Chapter Nine ~ The Accident

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Marilyn POV:

I woke up in nothing but a bra and panties.
The cold air was hitting my back and I hadn't remembered anything at first.
It slowly all came back to me.
I kept my eyelids closed, scared of what I might wake up to, hoping that this was all a dream.
My mother would kill me.
Pre-marital sex? WHAT THE HELL, MARILYN?!
My ass would be grass and Isabella would be the lawn mower.
I sighed and slowly peeked through my lashes.
What I saw made my heart smile.
He was cuddled up now, his little eyes closed, him snoring lightly, and he'd taken all the blankets.
Do I actually have feelings for Brian?
No, I can't. I don't.
An animal doesn't fall in love with her prey.
I stood up now, going to find clothes.
I felt really sweaty and sticky and gross.
I put on a robe and walked out to the house to check on the gang.
I was concerned about them because it was pretty late; it was about 11:15.
There was a note on the counter.
Went out to eat lunch and go to the park. We'll be back around midnight.
I completely took off my robe.
Beautiful. Nobody's here except for me and Brian, and he's asleep, so I can walk around half naked all I want. I walked back into the room.
I knew I had sex with Brian, but I still didn't want him thinking it was more than a one night stand.
So I didn't want him seeing me like this, almost half naked, thinking it means something.
As much as I want to, I can't have feelings for him.
It weighs me down.
I grabbed a pair of black sweats and a black T-shirt.
I grabbed a new pair of underwear and another bra and made my way into the restroom.
"What the hell, Keegan."
His hair gel was in the sink again.
I smiled and laughed.
Then I sighed.
"Man, I miss telling you to clean this up. You did it every morning."
I grinned and my heart broke a little.
I'm okay.
I quickly took the rest of my clothes off and stepped into the shower, turning the water on. I closed the curtain so water wouldn't leak out onto the floor.
I grabbed my sponge, the one right beside Keegan's, and started to lather myself.
Whenever I rinsed off, I was met by a set of arms around my torso, and I jumped and almost slipped.
"Oops! I'm sorry!" he said.
"Brian? What the hell?!" I asked.
He looked at me, confused.
"You look different when your hair is down and it's wet. And when you're naked." he smirked.
I punched his arm.
He cringed and rubbed it.
"What the hell are you doing in here? Naked?! IN THE SHOWER WITH ME?!" I yelled.
He shrugged.
"I mean, I figured-"
"You figured wrong." I told him, pushing him backwards by his chest.
"Hey, hey, chill. Delilah... We.." he began.
"Marilyn. And I don't care what we did. I was stupid. It didn't mean anything." I told him.
Even though I thought I didn't have feelings, that cut deep.
My own words hurt me.
But I didn't break.
He nodded.
"You know damn well it meant something, Delilah."
I shook my head.
"It didn't." I was trying so hard not to look at his naked body and blush at the same time.
I'd failed at the blushing part.
He smirked.
"It meant everything. You told me you loved me."
I kept the angry expression on my face.
"Well I don't."
My heart bursted into pieces.
I'm okay.
"But you do, Delilah." he said.
He was a little hurt now, I could tell.
Good... That's what I wanted.
Lie. That's not what you wanted.
"Do you really think that I love you? No, I don't. I'm a killer. I don't love people, I don't have feelings. I never loved you, and I never, ever w-"
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
He jolted forward and pulled my chest to his, his lips on my neck.
Your true weakness.
"Brian!" I tried to scream.
But it came out as a whisper.
"Delilah." he whispered back.
"It doesnt make you any worse of a person. It makes us stronger. Not weaker."
I finally just gave in after I grabbed his hair.
I pulled him backwards and we fell into the tub, him on top of me.
He grinned and I smiled back.
"That's my girl." he said.
"Why, Brian? Why me? I'm a crazy suicidal, homicidal girl that lives a life of crime. Why do you want that?"
I asked him.
He chuckled.
"Maybe I like bad girls."
I laughed at that.
We were on top of the drain now, so the water couldn't flow out and it was getting higher to where we had to sit up a bit.
We went to shift places and Brian lifter his head up really fast, and suddenly his head banged against the water spout.
"Brian?" I asked.
No reply.
"Brian?" I was about to cry.
He wouldn't lift his head up.
Was he drowning?
"Brian!" I said, trying to sit up.
He was on top of me, so it took all my strength to push him off.
Tears stung my face now, but I ignored them.
I stood up and tripped out of the shower altogether, and I quickly ignored my injuries if I had them and jumped back up, dragging Brian out of the tub.
Shit, he's unresponsive.
Shit, shit, fuck.
I dragged him to the living room and did my best to try and perform CPR.
I pinched his nose and huffed one deep breath into his mouth.
Soon he moved again and coughed up water, and I pulled him to me and hugged his shoulders, his head in my naked lap.
It wasn't even awkward.
Now, this. This is truly okay.
"Delilah?" he asked.
"I'm here." I cried.
"I'm here."


Teddy Bears And Owls : An H2OVanoss Fanfiction (BOOK TWO) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora