Start from the beginning

The vines are thick in my palms and I have a feeling that more than one Romeo has used this particular natural ladder to get to Juliet.

...And now, I feel sick.

I swallow and continue my ascent. It isn't too far off. I just hope people think a girl wearing a veil and skirt while climbing some vines is normal. I'm too young to be put in an asylum. Or prison.

I finally get to the window and I peep inside. There's a mop of blonde hair resting on the bed and I use my energy to quickly throw the window open. Then I propel my body into the room.

I land with a slight thud, rib cage first. But hey! I'm just a beginner; I think I've done an excellent job!

...But Venus should really start locking her window. And maybe get those vines removed too.

Venus shifts and turns her body to my general direction. Her face is free from makeup and she really is a pretty girl even with bloodshot eyes.

Her bloodshot eyes get wide. She opens her mouth and I quickly launch my body towards her and wrap my palm over her mouth.

"If you scream, I'm going to strangle you with your blanket. Don't try me," I make my voice as threatening as I can as I stare her in the face. It doesn't take much effort, "If I can pull a Tarzan, there's no way I can't pull a Scar."

She says something muffled against my palm. I don't have time to interpret it. I let go and breathe a sigh of relief when she just regards me with tired eyes.

"Why the fuck are you in my room?" she says. Even her pajamas are pink. Oh God, I want her room. And her car. And her coffee-stained pajamas!

"Because it's beautiful," I answer sincerely. I ignore the look of shock on her face, "And also because I need to talk to you."

"Well, as you can see, I don't have a butcher knife with me so we can't talk right now," she huffs and moves away from me. She points at her window.

"Well maybe you can't," I make myself comfortable on her bed, "But I can so you'll probably have to listen to me."

She sighs but she doesn't make any move to getaway. I have a feeling that she's really curious about my visit but she just wants to play hard to get.

I take a deep breath. "You know how popular I was when I was a cheerleader?"

Her laugh is bitter. "It wasn't something I could overlook especially when you decided to drop the pom-poms for a ratty headgear instead."

I glare at her but take a deep breath. Fighting with her now won't solve anything.

I shrug. "Well...it's not something I regret."

"You left popularity, friends, a seat at the cool table, and a whole life of opportunities because you wanted to start acting like an Osama Bin Laden fan?"

I thrust my foot out and knock her in the stomach. She blinks and I make my glare lethal. "Don't you dare. Islam isn't under Osama Bin Laden. Islam is a religion of peace and you will respect it. I don't give a flying fuck if you don't respect me but you must respect Islam as a religion while I'm here. Do I make myself clear?"

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