Angel Burn: Prologue

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Angel Burn


Normal POV

"Is that your car?!" asked the girl at the 7-Eleven cashier counter. "That black shiny one with those sick rims?"

Natsu nodded as he sets his large cup of coffee in front of her.

"Cool," The girl said, gazing at the car. It was a Porsche Carrera, and the sun was glistening off it like liquid onyx. "We don't see cars like that around here very often . . . "

No, I bet my pink salmon hair you don't, thought Natsu while smirking. He just remembered he was in Cattle Chute, Oklahoma, or some such dismal place.

"Pump three," He told her.

The girl simply smiled at him. "So, are you new in town?" she asked. CANA, said her name tag. She was almost as tall as he was he was- which wasn't that tall, he was just over five eleven- and her brown hair had been wavy.

After school job, he thought, pulling out his wallet to pay.

"Nah just passing through . . . " He says as he handed her two twenties (One for gas and the other for his coffee).

"Oh okay, well thanks and come again . . . " She says and takes out her phone from under a newspaper.

"Yeah . . . we'll see." Natsu says and leaves to put in gas into his car. As he finished filling up his car with gas, he hears a beeping sound from his jeans pocket as his cell phone had announced a text. Turning away slightly, he pulled out the phone out and flipped it open.


Yes! He immediately says in his head and starts his car. Finally—it had been over a week the last time he went on a mission. He slid into his Porsche, it was low to the ground, and it's black leather seats wrapped around him in a dark embrace. It was comfortable as hell, actually, which was good since he practically lived in it, like some kind of hobo. ASPEN, CO, he punched into his GPS. Nine hours to get there. He took a large gulp of his black roast coffee and started driving. God, that was all he'd been doing since his last assignment.

Pulling out of the parking lot, Natsu turned onto Highway 34 and headed north out of the town. He briefly thought about how high school life is, since he never went to school.


The Rocky Mountains cradled Aspen deep within them like a giant's palm lightly cupping a handful of rice. The road twisted and turned down the mountains as Natsu approached the city, his headlights sweeping the dark asphalt in front of him. He saw the clock at it read 2:51 AM as he crossed into Aspen City limits. Not bad. The GPS had instructed him to head directly to Tyler Street. No house lights were on, everyone was asleep.

Natsu had parked his car a few doors down from number 1124, Propping his elbows against the steering wheel. He surveyed the house, his emerald green eyes drawn together thoughtfully.

He'd transferred his rifle to the front of the seat before he began the descent into Aspen, and now he clicked the magazine into place and slighted along the rifle's length, squinting through the infrared lens at the house.

Almost an hour later, the front door opened. He had the rifle in place in less than a second, watching carefully through the lens. The tall man on the front porch paused to lock the door, then jogged briskly down the front porch steps. Natsu lowered the rifle unsurprised that T. Goodman, or so his name was, is in his human form—they had normally shown their true nature when they were feeding.

As Goodman turned the corner, an aura swam into view around the dark figure: pale silver, with a faint blue light flickering feebly at it's edges. It walked into a bar named SPURS. Where women dressed in "sexy" cowboy suits and try to show some ass and try to get banged by their own customers.

Just then a heavy metal door to SPURS swung open and a man wearing a disheveled business suit stumbled out. "Excellent night my man!" he said slapping one of the bouncers on the shoulders. "Those ladies are goo-od!"

"Yeah, and they're real hot!" said the bouncer while he was drinking his beer.

Natsu saw as T. Goodman detached himself from the gloom and trailed off after the man, a tall, silent shadow. With the rifle propped firmly onto Natsu's shoulder, he began to track him.

The man, Freed was his name, "Jesus Christ," breathed Freed as an angel drew toward him.

"Don't be afraid . . . I am here for a reason." said the angel as it held its hands near him.

The halo. Natsu sighted on it, aiming for the deep, pure white at its heart.

"It won't hurt," said the angel as it draws itself close to Freed. It smiled then, and it's radiance increased tenfold, burning the night. Freed moaned and ducked his head, unable to bear the beauty of it. The angel touched Freed's head and began to suck it's energy out of him, draining him like a sponge.

One second was all it took for Natsu to pull the trigger, and it hit the angel right in its halo and it disappeared, leaving everything back to normal. There was silence. Natsu brought his energy back to his heart chakra, and the ghostly outlines disappeared. He shoved his rifle under the car for the moment then walked to Freed, as he fell to his knees.

"Oi, you alright?" Natsu asks crouching beside Freed.

Freed sees the pinkette in shock, "DID YOU SEE IT?! IT WAS AN ANGEL?!"

"Yeah I know . . . Come on, let's get you up!" Natsu says helping Freed up.

"It was beautiful . . . " Freed says.

"Yeah . . . " Natsu says rolling his eyes.

One of the men walked towards Freed and Natsu and asked, "Oi, Freed you alright?"

"Yeah, he's fine, just be sure that he makes it home safely." Natsu says as he hands Freed to the blonde male.

"Oi, you wanna come in for a drink, my treat?" Said the blonde male.

"Nah, I don't drink, and plus I have to go. Thanks though." Natsu said as he walked back to his Porsche.

"Anytime!" He said.

"Oi, and tell him to lay off the hard stuff, he'll be seeing pink elephants next." Natsu says grinning and goes into his car.

He removed his black leathered jacket and started his car. On his right bicep had a red emblem [Fairy Tail] with black AK letters written in the middle of the insignia. AK stood for Angel Killers. That's right, Natsu Dragneel was in fact a Angel Killer and his assignment was to kill Angels.

Edit Date: Monday, May 28, 2018

A/N: This story came from L.A. Weatherly; meaning the whole story plot is hers!!! Thank you for releasing your awesome books and thank you book for allowing me to come up with this/these idea(s). 

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