Chap 16: "How complicated can women be?"

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The rays of sunshine hit Margaux's face and she held up her hand in order to shield her eyes from the striking rays of the Sun. When that didn't help, she turned her back towards the window to prevent the sunlight from hitting her face. As she turned, she saw Darcy lying in an awkward position, snoring lightly, with her mouth slightly ajar. Margaux let out a small laugh and then closed her eyes as she tried to go back to sleep once again. (Both the girls had been staying up all night doing a movie marathon.)

"Margaux, honey, wake up. It's 2 in the afternoon now." Hannah spoke. Margaux just let out a moaning sound, as she tossed on the wooden floor.

"If you don't get up now, you won't be able to sleep at night. C'mon get up." Hannah ordered once again.

"Fine mom. I'm up." Margaux replied, while poking Darcy to get her up too. Darcy did some karate moves in her sleep, thinking that she was being attacked by some ninjas. While in reality, it was just Margaux nudging and poking her to get up.
Darcy was a sound sleeper. Even if an atomic bomb went off outside, she'd still be snoring inside like a pig.

'Hey, no need to degrade a poor pig', the voice inside Margaux's head spoke. "Shut up", she told herself. "Well, what a great morning thought."

Margaux knew just the way to wake Darcy up. "Darcy, look! Brody's here!" Margaux shouted. Darcy at once shot up and wiped away the waterfall cascading down the corner of her slightly ajar lips.

"Gross Darcy." Margaux slapped Darcy's arm.

"Huh, what?" Darcy said, sounding half sleepy, as she looked around for Brody.

"Oh good! You're up." Hannah said, closing the door behind her with her foot, since she had the laundry basket in her arms.


"What do you girls want to eat now?" Hannah asked.

"Im gonna make myself milkshake." Margaux replied, stretching her arms.

"I'll have that too."Darcy added with a yawn.

"You both go, wash your face and brush your teeth, till then I'll have your milkshakes ready.

" Thanks mum." Margaux said up and out of the sheets.

Since Darcy had a lot of sleepovers at Margaux's, therefore Margaux already had a spare toothbrush and some pajamas of Darcy at her place. Similar was the situation at Darcy's place.

"How are you feeling now?" Darcy asked Margaux while drinking her milkshake.

"I would've been in a much worse condition you know, so thanks for staying with me.

"Anything for you, you know?"

"Sisters over misters" they both said at the same time and then started laughing.

While they were laughing, Margaux's phone vibrated. Charlie Styles, the lock screen showed.

"Fifteen missed calls and twenty texts! Ducks!" Margaux mumbled to herself. She quickly dialed back Charlie's number.

"Hi Margaux." The voice at the other end spoke.

"Hey Charlie. How are you?"

Obviously all this time Darcy was too oblivious as to what Margaux was doing because she was too busy taking selfies of her milkshake-made-mustache, but she immediately shut down her phone on hearing the word Charlie. She lept out of her chair and pressed her ear at the back of Margaux's phone to hear the conversation. Margaux tried pushing her away, but she just wouldn't budge. Margaux tried getting up from her place and moving away from Darcy, but it felt like Darcy's ear was glued to Margaux's phone.

"Yeah I'm fine now........yeah Darcy stayed over last night.........haha! What!? No! We didn't have that typical night. I wasn't dumped that I'd be eating ice-cream.! We had popcorn and soda instead..............haha, yeah sure. I'll teach you everything that you need to know about the species named 'Women'!........ Ok then bye. Yeah sure. Bye. Thanks for checking up on me. Bye."

"What did he say?" Darcy asked immediately. It was like a reflex that got stimulated in her ; Margaux puts down the phone and she immediately speaks up.

"Gosh Darcy! The call hadn't ended yet", Margaux said, hitting Darcy on the arm.

"Oh! So he heard what I said?"


"Probably? It's either a yes or a no. Probably is as bad as Maybe or I don't know. I hate vague statements" said Darcy.

Margaux couldn't help but roll her eyes at the drama queen she had as a friend.

"Oh and by the way, why were you laughing so much?" Darcy asked.

"He asked if we had 'the typical night' with ice-cream tubs and I said......"

"Yeah I heard your part. Tell me his", Darcy broke in.

"How do I manage to keep up with this woman?" Margaux thought to herself. 'Beats me!' the voice in her head replied back.

"Anyways, I told him that I'd teach him stuff as to how girls function, cos after all, we are the most complicated things that ever existed." Margaux mocked.

"No seriously! How complicated can women be? Yes means yes and no means no, and then these guys think that we're playing hard to get. Like seriously. Quit it. I don't like you, I'm not playing."

"And all we need is little surprises all the time. Like you could show up with a flower."

"Flowers!" Darcy said in a correcting manner.

"Yeah or chocolates and you could take us out on surprise dates!"

"Those are the most fun."

"I know right." Agreed Margaux. "A single rose, a loving text message, a picnic at the beach, it doesn't have to cost money, they just need to catch us off guard. Is this really that hard to understand?"

"You know, a wise man once said, 'A man can understand the complexities inside the atom, but he'll never understand a female mind.' " Darcy said looing far away, trying to sound philosophical.

"Who said that?"

"I don't know, somebody must've said it."

Margaux started laughing at this.

"Darcy, your mom called in to say that she's coming to pick you up in 20 minutes." Hannah called from upstairs.

"Shoot! I forgot to call my mom."

"Go call her now! Quick!" Margaux gave a light pat to Darcy's butt.

"Hey mom!......Yeah we had fun.......yeah they're fine too......mmhm.....mmhm...... yeah bye!"

Margaux looked at Darcy in a questioning manner.

"Well she's coming to pick me up in like 10 minutes now because after that she has to go to some office meeting. So I'm gonna go and change out of my Pjs now."

A/N: Hi guys. I'm finally back and this time I ain't disappearing without finishing this book. I literally wrote this chapter today and published it today too, so my apologies for this crappy work.
Till next time. Ciao.

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