Chapter 12 Valentine

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When the Queen vampire of a rather large and well established Den tells you that you are either going to belong to her or she'll rip your twin's throat out, you're having a bad day. When this same thing happens and you happen to be hiding inside your twin's body with them likely piloting your own soon to be murdered flesh around, you're having a day like I am. It sucked. Lucretia was still petting my brother's hair like a dog, and his body was still a confusing blend of comforted and aroused, and I had just learned that Dante's options regarding my own continued well being were seriously limited. I could either die like kine or become one of the things that goes bump in the night. Fan-freaking-tastic. I really need to smack Dante up the back of the head when I see him next, though since he's currently driving my body around that's just self inflicted harm isn't it?

I needed to stall for time in a big way. "Wha-- how did you know to come find me outside?" I demanded instead, hearing Dante's manly voice crack with my nervousness. Remind me to never play poker.

"Oh my  tastey little morsel, I am the master of fear. I could taste your sweet emotions like an ambrosia on the wind. It called to me and bade me come and I found you. Just deliciously saturated with the mortal feelings. How could I resist?" she countered, a strangely seductive sounding sing song voice.

This lady was a few slices short of a full loaf, and I wondered what it was that attracted the psychos to my brother so unerringly. I mean, it takes some seriously weird magneticism to attract two insane but beautiful broads, of course my twin was the one idiot to get wrapped up in all of this. I've always warned him that his promiscuous behaviour would land him in hot water, I just figured that the worst that would happen would be me becoming an aunt. A strangely compelling possessive jealousy reared in my gut, making me slap the hands of Lucretia away from my twin's body and I stood, getting space between us.

"First of all, no one is hurting my twin. I know you all seem to think that if you simply threaten hi...her that I'll roll over and play dead, but what reassurance do I have that you won't just kill my twin anyways because it amuses you?" I retorted, putting my hands to my hips in a move that was instinctively feminine and probably looked really stupid on Dante's tall, muscular form. "Second of all, I'm not entirely sure how all the Master-Childe mumbo jumbo works, but I do know I'm getting mighty sick of being jerked around by impulses I DON'T UNDERSTAND!" I shouted, surprised to find so much anger so close to the surface.

Once again I felt fangs press into my mouth, but now I was getting familiar with the sensation and didn't spear my own tongue. I've already had a tongue piercing, but after this little jaunt in my brother's body, I wondered if he was gonig to like the idea as much as I had. In front of me Lucretia looked... well like temptation incarnate, but she also looked really amused. As if my anger and indignation was a source of entertainment and nothing more, which only added to my aura of pissed off and frustrated. So you can imagine my vast and unprecedented surprise when her response to my whole tirade was to simply grab my shirt front and plant her mouth over mine.

I'd been drunk enough on one or two occassions to make out with Violet in front of the other Sentinels to their amused and aroused catcalls. It never meant anything serious and I knew I was not in the least bit attracted to women. This was different. I mean, I KNOW I'm not attracted to them, but I wasn't in my body. Now I was in Dante's and he definitely WAS attracted to this kind of thing. So I got caught between my mentally instinctive urge to push her away, and Dante's body urge to pull her closer. It was the perfect time for his Master, Isabeau to walk in. I had felt her coming towards us, but since I wasn't yet used to the strange senses this body had, I hadn't realized how my twin's lover and Master might feel about walking in on him, me, whatever, kissing another vampire.

I heard a shriek of outrage and indignation and then something tackled into Lucretia and I. Some part of my brain that had always been an incessant cataloguer remarked calmly that it seemed this violently possessive streak I'd been feeling lately was entirely natural for a vampire to endure. As was this overwhelming sense of Hunger and lust that burned in my gut as I watched the beautifully pale and blonde Isa snarl and dig fingernails into the arm of the dark and alluring Lucretia. Suddenly my twin's body was rooted to the spot, unable to flee and I watched in horrid fascination as I realized why men like to watch women fight. It's freaking HOT! It disturbed me, how quickly I was adapting to the demands of my twin's body and I tried to shrug off the blatant evidence of this body's arousal but it was undeniable. My brother is a walking hormone apparently.

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