Chap 11: "She can't shut me out like this!"

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Prom was just a week away now, and so was Conrad, from going to Paris. During this whole week, Margaux tried to avoid Conrad. Whenever he would try to approach her, she would look the other way and head into an opposite direction. Whenever he would talk to her, she would either nod her head in approval or in denial, pass a weak smile or two but, would never say much or engage herself into long and deep conversations. She even began to question her decision, as to whether she should go to the prom with Conrad or not. Conrad noticed these changes and couldn't comprehend as to why Margaux was driving him away from herself.

'Maybe Darcy would know why Margaux is behaving like this.', he thought to himself. Therefore, he approached Darcy, who was snuggled up with Brody in a corner in the cafeteria.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you guys", he said, "but Darcy I need to talk to you!"

"Be right back." She told Brody as she placed a quick kiss on his cheek. "What is it Conrad?"

Conrad took her a bit away from Brody and asked her about Margaux's cold attitude.

"I thought you might know why she's acting in such a way, because after all, you're the one she's being cold towards." Darcy replied.

"If I knew it, then do you think I'd be here, asking you about all this? Anyways, did she even mention anything or just tell you anything as to what might be troubling her?"

"No. I have like zero idea, as to what's running in her brain!" Darcy lied. She might not perfectly know as to why Margaux was acting in such a way, but she thought she had a bit of an idea.
'Maybe Margaux realized that I was right, and that's why she's avoiding Conrad" she thought to herself 'but still, eluding Conrad like this, it isn't the best option.'

Then it struck to Conrad that Margaux was acting perfectly fine the previous week. What caused this wall to be set up between him and her might've occurred during the weekend. Moreover, she visited Danielle on the weekend, probably because she had to tell her something. So if there's anyone who knows what's going on with Margaux, it's Danielle.
During the rest of the school day, he couldn't concentrate on his work or his teachers properly. His mind was running in circles now. 11 years of friendship is gonna end like this? Her, shutting him completely out of her world! Conrad was anxious to go home and find out why Margaux was being so cold.
When the school bell rang, he quickly packed his bag and sped towards his home.

"Danielle!", he said panting, drenched in sweat.

"Conrad! Did you run all the way home? Is everything alright?" Penelope asked.

"Yeah. Everything's just fine. Where's Danielle?"

"She's in her room." Penelope still had that worried look on her face.
Conrad dropped his bag on the floor and went to Danielle's room.

"What did Margaux tell you that day?", he said, placing his hand on the door-frame, still panting.

Danielle just gave Conrad a questioning look.

"I need you to tell me everything. Before talking to you, she was acting perfectly normal and now she won't even talk to me. Let alone even look at me. So tell me what conversation did you both have. She can't shut me out like this!"

"Do you love her?" Danielle asked.

"What?" Conrad asked. Even though Conrad had perfectly heard what Danielle had said but it was the shock that caused him to ask Danielle, what she had just said.

"Have you started falling in love with her?" Danielle asked, her face, serious as ever.

Conrad didn't say anything now. It seemed as though his lips had been sealed.

"Your silence, is your answer." Danielle said.

Conrad let out a sigh and then said, "Can I come in?"

"You're already standing halfway between my room and the hallway." Danielle mocked

Conrad came in and sat on the bed beside Danielle. "I don't know when it happened or how it happened, but when I realized that I was falling for Margaux, it had already gotten too late!" Conrad said, feeling helpless. "But I know, that I love her now and I'm sure of it. I mean look at her, who wouldn't wanna fall in love with her? She's pretty and intelligent. She's smart and understanding. The way her eyes lit up when she smiles, and the way she furrows her eyebrows and twitches her nose at queer things or when she's disgusted at something. The way her face glows up and how she claps her hands when she's excited. I'm in love with it. I'm in love with all those little things of hers."
Conrad's eyes sparkled, when he talked about Margaux.
"Do you think she'd still go to the prom with me?" He asked, beginning to worry.

"Why don't you call her and ask her yourself?" Danielle advised.

"Oh, and before I do that, I want her to be with me when I go to Paris. Even if she refuses to go to the prom with me, I'm still gonna approach her and tell her how I feel about her. Just promise me that you won't tell her anything about this.".
Danielle raised her finger to her lips and pretended to zip them. Even though Danielle was happy about Conrad, but still, deep down she was worried about the road that Conrad was about to take, as betrayal and heart-break were just peeping round the corner, ready to jump on their next victim.

"I'm gonna call her right now!" Conrad said, jumping off the bed, determined as ever. He went into his room and dialed Margaux's number. He could hear the bell ringing, but no one picked up the phone. He dialed again, and yet again, no one answered. He wasn't gonna settle or back down that easily, therefore, he called again, for the third time. This time, Margaux picked up the call.

"Hi." Conrad spoke.

"Sorry, I was in the kitchen." Margaux lied. She just didn't want to pick up the call.

"It's ok. How are you?", he asked.

"I'm good, you tell." Margaux replied, faking the sweetness in her tone.

"I'm actually pretty good. I was wondering as to when should I come to pick you up, the day after tomorrow for prom?"

Margaux didn't reply.


"5:30 would be fine!", she replied hastily.

"I'll see you then!" Conrad was overjoyed, but somehow managed to hide it.

"Bye." Margaux said and ended the call.

Margaux didn't regret making this decision. In fact, she didn't feel anything at all regarding her decision. She just knew that she had made a promise to Conrad and that, she had to fulfill it. (Promises, are made to be fulfilled, not to be broken.)

A/N: Hi guys. Yesterday night was one of the best nights of my life. Me and my extremely insane cousins got in the car and drove off to various places at 2 in the morning. None of our parents knew about it. I smoked my very first cigarette too yesterday saying to myself "I'm just making memories to tell to my grandkids". To be honest I'd trade anything to live like that everday. Living on the edge and having adventures. Love you all to the moon and back, stupid cousins.

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