sidekicks and their mentors.

'Leave.' Vanessa gritted her teeth.

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