In his defense he would say you can't deny your son.which mom loved to hear but still she refused to accept gifts saying if he brings with them next time she wouldn't let him enter. stubborn he was he didn't stopped.


"Areesha can I talk to you privately untill kanwal returns "Aliya inquired anxious

"Sure what is it?"

"Uh Areesha your mother called me yesterday" she said troubled

"Hmm than" I encouraged giving my full attention

"Well ,she asked me something!"she glanced at me

"Uh what?" I inquired confused

"She um she asked me weather there is a certain boy in your life or are we helping you in regards to you know talk to him or anything that sort because we three share everything" she finished worried

"Oh" I answered perplexed

"She asked for his full details taking a promise I wouldn't lie "she added gauging my reaction

Mummy why?

not in front of my friends please

I didn't knew what to reply ,what could a girl reply in this situation anyway.

Taking a deep shaky breath I closed my eyes faking a smile I consoled her.

"It's nothing serious Aliya ,you know mom likes one of my cousin's proposal and she doesn't wants to force me and to make it sure she just asked you whether I like someone or not I". Replied confident while I was crumbling from inside from embarrassment,shame,and insult.

"Oh I see I was soo tensed that everyone knows and probably can.give you a certificate in regards to your character so why was aunty asking ? it now no.worries.But we have to talk about that proposal In detail "she winked while I faked another smile which great difficulty.

I don't know how I.covered that but thankfully I did.

But my heart cracked a bit more

What will they think if everyone gets to know,today I covered it but till when .

Mummy please believe your daughter
I prayed as I stopped my sudden tears

Allah says in the Quran 2:155-157

'And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient,

Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah , and indeed to Him we will return."

Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided.'

I read those words as I started my work with great difficulty

I was preoccupied in my thoughts throughout the day forcefully doing my work while reckoning her words.

Areesha focus

"Aliya where is the blue file ?"I panicked

"I guess it's in Amir's office for final signature why?"she replied confused

"I I think I did that mistake again the transaction one" I reminded

"Second time" she chuckled

"Yar what should I.forgot to look at the backside and if Amir calls I am.not Going" I said anxious

The reason I panicked was Amir had already corrected my mistake the first time I made and he had warned me of the disadvantages of doing it again and secondly I have heard Amir shouting at someone and I wasn't thrilled at all.And lastly he had a foul mood idea why

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