15: Dinner problems

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I smiled with amusement as I watched Anthony scowl. Wow, he's been scowling this whole entire time. that must not be good for your face.

And we have been at this dinner for some time now, at first we were jut in the living room talking. We're actually eating dinner now.

"so Jonathan what do you work in?" my dad asked jonathan.

He smiled politely, "I also own my own design company, not that long ago I tried to convince Victoria to merge her company with ours, but she declined." he finished chuckling.

i smiled to myself and looked down to the ring on my hand. its not an engagement ring, although it looks like one, and its on my wedding ring finger, but its a promise ring.

"promise me"  jonathan said after getting on his knee's in front of me.

"huh?" i said at a loss for words. 

i thought he was going to propose, but i hardly even know him. he didnt propose, but he did promsie. he promised me he would not give up on me.

"i like you, and i want to be with you... your different than most woman, you own your own company. your strong, smart, and funny. and i want you to give me a chance."

he said all this while on his knee and with a small ring box on his hand.

the ring is made of silver with a huge diamond in the middle, and smaller diamonds surrounding it. and it looks beautiful.

as soon as i entered my house my mom and sister freaked out. one because jonathan is hot.. and he was my guest. and two. because of the huge ring on my finger.

how he got my ring size, i will never know.

they screamed, but after thirty minutes they've managed to calm down.

"is that why she went to hawaii?" megan asked jonathan, batting he eye lashes.

i had a strong urge to scowl, he was flirting with jonathan while he just told my family we're engaged.

and yes, he told them. why, i dont know. but i could care less. because as soon as i saw the look on anthony's face all i could do was smile. he's jelous. that means he must like me, even if only a little.

but the other reason i didnt scowl is because  im a much worse person than she is. she might be flirting with my fiance... but ive kissed her's

i wonder if she would kill me if she knew.

she probably would.. well you know what i dont even know. i know she must not like anthony enough because shes flirting with jonathan.

if anthony was my fiance i would never do something like this to him. i would treasure him. hes an amazing guy.. and although he had kissed me i know once he marries my sister he's going to be loyal.. hes a good man.

its just that love sometimes makes us do crazy things...

i felt someone grab my hadn from under the table. i looked over at jonathan who was smiling, pretending nothing happened, as if he wasnt holding my hand.

but i knew, and i could feel myself get red.

and jonathan was not making it any better.

he whispered in my ear. "is something wrong"

i could feel my face turn as red as a tomatoe.

"nope" i said smiling.

i looked over at anthony who was still scowling. and he looked angry as hell.

i smiled at him, i didnt want him to be mad because no matter how much jonathan teases me, i dont think i could ever feel the same as when im with anthony..

thats why i have to talk to him.. but not yet.. ive never had this much attention from guys and it scared  me. ive never had to break up with a guy.. or even tell them that i only wanted to be friends...

ive never had to go through the struggles i am now going through. why did guys have to like me now. my life was going so well when i was single.. and then anthony came alone.


"what are you thinking about?" i heard jonathan say.

"huh, um nothing. why?" i asked him.

he smiled. "your facial expression keepsa chaning from happiness to sadness, to anger. im just curious." he said smiling.

i smiled. damn. "uh. haha i was just thinking about my friend and this thing she told me" i said lying through my teeth. i hardly even have friends. i dont go out much... and im usually preocupied with work.

i looked up to find anthony glaring my way, not me just jonathan in particular.

he brought his lips by my ear and whispered.

"your sisters fiance looks like he wants to kill me" he said clearly amused.

i stayed quiet but i felt myself heat up. should i tell him, i mean this is a good way to tell him im not interested.

i whispered. "anthony! is mad because your being lovey dovey with me"

he sat up straight in his chair.. i heard him whisper. "anthony..."

i looked up at him.. he looked confused. but at the same time he looked confused.

but he got close to me again and whispered.  "are you having an affair with your sisters fiance"

i had chosent eh perfect moment to take a sip of my whine, but his words only caused me to spit it out and begin caughing uncontrolably.

i felt jonathan pat my back and hand me a glass of water. i drank some and looked around the room, my parents were looking at me like im crazy, anthony had an angry, but still concerned look in his eyes... and my sister looked... envious.

my eyes widened when i saw the murderous look on her face. 

she's attracted to jonathan, i then looked up at jonathan. who wouldnt be, he's a very attractive man.

"sorry" i mummbled as i sat down on my seat.

i looked at jonathan and gave him an angry look. he just smiled.

"so, victoria. you should show me your old room from high school" he said trying to give us some time alone, i think he wanted an explanation.

"sure lets go" i said standing up.

"exuse us" he said to my parents.

i smiled and walked to my room, he followed close behind.

"no" i said reaching my room and sitting down on my bed.

"no what?" 


well. i think this story is only going to be about twenty two chapters. around there. haha because most of what i wanted to happen, happened.

i hope you guys like it.


anthony sure is mad :D

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