2.the Dinner.

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i parked my car on the street. i sat in my seat for a couple of seconds taking deep breaths, preparing myself for whats to come. when i think I'm ready i walk into my parents driveway then i see the door open, a guy, man, a person steps out. he has short brown hair. his eyes look a dark blue from a distance, he's wearing a suit showing off just how wealthy this man is. he's wearing a designer suit, wich can cost thousands of dollars. i look at the driveway im stepping on. i stop mid step, confused thinking that i might be at the wrong house.

i see the house numbers, my mothers garden, and my parents car. nope im at the right house, sadly. i step onto the porch and near the guy. i smile at him, i notice he's even more attractive up close than from afar. 

"hello." i say keeping my voice under control.

he smiles at me, "hello"

i look towards the door, noticing the awkward moment, i dont know anything else to say. "im Victoria. may i know your name?" i ask hesitantly, wondering if i even really want to know his name.

he looks away, toward the white picket fence in front of my moms house, "im Anthony" he says nonchalantly.

i nod. "ok." i walk toward the front door, about to ring the doorbell when my sister steps onto the porch with a very short and skimpy dress. yellow, and bright. i on the other hand have a black pencil skirt, a dressy shirt, my work clothes.

"oh. Victoria, shouldn't you of changed out of your work clothes into something more appropriate for a family dinner." she says walking toward the totally hot Anthony and kissing him on the cheek. 

"nope, its only going to last a couple of minutes. then I'm going to home." i say walking into the house. 

Megan walks behind me holding Anthony's hand. i ignore them and step into the dining room. "why Victoria, how nice of you to finally show up." my mother says with a serious expression.

i walk toward my dad and kiss him on the cheek. "hi dad. how are you?" i say completely ignoring my mother.

my dad smiles, "im fine.." 

but my mother interupts, "Victoria Allen it is rude to ignore someone like that."

i stay standing up by my dad. "mother. i am a full grown adult, stop talking to me like im still a child. Ive grown up. now if you excuse me, i think ill get going now. bye dad." i say taking his hand in mine. "lets go out tomorrow night. ill call you later. OK"

i let go of his hand and start walking towards the door, but Megan stands in my way. "oh no you don't, i haven't even said the big news."

i smile lightly, "no you havent. now will you please enlighten us so that i may leave." i say stopping myself so that i do not insult her in front of her boy friends or who ever he is.

She smiles and looks up at Anthony, "I'm engaged!!" she squeals. my mother jumps out of her seat.

"oh honey, I'm so proud of you. congratulations." she starts yelling, while embracing her favorite daughter.

"yup. congrats amanda. now may i go?" i say looking towards my father who just smiles.

"no you may not. you are going to stay and have a civilized meal with your family. your sister does not live here and she hardly visits." she scowls at me.

"i have better things to do than have dinner with my problematic family." i say once again heading toward the door. Megan stops me again.

"thats all you have to say about my engagement." she says scowling, "shouldnt you be happier, your only sister is getting married." she stomps her foot, in an angry manner.

i smile causally, "actually yes." i walk over to Anthony and pat him on the back, "Good luck" i say smiling and walking once again towards the door. 

"fine then i guess my future husbands company and yours will not merge. you will never become a multimillionaire." she says angrily.

i stop, mid step. "what company?" i ask curiously.

she smiled, "Lighters, he is Anthony Stein. the owner of the company."

i smile again, "its a pleasure to meet you Mr. Stein. now if you excuse me, im going to go work."

"wait, where do you work?" anthony asks me. his voice startles me. this is the first time hes talked since he told me his name. and his voice... as sexy as ever.

i sigh, "five star" i say turning to him.

his eyes look as though they are going to come out of their sockets, "really. you are the owner of five star, wow, and your a woman. that's impressive." he says smiling, "its is an pleasure to meet you" he says forcefully grabbing my hand and roughly shaking it.

i begin shaking uncontrolably, but i manage to pull my hand away from his. "the pleasure is all mine. but i dont think i want to merge my company. i like it just the way it is." i say not giving it a second thought.

Megan starts speaking, "B-but why?" she asks me 

i look at her again, remembering im at my parents house and that she is marrying this rich and amazing man. "i don't like the idea of having to share my work. at Five Star i am the highest power, people come to me. i will not lower myself by merging my company. i am perfectly fine the way it is. maybe one day when i retire and leave my company to someone, maybe they will chose to merge it. but not in this life time."

with that i successfully walk out of my parents house. leaving everyone in there with their mouths wide in astonishment. rejecting this merge might be the stupidest thing i have ever done, but i would rather die than have to merge my company with my evil sisters fiance's company. hell no. that day is not coming any time soon.


so what do you think so far. tell me, and i will give you a cookie. haha im just kidding, your probably too far away :(. bummer.


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haha so i thought id upload a second chapter so you guys understand the story more

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