4. Nightmares

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dedicated to 'mizz_dramaqueen'  because she was nice enough to message me and ask me to upload. haha i like it when you guys message me. it makes me feel special. anyways

thanks and here you go. :)


i have about thirty minutes to leave my office and get ready for dinner with my father. i finish typing up a contract for a company that wants us to make their banner, and a logo. i agreed knowing this was a difficult task, but i know i can do it. 

i press send then start shutting down my computer. i stand up and grab my purse. thats when i notice another left his handkerchief, or i forgot to give it to him.

maybe ill wash it and give it to him later. or i can forget i have it an keep it. i dont know. ill think about that later. then i walk out of my office.

i sent my driver a message that he should arrive at my building at eight sharp, i look down at my watch its about eight ten. so he should be out there.

when the elevator door opens i imediately notice my black car waiting for me at the front of my building.

i step into the car and take my seat, "hello Hugo. how are you today?" i ask my driver happily.

"hello Ms. Allens. i am fine, how was your day at work?" he asks me with his slight accent.

"my day was fine."


"thank you hugo. will you be here by ten thirty" i ask my driver.

"yes Ma'm" he says closing my door and walking to the drivers seat.

"ok dad. lets go in" i tell my father locking our arms together.

"ok" he says quietly

we enter the restaurant and get seated immediately, in our own private booth.

"so dad how are you" i ask my father, im seated across from him, he's staring down at his food.

"im fine honey. how are you?" he asks me politely.

i instantly got sad, my father had a heart attack not that long ago. and he still hasn't completely recovered. hes quiet, he answers questions as bluntly as possible, and hes different. i know close death experiences change people, but i miss my dad, and i fear that he might have another heart attack and what if its even more serious than the last.

i cannot lose my father, the only person in this world that i truley love.

"i love you dad." i say bluntly. sometimes people just need to know they are loved "i know i don't say it enough, but i want to tell you that i love you a lot. and im happy we are going out again. maybe one of these days we can go golfing like we used to" i say hoping he will agree.

he looks up from his food, "i like to golf?" he asks me, his memory is fuzzy.

"yes dad, you and i love golfing. but if you dont remember i can teach you. deal" i smile at him

he smiles as well, "deal"

i smile even bigger, "call me dad, or email me. anytime you want to go out, or want to golf call me and i will go out. no matter what time or day it is, i will always be here for you" i say hoping he might chear up a little more.

"thanks honey. you always know just how to chear me up" he says looking at me with such happiness, just like he used to.

"your welcome dad." i say once again happy knowing im going golfing with my father.


"i want you" he says whispering into my ear. i can feel his hand trace a line from my neck to my lower back. sending shivers all over my body, and it makes me want him as well.

"b-but we cant" i say sadly. "we shouldn't"

Anthony turns me so that i face him, "but i love you. i don't love you sister" he says, his lips only a couple of centimeters from my own lips.

"but she's still my sister" i say hesitantly. i feel my eyes travel down his face and onto his lips.

"tell me you dont love me and i will leave you alone" he whispers while trailing his hands down my body, and resting them on my hips.




"ugh" i groan as i sit up on my bed. my face, heated. i grab both of my cheeks, trying to calm myself down.

i get up and walk to my bathroom. my clothes are already set up on a hanger in my restroom. i chose them last night.

i look at myself.

my frizzy dark brown, light brown hazel eyes, my D cup breast, my flat stomach. my butt is normal, not to big or small.

nothing about me screams sexy, or even good looking. i am not pretty, im average. i wear glasses, they are good looking, and i have contacts.

but nothing can make me look better. my breast are to big, my body looks like it is disproportionate. my boobs look way to big for my body. i am about 5 9'. 

but at times i cant help but compare myself to my sister. she's 5 8', she has a skinny body, C cup breats that go with her body, and nice butt. she even has green eyes and blond hair. 

we look nothing alike, sometimes i even wonder if we are even really related, or if im adopted and that is the true reason behind my mothers hatred.

i ignore my negativity and start getting ready for the work ahead of me.


thirty minutes later im in my office turning on my computer.

i notice Anthony's handkerchief on my desk, under some papers. i pull it up and notice the 'A.S.' stitched carefully into the bottom right corner of the handkerchief. i looks nice. the handkerchief is nice, and a clean solid white color. matching the shirt and tie he wore yesterday.

i smile as i think of the dream i had last night.

but i decide to place the handkerchief in my wallet. hidden away in a little pocket. i might give it to him later, if i see him.

when my computer is completely on i sign into my e-mail account. i have about five unread messages. some are business deals, others are from friends, the last one is from my sister though.

"oh Fuck" i say to myself as i reread the message to make sure i read it right.

'hey sis.

mom wanted to ask if you would be my maid of honor. i need one and i dont have that many friends. but i do already have four brides maids picked out. anyways we are all meeting up tomorrow at noon to go dress shopping. i would love it if you could come. thanks



what do you think. love hate. not sure.

haha tell me.

honestly i am loving this story. its so fun to write because i have some kind of experience between two sisters fighting over a guy.

it is horrible, but i laughed it off. haha




 **for those of you reading, yes i know i accidentaly named her sister amanda, no her name is megan. after megan fox O.O sorry. im chaning that, but tell me if you see mistakes:D

My Sisters Fiance (Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें