Chap 8: First Lovers.

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The door-bell rang and Margaux raced towards the door to see who it was.

"Hi. Morning!" Conrad stood there smiling.

"Well someone looks in high spirits today." Margaux joked. "You needed something?" Her face turned serious again.

"I came here, because I thought, it would be nice to walk to school together."

"You never wallked me to school before!" Margaux was standing in the door-frame now, looking at Conrad with a critical eye. "What's gotten into you? I mean first, you quit smoking. Then you act like a complete gentleman. Then you start showing your interest in dancing and now this! Walking to school together!"

"Well I realized that life is for enjoying and caring about other's and their needs. Leaving behind your old self and adopting something new. Life should be colourful, full of love." He stopped at the last word and looked up at Margaux, who wasn't even listening and instead, was typing something on her phone.

"Oh Conrad, I'm so sorry. I didn't hear what you we're saying."

"It's ok!" Conrad smiled neglecting what Margaux just did.

"So shall we leave for school now?" Margaux asked.

"Yeah sure."

"Bye mom." Margaux shouted as she closed the door behind her.

"Have you decided what you'll be wearing to the prom?" Conrad inquired.

"No, I haven't, yet, but I'll take Darcy along with me to pick out dresses for ourselves. What about you? Picked out a tuxedo yet?"


"Oh and are you guys going to perform in your tuxedos? Coz trust me, you shouldn't. You'll ruin them!"

"Definitely no. We'll be wearing baggy jeans with hoodies on top and sneakers. We'll change into our formal dresses after the performance."

"Yeah, that'll be much better."

Conrad then reached for his shirt's inner pocket and showed Margaux a crumpled morning glory. He looked quite sentimental as he was holding it. However,  Margaux did realize that it was one of those that she had thrown, for it a little hole under its petal. A devilish smile escaped her lips after which she started laughing. She told him, that she didn't throw it, but Olivia. Conrad made a disgusted face and then threw it away. His face turned sensible again. Although Margaux had noticed the changes in Conrad, yet, she still stood there, neglectful, but what Conrad did now, she just couldn't comprehend it and let it pass over her head as though it was nothing worth thinking about.

"Hey." Darcy patted Margaux on the back when she entered the school premises.

"Ok, so tell me what happened yesterday. What did Brody say?" Margaux was getting excited.

"Ahem." Conrad cleared his throat. "I thought you were busy spying on them. So you should know what they were talking about." He interrupted.

"Of course I was! But I couldn't clearly comprehend as to what they were saying!" Margaux replied.

"You what?" Darcy screamed.

"Oh, just ignore him!" Margaux said, taking Darcy by the hand and leading her towards the classroom.

"I'm so happy for you! You finally went out to talk to him." Margaux sounded thrilled.

"Yeah." Darcy looked down, as a rosy glow appeared in her cheeks. "I complimented him on his dance moves."

"Great, but don't tell me you asked him about his prom date!" Margaux said in a fearful manner.

"Of course not. You know, it's the guys who should always make the first move." Darcy replied.

"Exactly, always let the guys do the talking. That's safe and lady-like." Margaux advised.

"Margaux, there's something I'd like to discuss with you." Darcy's face turned grave.

"What is it?" A worried expression ran all over Margaux's face.

"It's regarding........." Before Darcy could finish her sentence the school bell rang and Ms.Perrie entered the class.

"Good morning class, I'm sure you're all excited to know what this year's theme is. Well, it's 'Masquerade Ball.' So girls I'm hoping that you'll dress accordingly.

"What if we don't have matching dresses?", asked Jared, the class-clown.

"You're certainly not thinking about showing up at the prom wearing a ball-gown, Mr.Pratt." Ms. Perrie ridiculed. The whole class broke up laughing.

Later after school; "What did you want to discuss?" Margaux asked Darcy as they both exited the school library.

"Darcy, hey." A strong, masculine voice called out. Both the girls turned around to see who it was, and to Darcy's surprise, it was Brody.

"Mind if I have a quick word with you?" Brody asked.

"Sure." Darcy said, and with that he took her to a side.

"Darcy, I may not be good with all those fancy words, so I'm just gonna get to the point!"

"Uh-huh." Darcy muttered under her breath. She was getting hot.

"Yesterday, I was really glad when you came to talk to me. I would see you everyday, fighting with yourself whenever you would be near me! I badly wanted you to come up to me and talk, but you just wouldn't."

"Then why didn't you come up to me instead?" Darcy thought to herself.

"I know you must be wondering why I never made the move." Brody proceeded.

"Genius! The guy's a mind reader too!"

"Whenever I wanted to come up to you, you would always look so busy with Margaux, or your other friends, but yesterday, when you came, I thought ok. It's either now or never. So, would you like to be my date to the prom?

"I, uh,um. Yeah!" Darcy stuttered.

"You would!?" Brody stood there,shocked. "Oh my gosh, you would!" He looked so happy that he just hugged Darcy. Her cheeks turned red again.

"Uh, can I give you a ride back home?", he asked getting flushed.

"Brody, I'd love that, but there's something really important that Margaux needs to know."

"Ok. Um, see you on Monday then!" He gave Darcy a kiss on the cheek and then left.

"Oh my God! Brocy is so on!" Margaux said coming towards Darcy as soon as Brody left.

"Brocy? As in Brody and Darcy!? Margaux I love you. You gave us a ship name too." Darcy hugged Margaux tightly.

"Darcy, I'm dying to know about that chit-chat of yours! But we'll talk about that tomorrow, when we go, pick out dresses for ourselves. A whole girl's day out!"

"Oh my God! We're gonna go shopping together! I'm so excited." Darcy sounded thrilled.

"Let's walk back home." Darcy suggested.

"Hold on. Let me check with Conrad first. We walked to school together, today! I don't know if he still wants to come with me or not." Margaux spoke. She texted Conrad who seemed perfectly fine with it.

Darcy looked worried about these changes taking place in Conrad, but didn't quite let Margaux notice it. At least not at the momoment.

A/N : Hi guys. How are you all? As per my previous promise made on my previous author's note I want to give a shout out to pretty_littleliar97.
Guys she's writing a novel called 'Escape it all.'
It's a supernatural love story. It's a girl's life story she grows up in a society that's killed her innocence and how she gets her heart broken many times but the mystery guy of chapter 2 is always at her back. And like in the prologue, he saves her, by the end he saves her from all the troubles.

It's a wonderful story. Do read it and I can promise that all the Twilight lovers and the people who are into this genre will definitely love it.  :)

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