3. i think i might actually like him.

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the next day i got to work to find my Secretary once again, shaking in fear. i couldn't help but think to myself, am i really that scary.

so i asked, "Kat, do you fear me so much that every time something goes bad you shake nervously?" i asked, my voice a little sad. well who wouldn't be sad.

"no Ma'm, i shake because im scared to lose my job. i need this job, i cant afford to lose it." she said smiling at me, no longer shaking.

i smiled, "thats nice to hear, but may i know what the reason for your shaking is now" i asked a little angry that it might be my sister and i will have to go through all of the trouble of having to print pictures and to tell everyone not to let her in. i dont want to go through that.

"a man" she said sighing trying to calm herself down. "theres a man in your office. he said he had a meeting with you at ten. but your running a little late today so i told him he could wait."

i nodded, curously thinking about who this 'man' was. "ok thanks Kat. but please, stop shaking."

she nodded, "yes Ma'm"

i sighed and walked towards my office slowly opening the door to peak inside and see who it is. i sigh in relief again to notice that it is Anthony, without my sister.

i walk in happily, "why are you so happy. is it because im here?" he askes me with a smirk. 

i smile back, "yup, i am so happy to see you, couldn't you tell with the huge grin on my face?" i ask him sarcastically.

he smiles, "actually yes i could. well im happy to see you as well Victoria. last night didnt go so well, so i came, alone, to talk to you."

i nod and walk over to my seat, then i realize i might actualy like being related to this man in some way, i mean come one my sister comes and she sits on my office chair. but he comes in and he sits on the chairs set up in front of my desk. like a clients chair, wow, i like this man already.

"well, what do you want to talk about?" i ask him curiously.

he smiles, "i came to ask why you rejected to merge our two companies, we could become a great company, why not just merge it. your not going to have to look up at anyone. we are going to be partners. were equal. "

i look at my computer and turn it on. then i look at him, choosing my word carefully. "well, im not getting married any time soon. so i have no one to leave my business to, but i would rather leave it to someone who i know will work hard to make it better, not a child who is destined to take it. plus im thirty, i no longer think of love, mariage, or children..." i looked back to my computer. "but im happy for you and my sister."

i looked over at anthony again, he looked nervous, "umm... yea... thanks"

i looked at him confused, "may i ask you a personal question?" i asked him.

he looked at me nervously then looked down at the ground, "let me guess, why am i marrying your sister?"

i nodded, he continued. "like you said im thirty, i will retire in some years, and i, unlike you, would like an heir to take over my company, in order to do that i need to have kids.." he sighed, "and in order to do that i need to get married.

i looked ta him with amusement now, "so your only marrying my sister for an heir. dam thats deep." then i began full out laughing, when i was done i was practically lying on the floor laughing.i calmed myseld then sat back on my chair straight. and with a serious face i looked at him again, "you know what. i like you. go ahead and marry my sister, im sure ill have some fun in the end."

he looked at me seriously, but eventualy cracked a smile, "thanks... i guess."

i smiled, biting my lower lip, stopping myself from laughing. ""but haven't you ever thought that maybe a loveless marriage will not work out. do you even know my sister. she is a witch. hence why we fight once we are within yelling distance."

he looked at me nervously, "my dad wanted me to marry someone good looking to bare 'beautiful children'" he said adding the air quotes, "and someone who is wealthy and not only marrying me for the money.. and apparently your sister was the perfect match."

i fained hurt, "im hurt Anthony, so i was neither rich or pretty enough." then i began giggling, "wait, i am richer. i guess im just to ugly to bear pretty children." i began giggling, but stopped once i saw the serious expression Anthony had plastered on his face.

"you are pretty Victoria, in fact much prettier than your sister, and you have a great personality." he smiled when he finished.

i laughed again, "im sure i do, i talk of politics and the business world, she speaks of fashion trends and the fashion industry."

Anthony chuckled when i said that, "yea. want to know what she said after you left yesterday."

i looked up worried, "what"

he smiled, "she said your outfit is quote." he made air quotes with his hands, "your outfit is sooo two thousand and three." he chuckled again.

i laughed, "thats because i do not try to look good, i try to look professional. whether or not this world is sexist i do not know, but it is harder for a female having a company than it is for a male. a lot of people have tried to take advantage of me, that's why i have never merged, i like to be independent."

he smiled, "you are independent, and strong, and tough. but you would have to be to have a mother and sister like yours." he chuckled, "thats why i was outside you house yesterday, i could not stand them together. alone she is... well shes completely different than when shes with her mom, or you. i can tell she doesn't like you much...." he stopped as if thinking about what he was going to say next, "may i ask you a personal question?" he asked me, imitating what i had previously asked him, "

i smiled, "why my sister and i do not get along?" i asked him, he just nodded. i sighed before i continued, "well our highschool was a very steryotypical high school. we had the nerds, jocks, cheer leaders. the whole thing.i was the nerd, megan was the cheer leading captain. "i looked up at him, to see if he wanted me to continue, he nodded. 

i smiled weakly, "well everyday she would pick on me, call me names. i was continuously thrown into the dumpster, and i was made fun of because i enjoyed learning. it wasnt a good experience. i some times still have nightmares. but in the end she was always the prettier, my mother loved her, my dad and i got along, but it wasn't a very good childhood. i didn't like it. and i was always harassed, until i got into college. i began ignoring her, and avoiding my mother. everything got better. until my business partner died a few years ago. but im still independent and i don't need them. I'm happy with my life. though my mother wishes i had children. I'm ok not having them." i finished almost crying. i was looking down at my lap when i felt strong manly arms embrace me. 

"its ok though. in the end the nerd always become more successful than the cheer leaders. your a millionaire. your sister is just a simple model. your much more successful. and that's what matters." Anthony removed a handkerchief from his suit and gave it to me.

i used it to wipe away my tears, then i placed it on my desk. "thanks" i said as he let go of me. i instantly missed his embrace.

i looked away to hide my disappointment. "no problem." he said. "i think i should go to work now. im like an hour late." 

i smiled, "where do you work?"

he smiled evilly, "maybe i can show you one of these days"


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If you like vampire stories can you please go read my new vamp. story "the real me" i really like the idea of it, but i need people to tell me what they think, cuz if no one likes it then why should i coninue, right.

anyways please go read it.



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