Chapter 26

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I think I'm pregnant, I winced at the thought. Chase will be so mad, I'm on the pill, this shouldn't have happened, crap, crap, crap, I've even done the test, 3 times, they were all positive, but still.

I think Chase is putting my morning sickness down to the greif for my brother, and the depression, I mean I'd be depressed over Jet anyway, but I Wouldn't normally be this...... emotionally unstable.

SHIT, I can't tell him, I'll keep it a secret, go to a clinic......on my own, the test said I was only, 1 week, so I've got urrrrmmm 3 weeks and 3 days til it's illegal. Ok so, I'll book an appointment with a doctor for next week, I think I'll take Katie with me, I can trust her, I can, I definatly can.

" Katie!" I shouted. Hey first word I've said to anyone that wasn't screeching insults.

" What, what's the matter are you hurt. " she said running into the room.

" no." my voice cracked with lack of use, she looked passed me to the tests I had discarded.

" oh no, Kitty, oh my.... Oh my god." she stammered.

" I need you to book a doctors appointment for me, I can't keep it, Chase would divorce me." I felt hot tears drip from my eyes.

" No he wouldn't, he loves you to peices, besides, he'd want to keep it, he'll love the idea, almost as much as he loves you." she comforted.

" it's not the idea I'm worried about, it's the reality. " I said mono-tone.

" you have to tell him." she said.

" o......o......ok." I forced the letters out one by one until I could form the word right.

" good, you wanna keep it a secret a bit longer, or you wanna tell him now and get it over with?" she asked sounding concerned.

" I'll wait a few days, I can't deal with it now, don't want to be even more of a burden than I am now." I said running a hand through my hair.

" that's fine, you want to come down stairs now, you've practically been existing on diet coke." she laughed, I think she was trying to lighten the mood.

" ok, shit joke though." I giggled. I turned to look in the mirror and what I saw, well not pretty, my hair was dry, my skin was pasty, I had dark circles under my eyes, I was thin, but not good kinda thin, as in, looks ill kinda thin. " wow, let me change." I said, I can't hide my facial or hair problems because all my makeup is well I burnt it in anger, anyway, I dressed in one of Chases t-shirts and some jogging bottoms, that way they'd just think the top was too big, not that I'm dangerously under weight, which I'm pretty sure I am.

" Kitty, you better not have changed your mind!" said Katie from the other side of the door, little does she know that the only reason I'm coming down is so I don't hurt my baby.

" No, just doing my hair." I called back as I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail, at lest you couldn't see the tangles, at least I can save some of their feelings.

I opened the door and stumbled out. I took Katies arm and she helped me down the spiral staircase.

" Hey guys." I said in a gruff voice as I removed my arm from around Katies neck and strolled, precariously, to the sofa.

" Hey Kitts," smiled Jay sadly as if I hadn't been in my room for a week, I was happy for that.

" Hey Kitster!" Kyle said walzing into the room.

" hey babe," said Chase sympathetically from behind him.

I held out my hand to him and he walked over to the sofa and plonked himself down. I layed my head on his chest and took a deep sniff, I know it sound creepy but I missed him horribly.

" I missed you too." he whispered in my ear, his warm breath tickling my neck.

I giggled. " you want food Kitty? You need it in your con......." Katie shut herself up fast enough for no one to notice except Jay, he stared at me, glaring daggers. I gave him a sad look and bit my lip, I mouthed sorry, and his face softened and he shook his head, meaning, it's fine, no worries.

" yeah, not m...much though." I said in answer to Katie.

" Ok, pasta ok?" she said, I nodded not trusting my voice not to crack.

Jays POV

Oh dear lord no, she's pregnant, " I had an inkling but it was when Kaitie half said condition, but stopped herself that it click, shit, shit, shit, I'll talk to her tonight.

KITTY'S POV -7o'clock that night

" I'm sorry Jay." I stuttered out, Jay had asked the others to go.......somewhere I can't remember but he made them go so he could talk to me.

" why are you sorry?" he said stooping down to my eye level.

" I'm pregnant, I know you hate it, you don't h....h....have to pretend." I stammered with tears dripping down my cheeks.

" Hey, hey, hey, no I don't, I actuallly love the idea of being an uncle, I think its great!" he admitted pulling me into a comforting hug.

" Really?" I sobbed.

" of course." he breathed.

" I havn't told Chase yet, I'm scared he'll be mad at me." I said between sobs.

" he'll love the idea, you do this in every life that you have kids, you get yourself worked up thinking he'll hate it, then it turns out he loves being a dad, he's a great one too!" Jay chuckled. We broke apart and I smiled up at him, he smiled and I went to bed.

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