Chapter 13 Dante

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The strangest thing about wearing my twin's body wasn't her breasts, internal plumbing or sexual fascination with men who have accents. No, I couldn't get around her heartbeat, it was strong; far stronger than I guessed I'd really given her credit for. It hammered in her breast and I am not terribly ashamed to admit that I loved watching the soft skin of the breast tremble with the power of the muscle caged inside. My own body's heart beat only sometimes but it never throbbed so epically this way. She was keeping the two of us alive and relatively human and for the first time I really felt guilty.

I had gotten us into this with my promiscuity and it had cost my Valentine so much. Her virginity, her sanity and parts of her humanity; and here I was, plotting to take the rest of her humanity away. But then I would have eternity to make it up to her and I knew eventually she would come around. I needed to distract myself from these thoughts as I felt tears threaten in my eyes. Sweet bloody hell females are emotional. They really can't seem to help it. Even as I shrugged things off mentally, the body would go ahead and cry anyways. So insearch of a distraction, I listened to the other heartbeat in the room.

It disgusted me that I was forced to share a room with Caleb. We'd already trashed one room, erupting into a minature brawl over something I couldn't even remember. But the bastard was right in the end, we did not want the Mercy finding out Valentine and I had swapped bodies. I knew where Lucretia and her den were located and that was information they've killed to try and get. There would be absolutely no hesitation for them to try torturing the information out of me and I really didn't want to give my twin her body back with any additional holes. I know she'd appreciate my efforts. So I put up with laying in bed next to Caleb to keep up the illusion of being lovers. I had to give it to the man, his heart beat did honestly pick up when he looked at my twin. Almost despite himself, Caleb had developed feelings for my twin and she didn't even suspect. That was good because I wouldn't let Caleb live. I felt possessive jealousy burn in my gut and it just made the Hunger hurt worse. Maybe listening to his heartbeat was a bad idea.

Looking to my other senses I fled from my senses of smell and taste because both were feeling the siren's call of Caleb's blood only a few inches away and familiar. I opened my eyes and the golden glow that revealed the room to me was as bright as day. I could see the spider crawl across the wall near the corner, the dust motes drift on the slight breeze caused by the ceiling fan.

I blinked as I felt a strange sense of vague alarm brush against my mind and I recognized the distant touch of my Valentine. Everytime thus far I'd been able to reach back and help her in someway but I wasn't able to this time, still too anchored in her body to break free. I hated this, I hated knowing that she was terrified and in need and I was powerless to help her. I was straining so hard to reach out to her that when I felt the distant blush of her pleasure it hit me with a shocking amount of force. My core throbbed almost painfully and to my horror I felt the tingles of female arousal. I had a distinct feeling I knew what was happening; my twin was doing her best to blend in. More possessive jealousy burned into my veins at the thought but I honestly couldn't say whether  it was over Valentine getting laid or my Master touching my Valentine. I knew this territoriality was due to the Change and I wondered how it was affecting my twin. Apparently it wasn't strong enough to keep it in her pants and the thought of my Valentine in my body having sex made all kinds of interesting things happen to the body I was wearing. I bit my lip hard as the Hunger and lust flooded my body and I was all but crawling with the need to ease the pain. The part I hated was that I could still feel Valentine's alarm but slowly it eased off as the pleasure increased and I felt my twin's grip on reality slip a little more. Fear thrilled through me as I realized that I had to get to her; there was a definite limit to what my Valentine could endure. Sadly enough the fear only increased my frustrated arousal and I held back a groan as I pressed my thighs together to try and suppress the sensation. Despite that my nipples tightened into hard, sensitive points and I swallowed a groan of frustration.

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