17: Uninvited

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"he must o been very tired" my dad Sao after the movie ended.  

I couldn't help but smile.  

At one point during the movie I was tired of laying down so I sat up, not long after, Anthony leaned against me and fell asleep. I didn't feel like waking him, but he was heavy against my side. So I guided him so that his head rested on my lap.  

And the movie is now over, and hes still asleep on my lap.  

"yea, I think so too" I said.  

I couldn't help but run my hand through his hair, and move the hair that had gotten on his face.  

He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I never thought any man could ever look this beautiful in slumber, but he is.  

"so tell me about you and your fiancé?" my dad said, making me look away from Anthony's sleeping face.  

"well dad, we're not really engaged. He gave me that ring" I looked down at my finger and noticed it was gone. But I didn't really mind. I never misplace things, it's probably at home. "as a promise ring. He said he wants to get to know me better. " I sighed and looked down at Anthony.  

His head was now to the side, but against my tummy. And his hand, now on my thigh.  

In any other circumstance I would of laughed and said this was the most compromising position we've been in yet.  

"do you love him?" he asked me.  

I looked away from Anthony again. My heart sank a little.  

"no" I answered honestly. And I dot think I ever will. I wanted to say.  

I smiled and looked back at Anthony.  

He looked so comfortable.  

So peaceful.  

"is it because you love someone else?" he asked me. His voice so soft, and caring.  

I diet look away from Anthony that time, I placed my hand on his cheek, he smiled a little and smuggled closer to my hand.  

"yes." I said without thought. "yes, I love someone else"  

I couldn't help but smile as Anthony managed to frown when I removed my hand.  

I wanted to chuckle at how cute his expression was. How adorable he looked.  

So I placed my hand on his cheek again, he seemed to relax as he felt my hand.  

"have you told him"  

I momentarily forgot my dad was even in the room, and I suddenly felt kind of stupid.  

I looked up at him, and I couldn't help but frown.  


My dads faced softened. He seemed to know my situation better than I did.  

"are you willing to let this guy go?" he asked me.  

I thought of how much my hearts been breaking, the fact that in a week the man I love will be married to probably the worst person for him.  

She was no where to be found. She was reckless, and she was going to be expected to bear his child.  

A part of Anthony is going to one day be in my sister. And as the sister o the bride I'm going to have to sit there and watch it all unfold before my eyes.  

But my sister is engaged to him, I'm not the kind of woman to steel another woman's man.  

"I- I don't know" my voice managed to crack at the end. And I felt like crying.  

My Sisters Fiance (Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن