Chap 2: "Eiffel tower, itself,is a great cliche!"

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"I haven't seen you smoke pretty lately", said Margaux,while walking through the college hall.

"Yeah.......smoke..... I gave up on smoking", said Conrad with a shade of pink rising in his cheeks.

Shocked, Margaux asked,"You what? When did all this happen?"

"I just realized that smoking is injurious to health! By the way it's been two weeks since I'm trying pretty hard not to smoke".

"Geez pal! I mean this calls for a celebration,no? Pizza place, downtown,tonight at 7, what do you say?"

"Sounds alright to me"

"Good,see you tonight then", said Margaux tuning her back towards him and heading for the Maths class.

"I'll pick you up at 7 then", shouted Conrad. Margaux just raised her hand and wiggled her fingers.


Later that night; "Where are you going all dressed up", asked Hannah skeptically. (Mothers need to have sharp eyes and discreet tongues when they have girls to manage.)

"Seriously mom! Throwing on a pair of rugged jeans and wearing a crop top is so not called being dressed up. By the way I'm heading downtown to that pizza place with Conrad."

"Be careful,and don't stay out late!"

"I will mom........", as she was still finishing her sentence the horns of Conrad's car started honking

"Well that's my cue. Gotta go mom. Bye!"

"Bye honey!"

As she stepped outside,she saw Conrad already standing beside his car.

"You....... you look pretty", he said as he held out the car's door for her.

"Wait,is that a compliment, Mr.Conrad?", she said while sitting inside.

"Can you not be sarcastic,for once?"

"No can't do!", she said laughing.

On their way, Conrad played all their favourite songs and they both sang to them too. They both, always had something to talk about. Never could those two souls stay silent for even a single moment. They hated silence!

On reaching the pizza place,before Margaux could open the door and escort herself into the parlor, Conrad quickly got out and held open the door for her. He even escorted her inside. Conrad wasn't behaving like himself today. Instead of being his usual self; a complete sarcasm throwing jerk, he was acting like a gentleman. Never had he complimented Margaux before or even opened the door for her to get in the car. Margaux herself was amazed as to what had gotten into Conrad. As they entered the parlor,Conrad even pulled out a chair for Margaux!

"Ok, where's my friend Conrad?", she asked the guy sitting opposite to her,who even though looked like Conrad,but, wasn't acting like him at all.

"Margaux,this is me!", said Conrad giving out a chuckle.

"Well,you're acting like a gentleman........why........ you're in love! Who's the girl? Do I know her? Is she cute,pretty or sexy?" Margaux was getting all excited.

"Margaux,it's no one. I'm not in.........."

"Sir, may I have your order?", interrupted the waiter.

"A double cheese pizza,with thick crust and lots of pepperoni on it for me and a chicken fajita for the lady",ordered Conrad.

"Wow,he's even memorized my order", thought Margaux.

Eating was the only thing that they did silently.

On their way back, Conrad again opened the door for her.

"Here Margaux, I want you to have this", he said while giving her a small chained Eiffel tower. I want you to wear it whenever we,uh,I mean you get the chance to go to Paris!

"Conrad you know how much I hate going to Paris. The French-men, the sense of romance in the air and most importantly,the Eiffel tower itself, is a great cliche. Every girl dreams of going there,falling in love with a French-man. Having dinner on top of the Eiffel tower and then those moon-light walks, balcony talks. It's just so over-rated. I want to go to Italy. Travel and see Venice on those gondolas. Make wishes on the
Trevi Fountain and then watch the Sun go down while standing on the Bridge of Sighs."

There was a sparkle in her eyes as she talked about her little plans. Her face would always light up and her cheeks would have a rosy shade in them as she would think about her plans. Hoping to go out one day and explore the secrets and mysteries that the world would have to offer. She wanted to go out,live and explore the creations and majestics of the Creator. (If traveling was free you'd never see Margaux again.)

"Anyways,thanks for this trinket", she said while heading towards her door-step.

"See you tomorrow", this was all Conrad could say.

On heading up to her room she pulled out her drawer, threw the trinket in and then closed it again.

A/N : Hey guys,how are you? Hope you guys are doing fine cos I'm not. Shawn Mendes is releasing his song "Three empty words" today, officially,so yaayyy!
Anyways don't forget to vote,and I won't forget to follow you guys back......
All the love..... :) :) :)

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