Ruby 4 years ago

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Chapter 1: Ruby 4 years ago
“Come on mum we’re going to be late!” I shout waiting in the car with my dad.

“Fashionably late!” my mother shouts back, finally walking out the door.

“Can we go now?” I ask impationatly.

“Yes princess,” says my dad, starting up the car.

“Are you nervous?” My mum asks.

“No I’m just going to be dancing in front of like a million people.” I manage to choke out. I’m in my school’s dance team, and today we’re going to be dancing in front of the whole school, and their parents, grandparents, and whoever else turns up.

“Don’t worry baby, you’ll be fine.” My dad says, smiling at me through the rearview mirror.

Suddenly I get a text:
Hey sis we’re on our way to the school now. See you soon.
Love Cacy.

All my brothers had football practice, so we have to meet them there. “Is that your brother?” Mymum asks.

“Yeah, he said they are leaving now and they will be there soon.” I answer back.

“Ok tell them we’ll be there in 5 minutes.” My dad tells me.

I can’t be bothered so I ring him. He picks up on the second ring. “What’s up little sis?”

I groan I hate it when he says that. All my brothers call me it, and I hate being the youngest. They all tease me especially because I’m the only girl.

“Whatever. We’ll be there in five minutes.” I hear laughing from my brothers.

He must have put me on speaker phone. Ugh, why does he do that?

I was about to yell at him, when suddenly there was a crash. I screamed as glass rained over me.

I dropped my phone and I could hear my brothers calling my name, but I couldn’t speak.

There was a copper taste in my mouth as I started to cough. I can feel the blood run down my face as my vision starts to go black.

Before i fell into the darkness, I saw the scene in front of me that will never go away. Something that will be imprinted in my mind forever. My mums seat belt must have broke because her body was half way out the front window. While my dads head was pressed against the steering

They’re both…


I also want to thank @sunshine13200413 for offering to help me with my editing

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