11: Home Sweet Home.

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ARG. i said once i read my mothers e-mail.


you have been home since yesterday and you have not visited us. why is that, what kind of a dayghter are you. your sister has been asking for you. come over for diner today. i will not take no for an answer.


i had the temptation to throw something against the wall and watch it shatter. i wasnt ready to see him yet, not yet. maybe next week, but i didnt want to see if he somehow fell in love with my sister while i was gone. maybe he did, and now they are ging to mary and live happily ever after.

i wasnt ready to find that out yet. i still havnt even really admitted i have feelings for this wonderfull man, but i dont want to see him happy with the worst possible woman for him.

but knowing that my sister was a steryotypical blong model, helped my problem a little. only a little.

i decided to reply.

'mother i am busy all week. after being gone for the whole week, my work is catching up to me. i have a lot to do.


i continued doing my work. after about fifteen minutes she replied.

' we have not had a family dinner in a long time thanks to your constant bickering. now you will come to the diner or i will drag you by the ear to this house.

i will await your arrival. dont make me drag you.'

i laughed at the last part.

i remember when i was young that would happen. she would drag my sister and i by the ears to eat... we were always playing. but that was way back then when we got along, and our reality consist of our day dreaming and our pretend games. nothing matters when your a child. but once you get to high school, well things change you. everything changes.

'fine mother, but i am not changing or dressing up.'

i sent in and looked at the time. it was almost five. dinner is usualy at seven. i had two hours.

i looked back at my computer and finished my design, then i sent it to the company to get revised. they would tell me what they did and did not like.


after i showered. dressed and drove to my moms house i decided to park a block away.

i slowly, very slowly, walked to my mothers house.

i opened the door and found my mother looking at me with a disapproving look.

"what?" i asked curiously.

"you will not ruin this dinner. you are going to sit there and stay quiet if you have to. but i will not have you ruining this dinner." she hissed.

"if you dont want me here then why do you keep inviting me?" i asked her.

she looked a little surprised at my serious tone.

"because its a family dinner." she said shruging.

"just because you gave birth to me does not mean your my mother. and just because i grew up here does not mean your my family. so stop acting like this family has to be perfect. we are the farthest thing from perfection. and stop acting like suck a bitch to me. i know you like my sister better than you like me but must you really at this way. do us both a favor and leave me the hell alone, i dont want you in my life anymore." i said somehow keeping a serious and calm voice the whole entire time.

"dont talk to mom like that." Megan said appearing at the door. as well as Anthony.

"and you" i said pointing to Megan. "dint ever bother me either. im done."

"why are you acting like such a bitch. mom was just trying to be nice by inviting you."

"yea, and i supposed your happy to have me hear." i said sarcastically.

"look we all know no one likes you being here, but you cant just disrespect mom like that in her own home." she said angrily.

"in order to get respect you must earn it." i said directing it to both Megan and my mom.

i walked to the door and tried to open it but megan stopped me.

"im mad Megan. now either you back away from me or i will be forced to ruin that pretty little face of yours." i said to her with a deathly glare.

she back away from me and i tried to walk out of the house, but was once again stopped. i turned around in anger until i saw Anthony grabbing my arm.

my anger subsided momentarily.

"can i go now?" i asked him trying to pull away.

instead i was forcefully pushed into his chest. he was hugging me, and it was only then that i let myself cry. the sadness i felt towards my mother, and sister. being rejected my whole life. hating my family, and  never being good enough.

all of those feeling came rushing to me as this man, my sisters fiance, hugged me. my hands lay limp to my sides, unsure of what to do with them.

i continued to cry for about two minutes before i tried to pull away because more feeling were coming to me.

i loved this man, and i could never have him. he shows interest in me, but i feel like he's leading me on. and hes engaged to my sister.... they are to be married in less than a month. and he's too perfect for me.

i pulled away from him and ran to my car. i looked back only once to find that he was not coming after me, but he was standing at the door looking out at me, with a confused expression on his face.

i got into my car and drove home, angry at myself for not asking my driver to drive for me. i thought i could drive, but in the end i couldn't. 

i bought a taxi and got home. i ran to my apartment and fell asleep after about an hour of crying.


what do you think.

should they get together.. im thinking about it....


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