13: the truth

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i glared at my mother who was in front of me. she was glaring at me as well.

-Sigh- if looks could kill.

"im not here to fight" i said in a defensive manner because my sister and mother were giving me deathly glares.

"good then what do you want" my sister said, scowling. and honestly i wasn't sure if it was because i was here or because her fiance chose to sit next to me, rather than next to her.

"she's here to talk, this was all my idea" anthony said standing up for me. "you guys are family, and you should act that way." he said in a calm voice. 

i smiled. "yea."

"well then, lets hear it" my mother said expectantly.

i stared at her, suddenly afraid. that's when Anthony took ahold of my hand, under the table. he placed my hand on his lap, the feel of our hands together relaxed me.

"i-...i came to finaly say what has been on my mind since high school." i said taking deep breaths.

"mother" i said looking right at her. "i dont understand you, why have two kids if your going to treat your second kid badly. my whole life ive been the odd one in the family. maybe its because i don't have blond hair like you and Megan. or because im different, but why did you treat me wrong. why treat me differently." i said. feeling my eyes tear up, but doing everything i could to hold it in. but i couldn't. i felt the tears start to come out.

"why do you hate me so much. both of you" i said looking at my sister as well. "what have i ever done to you?" i questioned.

my sister glared at me. "for starters why is it that people always like you better." she said glaring at anthony as well. "even my own fiance would rather spend time with you than with me." she said scowling.

i chuckled humorlessly. "are you really asking me that" i said remembering my high school years.

she kept a serious face.

"Megan, look at your life. your a bitch. and that's putting it mildly. my three years in high school you harassed me. threw me in dumpsters, and terrorized the whole school. and you still have to ask." i said looking at her.

she snorted. "that was almost twelve years ago" she almost yelled.

"and you still have not changed" i said knowing that not many people liked her personality, but everyone liked her looks. of course.

"well, thats not my fault" she said stubbornly.

"Megan, your beautiful. but your also self centered and selfish. once you realize that the world does not revolve around you, people might start liking you better.you also have to stop thinking the world in inferior to you. yes they might not be as pretty as you, but they sure are better people."

she pouted. but it looked like she was actually thinking about it. 

i looked at my mother.

she looked hurt. like she wanted to say something. but she didn't.

my dad spoke up. "i can answer for her honey"

i looked at him, this is the first time he has started talking.

"i was married once. before i met your mother" he said looking at my mom. and somehow i already knew were this was going. "she was beautiful, and she looked just like you. we fell in love. and i did love her." he said, his voice seemed to be breaking.

"but not everything in life is as we wish it was. she passed away. the day of your birth" he said. i could see he was trying really hard not to cry. but i could see the sadness in his eyes. it was breaking him apart.

"the doctors told her, only one person would survive, you or her." he continued. his voice so soft i barely heard him. but i could hear. and i felt the tears coming down my face, much, much faster and harder.

"she, of course, chose you. and im sorry its taken me thirty years to tell you this, it hurts to think about her." he said now crying. "but honey" he said looking at me. "she loved you, she still loves you. where ever she is. and she chose your life over her own. her unborn child that she did not know, but loved unconditionally." he said. i could barely understand him, through his sobbing.

i stood up and hugged him. "i love you dad" i said wrapping my arms around him. "i love you so much. and i love my mom too."

i said thinking about the woman who gave up her own life for her child's.I'm sure that must of been the most difficult choice she ever made. but i hope i was worth it.

"she's not your real mother" he said grabbing onto, the woman i had called my mother my whole life.

"i met her when you were one year old, we fell in love. she already had Megan.we got married, and she helped me care for you" he said smiling. "i needed all the help i could get, i raise you myself for more than a year, and it was difficult for a single father" he said chuckling, the tears still streaming down his face.

 "but she loves you." he said turning to me. "she might not be very goos at showing it. but i know she loves you"

i continued to cry, i crawled onto my dad's lap, like i had when i was a child. he held me to his chest, letting me cry.

and i didn't care about anything. i still had my father and that's all that matters. i didn't even are that i looked like a baby crying on my fathers lap, while Anthony watched.

i cried for about thirty minutes. i wasn't really sure why. maybe because i just found out my mother, isnt my real mother. that my real mother gave up her life for me, or that im in love and he's going to marry my sister. 

i just let myself cry. until i drifted off to sleep.

i felt strong arms lift me up and carry me away.

i was, shortly after, placed on a soft bed. i opened my eyes slightly to look at Anthony hover above me.

he kissed my forehead and began walking away. but i grabbed onto his hand, i said the words ive been wanting to tell him for a while now.

"i love you" i said before drifting off to sleep.



anyways. im sorry its kind of sad, and i know today should be happy and everything. but this had to happen.

isnt it sad :'(

well i hope you liked it though.

vote and comment. :)

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