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Kitty's POV

" hey, hey Kitty we're over here! " yelled chase across the school diner. I Waved and started to head over to his table. He was sat with Katie and Kyle.

This was kind of like our gang even though we were all completely different : me well I have a bit of a temper I mean I am a nice person but if you annoy me all the time then it's like a switch changes in my head you could say I have a fiery temper, then there's Chase, he's fit I wont lie he's a really calm person unless you get to one of his friend and its like a wave gos over him and he's angry. I guess all of us are like that we stick up for one another we are a team. Any way there's also Katie who is like she is basically well sting like an oak tree in a tornado, whatevers going badly in her life she always has time for us. And last but not least there is Kyle, he's a breezy person he can take a joke and he can dish them out but the same as the rest of us if u make one of his friends upset he's like a tornado.

" Hey gorgeous" said Chase as I sat down, between him nd Katie.

" shut it Chase bad day. " I know what your thinking that was a bit mean but this guy Jake in my English spent the Whole lesson calling me carrot top.

So I have flaming red hair, what's your problem?

Chase grabbed my timetable" well I see why your annoyed you had maths sat with Jake and then English sat with Jake. wow not a good day. What did he say this time? " he asked genuinely concerned.

Jakes been giving me Grief for a couple of years now and all the way through Chase has been by my side making sure I'm okay.

You might wonder why Katie and Kyle havnt said anything, it's because well basically there's like this unwritten rule if im upset Chase takes the lead in sorting it out. If chase is upset I take the lead in sorting it out. Same with Katie and Kyle.

I think that happened because Chase lives next door to me, we've known

each other since infants school, he's two years older than me though, he's staying on at school just so that im not gonna be on my own when everyone else leaves exept of course Kyle will still be here but well I'm not as close to him as I am to Chase.

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