Chap 15: Margaux's P.O.V

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"How did prom go and where's Conrad? And most importantly, who was that guy in the car?" Hannah asked when Margaux got home.

"It was ok and Conrad isn't with me." Margaux replied, trying to avoid making eye contact with her mom. Her eyes were red and puffy. She didn't want her mother worrying about her. "And that guy was Charlie. He dropped me off. I'm gonna go up and change now." , she said, heading upstairs.


When Conrad had left, Margaux was left crying. Charlie had found her standing near that willow tree, all teary eyed, her face dug in her hands. He went up to her, cupped her face between both his hands and wiped her tears with his thumbs. "Let's get you home.", he told her, extending his hand towards her.
"I know, most people don't wanna talk about their feelings in this situation, but if you feel like talking, I'm here.", he said with a smile while driving her home. Margaux just remained silent during the rest of the journey.
When they reached home, Charlie got out and rang the doorbell for her. "Good night and take care of yourself. And if you need anything, just give me a call!" Margaux just nodded her head in response.


After heading upstairs, she went into her room, opened her drawer, took out that trinket and threw it out of her room's window. She then quickly changed into her Pjs and went to the washroom to wash her face. Memories of the incident that happened just an hour ago, flashed before her eyes as she splashed her face with cold water.
"Honey, Darcy has come to meet you." Margaux could hear her mom, yelling from downstairs.

"I don't wanna meet anyone right now!" Margaux yelled back.

"I'm gonna go right up." Darcy told Hannah as she ran up the stairs.

Darcy opened the door and saw Margaux, hugging a pillow, lying in a fetal position, with her back towards the door.

"Hasn't anyone told you to knock before entering someone's room?" Margaux said, still lying in that fetal position. Margaux knew, that it was Darcy, because no one else entered her room without knocking. Darcy too, wasn't in her prom dress anymore. She too, had changed in her comfy clothes now.

"Charlie called me, and told me that you weren't doing fine, so I came here as fast as I could." Darcy was still standing in the door frame. She then went up to Margaux, and sat beside her on the bed, facing her. She reached out for Margaux's hand and then said, "What happened?"

Margaux lept towards Darcy, and hugged her tightly. "You were right all along about Conrad. He does love me. Only I was just too blind to see it all."

"It's ok babe." Darcy said rubbing Margaux's back. "Ok, now tell me what did he exactly say?"

"He said, that he loves me and that I was reason why he quit smoking. He said that he's ready to change for me, and although I kept avoiding him for a whole week, even that didn't help. He said that he fell for me even more. When I told him that I just don't love him the way that he loves me, his facial expressions changed and Darcy it was a terrible sight. He looked broken, and I couldn't bear to see that pain on his face. And when he knew that he got his answer, he turned around and left me."

"Left you?" Darcy's jaws were literally on the floor. "Left you, as in drove back home without you, cos I didn't see him performing at the prom? I mean, how could he act like that, leaving you poor thing alone? I do admit that he has his pride, but ego? Who bloody does that'"

"Darcy, it's not his fault either. I don't blame him. His pride was what told him to let it all go now. And I gotta give that to him. I mean anyone in their right mind would've done the same thing. However, some people are a totally different category. They are just so dense. I mean, you keep throwing clues and hints at them, yet, they don't know when to just give up. The heavens, Conrad isn't like that." Margaux laughed.

Darcy also started laughing. Both the girls ended up laughing like crazy over nothing. They were lying on their backs now, staring at the ceiling

"Darcy, please stay the night." Margaux said, still staring at the ceiling.

"Well, since the school is now over, so YES." Darcy said, her face getting all lighted up.

"Yay." Margaux shot up clapped both her hands in excitement as she hugged Darcy

Both the girls, then went downstairs, took out the comforter, pillows and sheets and then spread them over the hard wooden floor. They then went into the kitchen to make popcorn and to get soda. Although Margaux's evening had started with tears, but it sure wasn't gonna end in them, and Darcy was determined to make sure of it.

A/N: I just turned 17. Yes it's my birthday today. Oh and thank you SO much Shawn Mendes for such wonderful birthday presents (releasing the video of 'Mercy' a day before my birthday and your album, 'Illuminate' a day after my birthday) <3 <3 <3.
All the best for your album. Hoping that it becomes a HUGE hit.
Moreover, sorry once again that this chapter sucks but I soooo badly wanted to update a chapter on my birthday.

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