Chapter 22

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I was sat at the lake, beside Nate, a boy I met a few days ago, the day I died, we were watching Kitty make her speech about my death.


" Hello, as some of you may know, my dear......sister......Jinny, wa......was...." I was stuttering, unable to form words and sentences, so Jay cut in.

" Our sister Jinny was murdered, she was murdered by our mother, killed, shot, with a bullet laced with poison, she was so close to making it before the poison took hold." he said with tears streaming down his cheeks.

" she was the best big sister, ever, she could make Kitty laugh even when she was depressed just my calling me and Jay BAFFOONS. she could pick us up when we were down, she could change the world, she could change you, she could make a bad person good. She was amazing. " Jet added tears now running down his cheeks too, both their arms were tightly wrapped around my shoulders as I sobbed, Chase, Katie and Kyle were behind us, tears in their eyes. Finally I broke, full on broke I sank to the floor and sobbed whilst Sir was telling everyone about how Jinny was so good and pure,then they all left and I was sobbing, not in front of the whole school, just my friends. Except Jinny wasn't there, she was gone.


Through the whole entire speech we were all crying, me included, at the end of the speech Kitty crumpled to the floor and sobbed, Sir left and everyone exited after him.

It's gonna take a lot to fix her this time.


Hey all,


Did ya like it, why did sir make them make a speech? Seriously any ideas tell me cos I don't know yet.

C ya


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