Chap 3: "Well SOMEONE didn't appreciate that change."

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The classroom was as usual crowded with students. The jocks and the cheer-leaders were sitting together and chatting in one corner,whereas, the nerds,geeks and the Mathletes were crammed up in the other. Darcy and Margaux managed to save a corner for themselves before the "Rocking Hipster" band could swoop in.

"Did you know,that Conrad gave up on his smoking habit?", asked Margaux.

"Hold it right there girl! Did I just hear Conrad giving up on his smoking or did my brain just make that up?"

Darcy was such a drama. She liked acting and wanted to join the school theatre too,but, she always over-acted,that's why never got a chance to land even a small role in the school theatre!

"Yeah,even I too,was taken aback when Conrad told me that himself,yesterday", answered Margaux.

"It's better that you keep to your own self and mind your own fücking business. There's no need to put those skinny legs of yours into anyone's god damned business!!"

The whole class turned around to see as to who was set ablaze. As usual,it was Conrad! Being his usual jerk self again! All this made Margaux think,that did last night really happen! And if it did,then who was the guy that she went out with? Elliot quickly dived in to stop the argument from turning into a bloodbath.

Later,while walking back home from school; "Dude, did you just quit smoking?", asked Elliot.

"Quit it out man! It's not such a big deal that you start fussing over it like small children", argued Conrad!

Darcy nudged Elliot and gave him a look which meant that Elliot should not disturb Conrad. Conrad had been sent to the Principal's office! It wasn't the first time that he was sent there. Going to the Principal's office wasn't much of a big deal to him. Instead he thought it was fun. Walking down the corridors, going towards the Principal's office, it all seemed like leisure walks to him. Then why was he acting so annoyed and pissed off?

"By Darcy", Margaux waved as the trio walked passed the lane that led to Darcy's home. As for Elliot, he lived near the school, therefore, it was just Darcy, Margaux and Conrad walking down the streets.

"So much for the change,huh!?", Margaux let out a sigh as she spoke. It seemed as though yesterday you were completely someone else and now......"

Conrad didn't even let Margaux finish,"Well SOMEONE didn't appreciate that change", Conrad said looking her in the eyes with a raised eyebrow.

"Someone! Who could be that someone?", Margaux thought to herself. As for Conrad, he himself was quite disturbed as to how he should come out at Margaux. He knew, Margaux wanted some gentleman as her man, that's why he carried out those little acts for her last night, but she didn't seem to appreciate them too! She didn't like jerks or 'BAD BOYS', but she wasn't moved by him being a gentleman too, and here he even dropped a big clue for her! 'SOMEONE'. Who else would be a 'SOMEONE' apart from her?

A/N: Yo niggas, whaddup? I've been thinking, that apart from following you guys why not give u guys a shout-out too? I mean you guys have been voting on my first two chapters and it's really great. Thanks a lot. In this way I'll help you promote your work too! Win-Win...... :) :) :)
Till next time. Ciao

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