Chapter 18

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" what the shiz are you talking about?" I asked Jay who was looking smug.

" there is a dance here at the school, and you have to ask someone, you have it easy, ask Katie, however, you four are the guests of honour and just so that you know the king and queen of our kind will be there. " if he doesnt wipe that smug look of his face soon there will be a tornado in this room.

" FINE." I said through gritted teeth.

" good, now go ask her. And I would fast Chase has already asked Kitty." he chuckled as he walked out of the room. Idiot.


" Kitty will you come to the dance with me?" she didn't say anything, but nodded and slung her arms around my neck, we were laughing as I spun her around.

" I love you Chase"

" I love you too Kitty."

I heard the sounds of someone pretending to throw up behind us, so I put her down and spun around to see her brothers standing there. Great.

" you two are so gross." said Jet.

" I think it's cute, if you wern't my sister that is." Said Jay. I heard Kitty wince in pain behind me, I turned around instantly. She was doubled over, clutching her head.

" Kitty, what's wrong?" I asked, I was worried, this has happened before, this only happens when, someone is dying close to her.

" No, its, someone in the school, there going We have to find them, get sir to hold an assembly. We need to find them. NOW!" she shouted the last word. She was in so much pain, she wouldn't be able to cope with explaining anything to anyone, but she could know who it was, as soon as she saw them, I have a plan.

****************** LATER ON****************


" Now everyone, line up in front of Kitty, she'll know who it is, we'll protect you, we'll give you all the booster shots, to protect you from deseases, guard you from harm, LINE UP!" I shouted the last command, they all lined up, one by one, Kitty examined them.

" No."


"no" this went on for about 100 students. Until...

" it's you."

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