18: Good bye

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I looks down at the invitation, the invitation to my sisters wedding. The wedding were she is going to mary the most wonderful man alive. And the man that I love.  

"ok dad, yes I know. I've been alone before. Remember I am thirty" I said with what I thought sounded like a normal tone.  

He sighed into the phone. "yes I know honey, I would jut feel better I you were coming with us tomorrow, like planned"  

I smiled, a small smile, "I wish so too, but my company needs me right now. I can't leave" 

My dad sighed again. "are you ok honey?" he asked. His tone caring but still sad.  

As if he knew that at the very moment my heart was breaking because the man I love was packing to leave and get married in hawaii. Tomorrow Jonathan leaves because he needs to go back to his company.  

And then I'm going to be alone.  

"I'm fine dad" I said while looking at a new design in front of me.  

"call me" he whispered. "if you ever feel sad, or you just want to talk, I'll always be here for you" he Said.  

I felt like Crying. "I love you dad" I said, half crying.  

"I love you too honey"  

Then the line went dead.  

Tomorrow, by this time, my sister will be a newly wed.  

She will be happy in Hawaii where she will stay for a week as her honey moon. With all the love and sex a person could ask for.  

That's what people do in honey moons, right? 

I don't know.  

I put my head down on my desk, randomly tapping my heel on the ground in a weird melody.  

I closed my eyes and page attention my my breathing, clearing my mind.  

Clear my mind.  

The tapping continued, and so did the slow breathing for about a minute. Until an erotic picture popped into her mind of Anthony and myself. In a fairytale, on 'our' honey moon.  

"Dammit!" I yelled as I forced myself to look up.  

Bt I almost screamed when I noticed that Anthony was sitting right in front of me, on a chair, smiling.  

"what the he'll" I muttered under my breath as I stared at the sexy guy in front of me.  

He was dressed casually, which I hardly ever see, his short was a black button down that hugged his wide chest, and he wore simple jeans.  

"when did you get here?" I asked him suddenly confused.  

"when you were taking deep breaths with your head on your desk" he said with an amused tone.  

"and why didn't you make any noise?" I asked him.  

He smiled. A heart warming smile that made me want to wrap my arms around him.  

"I thought you were sleeping, I didn't want to wake you" he said with a smirk.  

I chuckled. Ok then. "ok, so what can I do for you?" I asked in a businesslike tone.  

He chuckled that time. "you act like I'm a client." he said with an amused glint in his eyes. "why are you being so formal?" 

I looked at my desk, I could feel my cheeks start to heat up. "I don't know, I'm sorry"  

But I wasn't, not really, he is my soon to be brother in law.  

"what do you want then?" I asked in a low tone. My eyes focused on counting the lined on a paper in front of me.  

"I came to talk to you" his voice sounded so broken and sad.  

"about?" I asked finally looking up at him.  

"the wedding" the way he said it made me think that is was our wedding instead of..... 

"what about it. Isn't everything ready, my sister already has a new maid of honor. Everything is fine" I said playing innocently.  

I knew what he meant. But I didn't want to think about it.  

I just wanted gem to get married so that I can slowly, but surely, get over the feelings I have. Maybe move to England. anything to leave this place.  

But this is my home town.  

Do I really want to leave.  

I looked at Anthony and notice that he was almost glaring at me.  


He lightened up a Little. "I'm not talking about that" he said while standing up. He stood in front of me and kneeled. "I'm talking about us" 

I looked away from him and sighed. "Anthony" I said in a whisper. "there is no us. There's only you, and my sister." 

"b-but" he said.  

I forced myself to look at him and regretted it.  

The pained look on his face was enough to make me want to cry. He looked so sad... And heart broken.  

"I'm sorry" I said as I felt tears come up.  

But I have to do this, after being called a slut by the only mother I know, well I didn't know what to do. But one thing was for sure, I didn't want to repeat the situation. And If that meant letting Anthony marry the witch of my sister, then so be it.  

"then why did you kiss me yesterday?" he asked with a sad tone. His facial expression, broken.  

I really did feel like crying.  

"it was a mistake" I don't know how, but I managed to keep my voice calm, but if he looked in my eyes, he would notice the tears.  

So I didn't look at him.  

But somehow he knew.  

"then why are you sad?" he said placing his thumb on my chin and forcing me to look at him.  

"do you think I enjoy seeing that pained look on your face. Were practically family, I don't even like hurting strangers" I said with an almost calm voice, but It cracked a few times.  

At the word family, I meant brother. And he understood. I could tell because of the dark look on his face.  

"ok then" he said standing up.  

Hes given up.  

"ok" I said looking at the paper in front of me again.  

"I guess I'll se you after the honey moon" he said in a depressed tone. But the tone held something else. Something that forced me to look at him.  

He had tears in his eyes.  

When did he start crying.  

I placed my head on the table once again as he walked out of my office for the last time.  

And with him went my heart, because as soon as I heard the elevator door open, I broke down crying because I felt my heart shatter.


aww, this is so sad.

but it had to be done.

hha. i cant wait to write the rest of the story i already knew what im going to do :D

but you guys will have to wait.

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