Chapter 17

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Kittys POV

" you're going down, element or not." the bafoon in front of me snarled.

" I could beat you element or not, you see the thing is bafoons like you are all muscle, no skill. I should know my brothers dearest used to be the same, til' I knocked 'em into shape. " I snarled back, you guessed it defence and combat class. I had been pairs with Tony. He basically had super strength, which meant he couldn't, not, use his power, this meant that I could too. Not that I needed it.

" yeah right." he said, to thin air, I had snuck up behind him and jumped onto his back, my arms wrapping around his neck, pushing off his shoulders and kicking his lower back, he fell forwards and used my momentumn to fling myself into a back flip, landing on my feet.

He sprung onto his feet and came running at me, I pushed my fist into his nose, and just for good measure, lit it on fire. Burning his nose whilst braking it.

Suffice to say, I won.

Later on....

Me and the rest of the gang went to visit Katie. On the way to her bed, we passed by Tonys bed. I gave him a little innocent wave.


" hey Katie, how are ya?" I asked.

" I'm fine, Kyles been acting weird though, he's being.... I don't know a bit......clingy. " She whispered nodding her head at Kyle.

" he's always like this when you're ill." I said.

" it's true he's like a lost puppy." Jet said into our heads. ' STAY OUT OF MY HEAD' I thought loudly enough for him to hear.

He chuckled. Him, Jay, Jinny, Chase and Kyle were heading towards us.

" hey my beautiful girlfriend." said Chase flinging his arm around my shoulder.

" hey my not quite as beautiful boyfriend. " I replied with a smirk. My brothers, sister, Kyle and Katie all laughed. I was so glad Katie didn't wince this time though.

"OW!" I screamed as a glass cup smashed over my head. I turned around to see a tall, blonde, stick thin, blue eyed, short-skirted, short- low hanging topped bimbo stood there glaring.

" WHAT THE HELL!" I shouted my anger rising.

" You little slut, " she snarled.

" says the girl with her breasts popping out of her shirt and ass on full display." I snarled back.

" I'm not the one who's trying to steal someone elses boyfriend." she said getting angry.

" and who's boyfriend would that be?" I asked already knowing the answer, not that I knew who the hell she was talking about.

" mine duh." she asked obviously thinking I didn't know.

" ok a) why would I want to steal a boy stupid enough to go out with you. B) I am perfectly happy with my own boyfriend thank you very much."

" yeah right."

Now I was angry. My hands were getting warmer, my blood, I could tell, was getting hotter, pumping through me faster than before. A few seconds and I would be completely on fire. " leave." I hissed.

" why the he'll should I?" she asked, she obviously thought she could beat me in a fight.

" because in about 3 seconds you will be a pile of ashes. " I said as calmly as I could.

" is that a threat?" she asked obviously readying her power. I could see her changing, shape shifter, but a slow one by the time she changed she'd be in a ring of fire.

" no, it's a promise."

" AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" she roared, as the fire whipped around her, she was now stood in a ring of it, controlled by me, not hot enough to kill, just scare, or injure. She by the way was now a shark. Great choice when you're on land.

" fine let me go...."

" apologise." I said.

" never." she replied.

" well then I'll just have too...." I let the flames inch closer to her.

" fine I'm sorry, you're not a slut, I am I was trying to brake you and Chase up, so I could have him. "

I let the flames disappear, and she sprinted away.

" That is sooooo one of the reasons I love ya." Chase whispered as he gripped my hand. The anger and heat, left me at his touch. I reached up and pulled him into a deep kiss, momentarily forgetting everyone who was stood behind us.

" Kitty. Stop making out with your boyfriend for a second, before I brake his face." Jet snapped me out of our moment.

" hey at least we're not in bed this time. " I laughed referring to what me, Jet, and Jay were talking about yesterday.

" oh ha ha." said Jet sarcastically.

" what are you talking about?" asked Chase.

" do you remember that time about, what, 3 lives ago?" I asked my brothers. They thought about it and nodded. " I was seventeen and then we urrrrrmmmmm did it, and then they burst in and beat the shiz out of you?"

" oh yeah, that floofleing hurt Jet, but thanks for getting him off Jay." he chuckled.

Later on Katie was let out of 'Hospital.' and all of us went to bed.



Hey all,

So I know the last few chapters havn't been all that great but I'm trying. And also I know that they're really short but I'm hoping this is a bit longer than the rest of them.

Any who, so I'll write soon, and hope ya carry on reading, please vote comment and fan, or just add it to ya library, I don't mind.

Also, I love it when people give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism or give ideas.

See ya (sort of)


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