Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Glad I Did

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- See that picture up there? Well, I drew it for Halloween. I wanted to dress one of my characters up, but I didn't know who could pull of a costume the best. No, I'm not a huge fan of Suicide Squad's Harley Quinn, but I like the older version. But I figured Marilyn could pull of the newer version better. So here she is! It's crappy, but I liked making it. -

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Terroriser POV:

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.
Today would be the last day that I would get to spend with my friends.
I'd never felt so horrible and guilty until now.
The secrets, my hidden relationship with Lily, the guilt, the misery that dwelled on me...
It all made me want to scream.

"I missed you."
She whispered in my ear.
"I missed you more, Lily." I said, my fingers twisted in her sweet scented hair.
"I missed you. How'd it all go?" She asked.
"Neko ran away." I whispered.
"We baited her." She told me.
I looked at her, alarmed.
"Did you kill her?" I asked.
She shook her head.
"Of course not. We just knocked her out for a few hours." She said.
I nodded.
"I didn't kill her because I know you liked her as a friend." She said.
I looked at her.
"You didn't kill her for me?"
She nodded.
"I love you."
I smiled and wrapped my arms around her.
Her wild hair tickled my nose but I didn't sneeze.
She wrapped her arms around my waist and put her head in my chest.
"I'll do anything for you." She said.
I nodded.
She leaned up and her lips brushed against mine, her intoxicatimg scent almost overwhelming me.
She smiled and pressed her lips gently to mine.
"And I'd do anything for you." I promised.

I sat there now, alone, in my room.
In Nicole's house.
The one she gladly welcomed me back into after I betrayed her and her friends.
My friends.
My family.
The ones that I had become best friends with over the years, loving them ambiguously.
Now I would just betray them again, right after earning back their trust, too.
But I needed Marilyn, I breathed the fresh scent of Lily every single moment I could, and I bathed in it.
She was like a drug, deadly yet satisfying.
She distracts me, makes me take a break from reality.
As if I were on top of the world, all because of her.
I could do anything, be anyone, and she would still accept me, still love me.
Delilah set fire to my veins, sent chills down my spine. She made goosebumps appear everytime I saw her beautiful spice colored eyes or her porcelain skin.
From the dead ends in her wild, curly blonde hair, to her long eyelashes, to her silky lips and the small freckles on her face... To the ragged black clothing, to the scars she hid, all emotionally and physically and mentally, to her soft fingertips all the way down to her small toes, she was undoubtedly impeccable and flawless in every single way.
Her perfectness drew me, her craziness making me feel alive and comforted at the same time.
There were a couple of things I was always thinking around her.
One, I was unsure of what she would do next.
Two, I was unsure of what she was thinking.
But three, the most important, I was positively sure that I was in love with her.

And that is why I had to kill my friends.
They were all out in the living room now, laughing and telling jokes.
Tears stung my eyes as I took out the gun she gave me.

"What's this for?" I asked.
She smiled.
"For protection. You're my omega, my backup. More important to me than Pilot is..."
A fake smile crossed my face to keep me from collapsing and sobbing.
"And I know you'd never let me down."

I played with it now. It was on safety mode.
I unloaded it and loaded it again, closing my eyes and running it through my hands.
She'd be here tomorrow.
So would the rest of those juvenile delinquents.
Aullie terrified me, along with Lewis because of his size.
Markis wasn't much of a threat to me because he respected me, and Allia followed my orders, along with Max and Julia.
Marlee was always alone, she was too shy.
Kristen and Maple were utterly insane, so they intimidated me as well. Ariel was too sweet.
The one I was most afraid of?
Definitely Pilot.
I've seen more than enough of what he could do.
Without Pilot, my friends would have a relatively close chance of getting away.
But with Pilot, they were shit out of luck.
He had to overpower maybe four men.
I wonder who trained him.

I ran my fingers along the hard metal in my hands, touching every smooth chromed piece.
The gun was weirdly elegant.
Just like Lily. I laughed softly.
The pretty blonde darted through my mind, and I caught a thought of her brown eyes in my mind.
Last night had been the third time that we'd physically loved each other.
Of course I mean sex, what am I kidding, but with her, it seemed... I don't know, more romantic.

Her skin burned on my fingertips, seeing every single inch of her visible flesh sent shivers up my spine, goosebumps prickling my skin.
She smiled with those sweet cinnamon colored eyes, her lips so close yet so far, my heart almost busting through my rib cage.
My fingers were curled in her soft, golden, honey scented hair, and her fingers were touching my lips gently, her eyes so busy examining mine, and she laughed softly, a sound that brought music to my ears.
"Brian..." She whispered.
"Yes, Lily?" I asked.
She pulled me down on top of her, on top of our bed, not just her's, our's.
Those three words that she whispered, the three words that had changed everything...
"I love you."

Lily. I put my gun in my dresser and shut it away.
I shouldn't be thinking about her like this... I need to spend the last few hours I have left with my friends.

As if on cue, a knock bellowed at my door.
It was Nicole.
"Come in." I said.
She walked in and shut the door, looking at me for a second.
"I thought you were playing with Riley." I said.
She shook her head.
"I left her to Luke. Listen, you aren't out there with us. You're always shut up, always alone and isolated. Why?" She asked.
I looked at her.
"I don't belong here. I shouldn't be here. You guys took me in, regardless of what happened. What I did to you."
I shook my head and almost started crying.
She smiled kindly and sat down beside me, her hand on top of mine. Not in a partner kind of way, but in the way of a friend giving sympathy to another.
"Brian, you're our friend. You were always there for us. You helped us through all the shit that was happening. You made us laugh, you dried our tears. If anyone deserves another chance, it'd be you."
She was so trusting, so caring...
She was so sure and respectful of me.
I set the killer loose, I opened the snake's cage, and soon that snake would kill her and her family. Her friends, too.
And she forgave me wholly.
"Did you and Marilyn have a... Sexual relationship or a romantic relationship?" she asked lowly.
"Both," I whispered.
She shook her head.
"I know how hard it is to love someone you aren't allowed to love."
I closed my eyes and couldn't control the loud sob that escaped my throat.
She welcomed me back when I betrayed everyone she had and depended on, and soon I'd betray them all over again.
But she probably wouldn't be alive to forgive me this time.
I wrapped her in a tight embrace and she wrapped her arms around me.
I pulled back and she wiped away my tears, her lips pressed into a tight line.
"Nicole, you grew up so fast." I joked, trying to laugh lightheartedly.
She smiled.
"I'm glad I did, Brian."

"I'm sure glad I did."

Teddy Bears And Owls : An H2OVanoss Fanfiction (BOOK TWO) Where stories live. Discover now