Chap 4: She wasn't naive enough to give up her liberty for any mortal man.

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"Good morning class!" Miss Perrie spoke in her most cheery manner. "As you know that only a month is left now between the school to end and summer vacations to begin, and Prom itself, is just around the corner. So, I want the Student Council to come up with ideas and themes for this years prom. As for the rest of the guys, I want you to pair up or whatever it is called, so that you can have a date for yourself at the grand night! Girls, you better start picking up dresses for yourselves and boys, no one shows up at the Prom without a tuxedo!", the last line was said in a rather stern manner. There was excitement in the air. Everybody had some name in their mind who they'd take to the Prom with them. Even the geeks thought it would be the ideal time to ask their crushes about being their dates.
Apart from all this, all eyes were set on Charlie. Charlie was quite a charismatic chap. He was tall and handsome. Had broad shoulders. Deep, blue eyes, an affectionate gaze and a killer smile that melted most hearts. What icing on the cake was, that he was English! A complete gentleman.
All the girls were drooling over him, when they fancied being his date at Prom. Dancing with, hand in hand. Getting lost in those eyes of his. Getting carried away in those 'gentleman like talks' of his and yes, most importantly a passionate kiss under the moonlight. What a great stereotype to end things up! But Margaux wasn't gonna be carried away by all his enchantment. Although, he was attractive and a complete polished gentleman, like she wanted. He had a 'loyal' look written all over his perfectly carved face. In short he was a complete sweet heart! Even though he had those attributes that Margaux looked for in a boy, but she wasn't naive enough to give up her liberty for any mortal man.

"So, any girl popped up in your mind Elliot?", asked Margaux, sitting down at a table in the cafeteria.

" Yeah, as if any girl's even gonna look at him", Darcy mocked Elliot.

"Who wouldn't wanna date a ZAYN MALIK doppelganger?", Elliot said with a smirk.

Elliot was a huge fan of Zayn Malik. His flawless high-notes, his hair styles and most importantly his 'Bradford Bad Boy' looks impressed him all too much. Therefore, he had even changed his regular hairstyle style to a quiff!

"Having a quiff,doesn't make you a Zayn doppelganger, and besides that you have chestnut coloured hair, whereas, his are black! You're not even half as attractive as he is!", Darcy ridiculed him and then gave him a look; that he'd better set his facts straight.

"Whatever, girls like guys with quiffs", Elliot quickly muttered it since he knew,that this was a battle he could not easily win.

While they were still talking and laughing, Charlie came up from behind and asked in his most decent manners, "Margaux, if you don't mind, may I have a word with you?"
Conrad raised an eyebrow and gave Charlie a skeptical look.

"Sure", said Margaux, looking at her group first and then at Charlie.

However, Conrad, wasn't very pleased with Charlie's little visit to their table and suspiciously eyed him.

Charlie pulled back the chair for Margaux and then even lent out his hand for her to get up. A bunch of envious eyes followed Margaux as she walked with Charlie to the end of the cafeteria.

"Margaux, I know many girls want to go to the Prom with me,but I don't want any of them. They might look like girls but act like grown-up ladies. Whereas for you, you're different. Your innocence reflects upon your face. You may not be naive but you're not foolish too! What really enchants me though, is that you don't flirt. It's really refreshing to see a sensible, straight-forward girl, who can be fun without making a complete fool of herself. Whereas, the other girls are always flirting with me, fiddling with their hair, whenever they see me and it all sickens me out.
So, will you, Margaux Robespierre, go to the Prom with me?", his eyes were glistening as he asked her about it.

"Charlie,I'm flattered,really! Moreover, I feel honored, that of all the girls you chose me! I was the first girl that you approached and saying 'NO' to a guy like you who's just perfect would be foolish, but I'm afraid I'll have to say no."

Charlie was a civilized man,therefore, instead of asking her the reasons for her refusal, he, took the high road.

"Margaux,it's ok. I understand", he said with a smile. The feeling of care still reflecting through his eyes.

"Well, may I escort the lady back to her table then? That's the least I could do", he gave out a chuckle.

"Sure", Margaux smiled.

A/N: Hola amigos.... How u doin? Good? Good? Good! :) :)

Do read "My life as Anoosha" by browngirl433
"The book is extremely and I do mean extremely hilarious. It deals with the author's everyday struggles and I'm pretty sure that you can relate to it too. Enjoy reading it. - RedJohn1999

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