Chap 12: Prom Night.

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So the long awaited day finally came, Prom Day!

"Darcy, could you please ask your mom if she could drop us off at the saloon? We have to have our hair and makeup done." Margaux said.

"Mom, could you please drop us off at the saloon and then pick us up later? And don't say no even if your answer was no!" Darcy pleaded with her puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, get in the car quickly. I have to go to work too!" Valentina said.

"But mom, you can work from home, woah oh oh oh." Darcy began singing, which made Margaux break into a fit of laughter. Valentina looked at her daughter examinig, as to what was she talking about. The girls then quickly got in the car and buckled their seatbelts. Valentina dropped them off at 'Bianca's Live or Dye' and then headed off for her office.

"Hi. How may I help you?" A middle-aged lady, wearing a white blouse tucked neatly in her knee-length black skirt (which was also the uniform) approached the girls. Margaux ran her eye over her name tag which read, Marissa.

"Um, Marissa right?" Margaux spoke.

Marissa just smiled at them.

"We need to have our facial done, along with our hair and makeup." Margaux spoke further.

"And what kind of a hairdo and makeup would you both like to have?", she asked politely.

"I'll have a messy bun, along with a light party makeup. By the way I'm wearing a black coloured sheath." Darcy instructed.

"I'll be wearing a turquoise coloured taffeta, therefore, I'll have a curly half updo hairstyle, also with a light makeup." Margaux informed.

"Right this way ladies!" Marissa told them, guiding them to their respective chairs.

All this procedure took them no less than three hours and when they were done, they still had time to go back home and get dressed. Darcy called her mom to tell her that they were done and that she should come to pick them up now. Valentina, however said, that since she was busy in a meeting, therefore, she couldn't come. She suggested Darcy to ask Margaux's mom, Hannah to come and pick them up instead. Therefore, Margaux called her mom who was ready to do the job.


"Bye Darcy! See you later at the prom!" Margaux said, sticking her head out of the car window and waving at Darcy.

"Bye darling. You're already looking gorgeous!" Hannah complimented.

"Thanks aunt Hannah". Darcy replied stepping inside her home.

When Margaux reached her home, she raced upstairs to get ready because she knew that she couldn't afford to loose another single minute. She changed her clothes and when she was coming downstairs, she noticed her mum, standing at the bottom of the stairs, looking admirably at her.

"Mom, stop. You're making me blush!" Margaux said.

"I can't believe my daughter's all grown up. She's going to the prom and you look so elegant in that dress."

"Thanks mum." Margaux said, giving Hannah a hug.

"Who's the lucky man" Hannah asked getting excited.

"There is no lucky man." Margaux said. "Conrad's coming to pick me up."

While they were still talking, the door bell rang.

"It must be him." Hannah said in a cheery manner. She went to open the door and there stood Conrad, in a tuxedo, hair perfectly set in place with gel and a rose placed in his front pocket. "Now that, is what I call a fine looking gentleman." Hannah said patting him on the shoulder. "Margaux." She shouted.

"I'm right here mom." Margaux said, coming out from behind the door.

Conrad gazed up to look at Margaux. It seemed as though something had paralyzed him. He stood there like a statue, fixedly gazing at Margaux, which seemed like endless hours to her.

"Isn't she looking stunning?" Hannah interrupted.

"Yeah. Yeah." Conrad shook his head as if to break-free from some sort of enchantment. "She's definitely looking gorgeous.

Margaux raised an eyebrow at Conrad and looked at him in a way that said, 'Are we gonna spend the whole night just standing here, in the middle of my door?'

"I guess we should be leaving now." He told Hannah. "See you later then."

"Bye mom." Margaux said, placing a quick kiss on her mom's cheek.

"Oh Margaux, wait!" Hannah yelled as Margaux was getting in the car. "I think you should wear that little trinket of yours with this dress. It'll perfectly go with it too, and besides that, silver never goes out of style. I'll go and fetch it for you!"

An uneasy look appeared on Margaux's face. Conrad too, had heard this since he was standing near the passenger's seat, holding the door open for Margaux. He looked at Margaux to see what she was going to say.

"Mom, it's ok. I don't need it. Paris disgusts me anyway." Margaux said in a cold manner, trying to be least bothered by the situation. It seemed as though she wanted to get over with it as soon as possible. Even though Conrad had heard this too, but he still didn't let it get to his head. He wasn't gonna let anything spoil his mood. At least not today! Conrad then closed the door behind Margaux, sat in the driver's seat and started the car.

"Have fun you guys." Hannah shouted as the car disappeared round the corner.

They always had something to talk about, be it as grand as the gossip from around the neighborhood or school or it could even be something as boring as talking about their daily routine! But this time, there was complete silence. They weren't even jamming to their favourite songs and even Conrad didn't bother with playing the C.D.
Soon they were at the school and Conrad, was once again acting like a gentleman. Opening the door for Margaux and escorting her inside. Once they were inside the school-hall, Margaux wanted to get as far away as she could from Conrad. She wanted to avoid him for as long as she could, not to sound too vain, but she just wasn't ready to face or hear what Conrad would have to say if they even had the slightest chance to be alone!

Margaux was now standing near a beverage table when she felt a hand tapping her on the shoulder. She turned around to see who it was, and it was Charlie, looking as captivating as ever.

"Margaux, you look so elegant in that dress!"

"Thanks Charlie. You also look no less than 'Prince Charming' yourself." She giggled.

"Thanks." He said looking down, rubbing his hand on his neck. "I never got the chance to have you on my arm at the prom but, if you don't mind, can I at least have a dance with the lady?"

"Sure." Margaux smiled.

Just as they both were heading towards the dance floor, 'Night Changes' by One Direction began playing. Within less than a minute, the whole dance floor got crowded by couples who were dancing hand in hand. Charlie placed his hands at the small of her back, as Margaux placed hers, around his shoulders, slowly swaying to the beat. Margaux's focus wasn't entirely on the song. She didn't want to think about Conrad, yet her mind was being infested by his thoughts.

"Is everything alright? Is something bothering you?" Charlie asked, looking down at her face.

"No, everything's fine.", she lied.

When the song finished, she went back to that table, accompanied by Charlie where she had placed her purse. She took out her phone to check whether there was any missed call or a text message, and there was a text message from Conrad saying, "Meet me outside the hall, near that old willow tree." She hesitated for a while. Not sure whether she should go out or not, but then said,"Charlie, I have to go somewhere. Catch up with you later.", as she headed towards that willow tree.

A/N: Guys I'm extremely sorry that this chapter sucks. Even I'm not proud of it. It's just that I was having this major writer's block and I wanted to finish this chapter too, therefore, I just threw all the ideas and words onto a piece of paper, and this is the end result. By the way there was more to this chapter but I stopped right here cos it had already gotten pretty long. Anyways it's good to leave you guys hanging in mid air for a while too #suspense.

Trinkets From Paris (On hold). Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang