Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Anyone who is reading my story.

ok so this chapter is basically another group lesson but there is a twist!

See ya

Thanks for reading.


Kitty's POV

We were all sat in a circle on the rug in Katie's living room. " I want all of you to close you eyes because today we are going to try and find all of your spirit animals. " said Jane, before she continued Chase said,

" what's a spirit animal?"

" it's the animal that each of you will be able to shift into and then ...well, we'll tel you about that later."

Now I'm confused. Oh well. " close your eyes all of you. " said Jane. " now, all of you look deep into your memories and try to find an animal any, maybe one that you were interested in or that you kept as a pet, it can be mythical or non-mythical, that doesn't matter just focus.

I did what I was told, and after a few minutes I felt a warm feeling at the tips of my fingers and toes, it slowly began to spread through me until it filled my entire body, until it forced my eyes open.

I wasn't seeing things like normally did though. Everything was tinted red and gold.

I looked down at myself and realised that o was covered in red, gold, orange and yellow feathers, ok so I'm probably a phoenix.

The fact that I can say that without freaking out shows just how messed up my life is.

I forgot about everything else and just soared around the room, dipping and diving, weaving through narrow gaps, between furniture. Until a cough caught my attention. I looked down to see who had interrupted me and only then did I notice all of my friend looking at me with incredulous expressions.

I landed on the floor and shifted back to me, none of my friends had changed at all.

" wow I think she's gonna get the past life memories soon, don't ya think guys?" said Jane.

The adults all nodded in agreement. " which means the others will too." said Tina knowingly.

" ok what are you on about? Past lives?" I said before a pain shot through me head to toe, like I was being shot.

All of a sudden, loads of memories were rushing around inside my head, I could tell all the others were in the same pain because they were either doubled over or clutching their heads. I hit the ground, great I fainted.

I started being able to pick out certain images, all from different times and places but still. Me and Chase riding horse back, me and Chase fighting wars side by side, me and Chase sat on thrones, we were about 20-22 years old, wearing crowns and long gowns/ suits, beside us sat Katie and Kyle, but the thing that shocked me the most was my stomach, I was PREGNANT.there were a lot of other memories a lot of them being of me and Chase, some of them we had children, others we didn't.

I woke up suddenly, and I realised my face was wet with tears, but only because I was so shocked by how long I've known Chase, Kyle and Katie. Chase was staring down at me, concern clear within his eyes.

" Kitty, are you alright." he asked clearly panicking.

" Yeah I'm fine just a bit overwhelming, that's all. Did you see the same as me? " I said, hoping beyond hope that he would understand.

" yeah, yeah I did, are you upset because of that?" he asked and I knew it would hurt him if I said yes.

" no, of course not it's just a lot to take in that's all." he pulled me up into a sitting position and hugged me burying his head into my hair and whispered " I love you Kitty."

My heart fluttered as a single tear spilled from my eyes I whispered into his shoulder " I love you too Chase." before I could stop them the tears flowed out, I had probably ruined his shirt. When I had calmed down I looked over Chases shoulder to find that the adults had left us alone and to see Katie sat on Kyle's knee across the room talking. Katie saw me and smiled a small but genuine smile, before she turned back to Kyle and continued to talk.

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