Chapter 12

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Kittys POV

" KIDS KIDS WE HAVE TO LEAVE... NOW!" I head Tina shout.

" why? " I asked confused and worried.

" there are some terrible people out there who are trying to kill you before you can reach you full potential and stop them. There in town they will go straight for your houses unless they sense that all you stuff is gone and everything. You parents will be safer this way So don't argue, I have charmed your houses so that all your stuff is at our destination, and your families are protected. Please we have to go. Katie say bye to your mum." she said hurriedly as Katie's mum walked in and pulled Katie into a tight hugg.

I couldn't breath. I didn't argue, know one did we just went and got into the car just as Tina had told us. I felt tears prickling my eyes. I tried to stop them, force them back, but I couldn't, they all came at once, making my vision blurry.

Soon my silent tears became louder, more frequent I was sat in the back seat of a rusted red truck, with

Chases arm tight around my shoulders his head resting lightly on mine hushing me trying to help me stop the tears that I found impossible to hold back. Katie's hand held mine tightly, comforting me silently. Although I could tell tears were falling down her cheeks too, the thing is I have always bottled up my emotions, but lately, I'm sure all the tears from over the years have been escaping little by little.

Whereas Katie has always been comfortable letting the tears flow, it's made it so she can deal with it, I can't.

" It'l be ok Kitty don't worry." I didn't expect that, Kyle had been quiet the whole journey. And it'd been an hour. Wow that went quickly. I nodded in agreement even though I didn't believe it. Nothing would be ok ever again, id always worry. Nothing would ever be the same.


" kitty... Kitty we're here." I could feel the smile spread across my face as I looked up at him.

" where's here?" I asked confused. Then I understood we were at the airport. Oh hell no! I started to panic, I hate flying.

My breathing became shallower and I could tell that Chase knew I was panicking, he scooped me up and carried me towards the airport checkin where the others were checking in. " I love you Kitty. "

" Love you too, Chase." I whispered as my breathing slowed to it's usual rate. Even though my heart sped up. " Crap I hate planes Chase. " I said burying my head into his shoulder.

He chuckled then said, " that's my girl always looking at the bigger picture. " he laughed again and I slapped him playfully on the chest. That just made him laugh harder.



I looked over at her sleeping peacefully beside me. She always did that on planes, panic then just sleep until the journey was over then she'd be proud that she had made it.

We were on a private plane that was being flown by a friend on Katie's mum. He was taking us to an island that was rumoured to be uninhabitable, but these were just legends, according to Jane people like us, the ' elements' had always come to live here. And also there were a few other people with powered to that went there, but they each had about 100 other people in their homeland that all had the same power as them, but us four were all unique.

Suddenly a voice came through the speakers that said, " this is your pilot speaking we will have landed within approximately 14 minutes, thank you."

I shook Kitty's shoulders gently and she began to stir. " Kitts we'll be landing soon." I muttered.

" ok " she whispered groggily.

30 minutes later we were off the plane and climbing into a sleek black truck. " right kids, we are going into the mountains here, there is a small school, it's for all people with powers.This is the place where you will learn about your powers with people who understand. You'll do all the same lessons as you did with us but you'll be learning with others as well. Ok?" said Tina.

" so it's like school but we'll live there and stuff, will we have do maths?" asked Kitty and I couldn't help but laugh. She really hates maths.

" no not at first, our priority is you powers at the moment." she replied then drove off away from the airport, and everything we left behind.

Kitty was practically jumping up and down in her seat now, she's always done that, whenever shes been upset or angry, later on she goes crazy happy just to make up for it, but we all knew what was coming next, she would go quiet, hardly speak and became shyer than shy when she would meet new people. And she would be meeting a lot of them when we reached this school thing.


Kitty's POV

I was exited about this school thing but scared out of my mind, I was holding back the fear. I don't want to deal with that right now. " WE ARE HERE!" shouted Kyle from the front of the truck.

" what? really. Wow" I said the last word as a whisper. Chase chuckled, he knows me so very well. I punched his chest playfully and sighed. I knew that this first week would be the hardest. Oh dear I hate having to talk to knew people but at least Chase was here by my side and I knew he wasn't going to let anyone harm me, I smiled at that thought.

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