Chap 10: "You'd both rebel if you were mated for life."

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"Hey, you're back?" Hannah asked. "How was your day? And what did you buy?"

"The day went amazing." Margaux replied, leaving out the awkward convo part with Darcy. "Both me and Darcy, bought these amazing dresses." Margaux said taking out her taffeta.

"It's so pretty! You'll look absolutely stunning it it love!", exclaimed Hannah.

"Thanks mum. I'll go into my room and place it in my cupboard." Margaux said, as she picked the dress and headed upstairs. She put the dress in a hanger, and hanged it in her cupboard. She then took out that little trinket from her side drawer and then threw herself on the bed as she began toying with it with her fingers. Her mind was running wild now, with all those crazy thoughts.
'Conrad did give up smoking I haven't seen him do that in a while. Did he do that for me? Does he try to be a gentleman, because he knows how much I have my heart set out on such guys? If Darcy was right, then did he really get jealous when I talked to Charlie? And did he really pick up my flower? I mean he did, that's why he showed it to me that day. And then when we walked to school together! That was the first time we ever did that. I'm beginning to fear that I'll start having trouble with him.'
All these thoughts tormented her. She opened her drawer, and again tossed that trinket in. She picked up her phone and dialed Danielle's number.

"Hey Margaux. How are you?", the voice at the other side of the phone spoke.

"Danielle, I'm fine. How are you?"

"Same old. Same old." Danielle laughed.

"If it's possible, can I meet you today, somewhere?"

"Yeah sure, but is everything alright?" Danielle spoke in a worried tone.

"Yeah, just wanted to catch up like old times." Margaux assured her.

"Where do you wanna meet then?" Danielle asked.

"How about that smoothie shop, that's just two blocks from your home?"

"Sounds great to me. I'll pick you up in 20 minutes."

"Ok bye." Margaux said, hanging up.

"Mom? Can I have a little extra money? I'm going with Danielle to Mr.Smoothies."

"Use your own pocket money!" Hannah yelled from downstairs.

"Fine." Margaux said with a deep breath, since she knew, that this was a battle she could not win.

"Where are you going?" Conrad asked Danielle, when the phone call ended.

"Going to meet Margaux. Seems like she wants to talk about something."

"Is she ok?" Conrad asked abruptly, trying to mask his worry.

"Yeah, she sounded pretty much fine to me. See you later then."

"Fine" Conrad sighed.

As said, Danielle arrived at Margaux's home twenty minutes later. Hannah opened the door.

"Danielle, hi! It's lovely to see you! Come on in. When did you come back home? Margaux told me that she was going out with a Danielle but I didn't know that it was gonna be you."

Danielle laughed and then replied, "I came home last week, and it's so good to see you. You look young as always."

"I intend on staying that way." Hannah laughed.
While Hannah and Danielle were talking, Margaux also came downstairs.

"Danielle.", she said, with her arms wide open.

"Margaux, it's so good to see you." Danielle said, giving Margaux a tight hug.

"I'm so happy that you're back now!" Margaux said.

"Yeah, it does feel good to be back home."

"What would like to have Danielle, juice, coffee, or just plain water?" Hannah asked.

"Thank you, but me and Margaux were just heading to Mr.Smoothies. I'll see you later, aunt Hannah."

"Sure dear."

"Shall we?" Danielle asked, looking at Margaux.

"Oh yeah sure." Margaux spoke abruptly.

"Bye mom." Margaux said.

"Bye aunt Hannah. See you later."

"So, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" Danielle said while driving.

"Let's just get there first." Margaux stated.

"Ok then!"

In less than five minutes they reached their destination and they both took a place near the window.

"So?" Danielle asked once again.

"First of all, thank you so much for coming to meet me." Margaux said.

"Is this how it's gonna be now, us thanking the other person, whenever we meet each other? I'm just kidding, you tell me what's bothering you."

"Danielle, I wanted to talk about Conrad." Margaux finally said. She then told Danielle what she was pondering upon, earlier.

"I don't want to be too vain, but I'm afraid that Conrad's falling for me."

Danielle did open her mouth to say something, but the words refused to come out, yet.

"Come on Danielle. I'm in a situation, help me out!"

"I don't think you are made for each other." Danielle finally spoke.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, as friends you seem to get along quite well and your frequent quarrels soon blow over, but I'm afraid that you'd both rebel if you were mated for life. You both are too much alike. I know people think that they have so much in common, therefore, they are soul mates, but I solely condemn this idea. In order to keep a relationship going forward, there has to be at least some differences between you and your significant other. The differences are what keep you moving, because then you think that the differences shouldn't matter and you always try to find some common ground. When you have your differences, you try to find and discover the common things that you both share, and that's the fun part. Unraveling the mysteries and learning new things about your significant other. You and Conrad already have so much in common. You both are too fond of your freedom. Both of you are strong-witted and confident. I'm afraid you wouldn't last a day together."

"Danielle, I know that you're right and that's why I sought your help. It's just that the idea of Conrad and's so ridiculous. I mean all this is so confusing. I don't wanna think about it, yet, I can't stop my mind from doing so."

"Look Margaux, I don't want my judgment clouding your own thoughts. If you think, that you've got even the slightest feelings for Conrad, even if they are as tiny as a mustard seed then don't, let me refrain you!"

"Thanks Danielle." Margaux sighed. 'I don't know what I'll do with that boy.' Margaux thought to herself. "Anyways, thank you so much for coming here and hearing me out."

"Don't mention it. Let's enjoy our smoothies before they get too warm."

A/N: Hi guys, how you doin? I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys before, but I displayed Margaux and Darcy's dresses on that media thingy in the previous chapter. Margaux's is the turquoise one and Darcy's is black. Do tell me whether you liked them or not.
And when is this hiatus gonna get over? I mean it's taking forever. I'm missing my boys. Yes, you guys guessed it right, before joining the Mendes Army I was a Directioner too. I still am. :)

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