Chapter 8: nightmares or memories

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Ash PoV

"Get away stop please Ben" what I woke up to ruby screaming thrashing in her sleep I saw tears stream down her face I looked up to everyone waking up as soon as cacy saw ruby he ran over to her it was braking my hart seeing her like this "shhh honey it's ok wake up princess" her brother said cradling her in he's arms. After a minute she calmed down and slowly opened her eyes when she looked into my eyes all I could see was fear what ever she was dreaming about had shaken her up real bad.

Ruby PoV

The room was silent everyone's eyes was on me after my dream I had well more like a memory of Ben the night my brothers walked in with me unconscious after getting repeatedly hit on the head by my then boyfriend after trying to leave him that night is another that brings me pain every time I close my eyes.


The music was so loud I swear I'm going to be death tomorrow. I looked around for Ben he went to get us a drink ages ago and still hasn't came back I went to the kitchen but he wasn't there I had a bad feeling in my guts I got a drink looking around for him I asked a few guys they told me he went upstairs now I really have a bad feeling about this I walked upstairs. When I heard moans as I got closer I head voices "Ben!" I head someone scream in pleasure instantly recognising the voice as the school slut Britney "yes baby" said a deep voice what made my heart drop no it can't be I argued. only one way to find out said my brain I pushed the door open and froze I was right it was him my Ben. well he ain't my no more fuck that bitch "you dickhead how could you"I screamed at him he stopped and looked at me shock then angry I slammed the door with tears in my eyes threatening to spill over how could he I run out of the house leaving the party and walking home I just want to be a lone I'll tell my brothers later

*30 minutes later *

I'm crying with a tube of ice cream yes I know cliche so what sue me when there was bang on my door I was alone most of my brothers was at the party or at work. I wipe away my tears and I open it thinking it is one of my brothers but shocked when I see Ben "what do you want it's over go away" trying shut the door but before I could Ben pushes me making me hit my head on the coffee table making me see stars then grabs my hair slamming he's fist into my face then pulls me up punching my guts repeatedly then he kept slamming my head into the wall while saying "its not over to I say it's over" I tried to fight him but he is ten times stronger than me and I'm light headed suddenly he is yanked away from me and all I can hear is shouting but I couldn't hear what they was saying. the last thing I saw before I blacked out was cacy by my side crying.

* end of flashback *

Cacy PoV

As I hold my crying twin in my arms I feel guilty I should have been there that night I all ways hated that dick but I just pushed it down just thinking it was because he was dating my twin and that's why he wasn't good enough for her i remember coming home with the boys after the party seeing all the blood and him hitting her it broke my heart seeing her in that hospital bed again unconscious just like she was four years ago after the accident there was so much blood I thought I was going to loss her that time I didn't leave her side the hole time. that was why i won't let her date in case it happens again and I do loss her this time.

After a while she stops crying again and I help her up "sorry for waking you guys up" Ruby says a chorus of 'don't worry' and 'it's OK'  round the room I look at the time and see its 6:00 I tell everyone we have to go and get ready for school the all node there heads and we said are byes and we head home what is only next door as we get in Ruby rushes upstairs and let out a sigh she will  talk to you when she's ready you can't rush this I think but I hope she does soon and not keep it bottled up

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