"W-what d-do y-you n-need h-help w-with?" I wanted to slap myself for stuttering. Why do I keep doing that around her?

"I'm really struggling with direction right now. Can we go over it?"

I nod, flipping through the page where I had a list of directions.

"O-okay, re-repeat a-after m-me," I began, which only makes me more nervous. "T-To a-ask s-someone w-where i-is a p-place, s-say W-Wo i-ist."

"Wo ist."

I give her a nervous smile. "S-Sehr g-gut."

Emily sits there for a moment to figure out what I had said. "Very good?"

I nod. "N-next o-one."

"Wait, before we continue, I just want to ask you something. Why do you stutter so much whenever you're around me?"

I blush when she asks me the question. How do I answer it? I can't tell her that I like her, can I? What will she say? What will Liam say?

"Sorry," she quickly apologises. "I shouldn't have asked you that question. It's none of my business."

I watch her lips move, wondering for a moment what it would be like to kiss her. Wait. Should I even be thinking like that? If Liam knew I was thinking this, he will make sure I will never think about Emily again.


"You know what? Let's just forget I ever asked you the question. Let's move onto the next word. How do you say 'How far is it?'"

I don't answer her at all. I was busy staring at her. It's the longest I have ever stared at her while being alone with her without Liam beating me up for having my eyes on her. But it won't matter now, would it, because he isn't here. He wouldn't know what Emily and I get up to unless she tells him.

Would it hurt if I kiss her this once?

Without thinking of the consequence, I lean forward to kiss Emily, but she me pushes away before I had the chance to press my lips against hers.

She stands up from the couch. "What are you doing, Zach?"

I open and close my mouth, too nervous and mortified to answer.

Emily grabs her bag, placing her book in there. "You know what? Maybe this tutoring thing is not going to work out, especially if you're going to keep stuttering. And why do you only do it around me? You never stutter with anyone else. Thank you, Zach, for your help but I think we should end it here."

She turns to walk away, walking out of my house.

As soon as she is gone, I sat in the couch, grab the cushion and puts it's in front of my face, screaming with frustration. Why did I do such a stupid thing like that? Yes, sometimes I do and say stupid things in front of Emily because of how nervous I was around her. But kissing her was beyond stupidity. She has a boyfriend. She is not going to kiss me.

* * * * *

"You almost kissed her!?" Trey questions me, saying it loud enough for everyone to hear.

I feel my cheeks burn from embarrassment. I glance around me, hoping no one at the new burger joint that just opened two days ago, which Trey suggested we try out for tonight, didn't hear Trey. No one glance our way at all. They were all enjoying their meals and chatting to their friends, family or partners. So I guess it's safe to say that no one heard him.

"Say it any louder why don't you," I say, sipping my Coke.

"Sorry. I was just surprise." Trey pops a fry into his mouth. "So what made you want to kiss her?"

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